
IMDb member since November 2007
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Doctor Who: Pyramids of Mars: Part One
Episode 9, Season 13

One of the best
I'd rank this in my top 5 favourite Who stories of all time. It's a pity there weren't more Egypt-themed stories, because the mystery of Ancient Egypt is just cherry-ripe for such as the Doctor to explore. Good, tightly scripted story, not too many cheesy special effects, even the mummy-bots looked suitably menacing, and great acting, especially from Gabriel Woolf, whose voice was just superb, totally mesmerizing and just dripping with evil. Honey soaked in poison is the best way to describe his well-modulated and sibilant tones. In the history of Who, I think only Valentine Dyall as the Black Guardian manages a more sinister voice. I've seen this one at least a dozen times and it never loses its appeal. Very highly recommended.

Fall of Eagles

Awful, a rare dud by the BBC costume drama department
When I first came across this series, I wondered why I had never heard of it. When I got to see it, I quickly found out why. Its simply awful. Wooden acting, laughable dialogue, sets that look like someone raided a jumble sale. Very instructive to compare it with I Claudius, a show that suffered from similar budget restrictions, but overcame them with wonderful writing & superlative performances. This effort just looks & feels cheap. Disappointing, because the subject material offered tremendous potential. If you can get hold of it free of charge, watch it by all means, but don't consider spending money to purchase it, its not worth it at any price.

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