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Kadak Singh

Below average
What a Non-Sense film is this? In the name of psychological thriller people makes bakwas. Making this kind of film should be criminal offence. How director managed to fool producer to invest money on this film must be as difficult as rocket science. Pankaj tripathy must have signed this film years back when he must be struggling for some quality work and was fooledby this non existential plot.

Just collecting few good actors does not make cinema.

Every characters are acting same way. Difficult to differentiate. All are sad.

Pankaj looks very non committed doing this film.

In the name of so called intellectual cinema, this is very average film.

The Railway Men: The Untold Story of Bhopal 1984

Over melodramatic with half truth series.
This is a series where makers could have shown the reality of the event in less dramatics and more authentic way.

Warren andreson, Chairman of Union Carbide who was responsible for 16000 death and 6 lakh badly effected people due to gas leak.

Producers writers, director deliberately hid the truth how anderson was facilitated by Rajiv gandhi and Arjun singh government to escape the country. A special plane was arranged so that he can flee the country.

Coming to casting, apart from KK and Divyendu, all big names present there were not needed at all. Madhvan, juhi chawla, Madira bedi etc are underutilised. The were not needed for these small roles, but fat paycheck made them accept the role Best part is Babil, like father he too is exceptional actor. After 1 hr,KK looks very repetitive.

Overall high melodrama with cleverly hidden thruth.


Nothing khufiyaPa, only chutiyaPa
Such a disaster in the name of spy thriller. Other filmmakers should watch it for how to create worst product from a very edge of the seat real life spy novel #EscapeToNoWhere Amar bhushan, who was 2nd on command at RAW during Vajpayee govt, has written this book based on his personal experience.

Just for the sake of changing the original story Director has destroyed the original narrative.

Vishal bharadwaj has changed entire story to accomodate his favourites like tabu and gabbi.

Original story is based on a raw agent who was working for CIA and passing classified info to them.

Amar bhushan tracked him for 96 days and he was about to arrest this double agent some insider helped him to escape to nepal.

The Vaccine War

Film on a war won by indian scientists
There are very few modern scientifically achievements in our country and the films made on those achievements are only a few.

Parmanu, rocketry or one or two more films which shows the Indian scientific achievement Only few years back, when the world was struggling with the global pandemic called Corona and millions of people were dying, our ICMAR Indian Council of Medical Research and I. I. V Indian Institute of Virology together made an indigenous vaccine in the country for the first time called #Covaxin.

Some made Mahatma Gandhi the Father of the Nation, Amitabh Bachchan is called the megastar of the century, God of cricket is seen in Sachin Tendulkar But if there is any father of the nation, great hero or God in the true sense, then they are our scientists and their achievements, the only difference is that we do not know much about their achievements.

Vaccine war is the story of the war fought by our scientists in times of great crisis and its victory.

You must see vaccine war for great performance by Nana patekar, pallavi joshi and all other actors.

Craft wise Vivek agnihotri is not less than any world class director.


Total crap
Third rate plot and bad acting. Worst part is that A Hindu has been shown as terrorist and an Indian Hindu/Punjabi actress Priyanka Chopra agreed to act reflects that she loves money and does not care about image of India and Hindus


Simply Superb
This long Journey of space movies from Stanley Kubrick to Christopher Nolan, from 2001: A Space Odyssey to Interstellar has been incredible. Christopher Nolan is, perhaps, the grandest story-teller in modern day cinema. If you like sci-fi ( though this movie looks so authentic documentation on space, one hardly feels fi here) then must watch it. There are lots science in this movie which is difficult to understand but you never feel like left out from the main story plot. Watch it for brilliant concept, Direction, Performances, Cinematography. Watch it for Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain. For me this movie is unmissable.... (Note: Flip the pages of your old Physics books, it may help. Ha...Ha...)

Club 60

Brilliant movie straight from the heart.....
Club 60 will always be remembered for its simplistic approach of story telling. Amongst the many good thing about this movie is its perfect casting. Even for the smallest roles, good actors have been roped in. Harsh Chhaya is top class in his very brief role OF Doctor and so is Mona Wasu. Suhasini Mulay, Zarina Wahab,Himani Shivpuri, Viju Khotey plays their part perfectly. Vineet Kumar, Satish Shah, Sharat Saxena and Tinnu Anand, they all part of Manu bhai gang look so refreshing and naughty that you simply love them. But as a gang leader Raghubir Yadav is brilliant. His spontaneity and full of energy approach is awesome. Farooq Shaikh carry this film on his shoulder. He is unbelievably perfect. He has essayed his difficult role so smoothly that sometimes you forget that he is acting or living his role. And ...and ...and the real surprise is Sarika. What a gifted actress she is. here she comes as real winner. she has played her part with such a precision one simply cant believe..... Another best part of this film is its dialogue. Beautifully written lines grows on you. screenplay is smooth. wish length was shorter by 15 mnts, though it never bothers you. Producer Kavee Kumar and Vineet Yadav must be applauded for his brave effort. Sanjay Tripathy's direction matches the simplicity of the subject. Cinematography by Shyamanand Jha is top class. Music is silk smooth. I recommend this movie to the people of every age because this kind of movies are not made often.

Madras Cafe

Courageous effort by John Abraham
To produce a movie like Madras café, one needs lot of guts and courage. In India it is not easy to make political espionage thriller based on certain true event. John Abraham surely needs many pats on his back for producing movie like Vicky donor and Madras Cafe. Brilliance of this movie lies in its grand canvas and realistic backdrop. This is perhaps first Indian movie which is very near to any war movie of Hollywood, as far approach is concern. Script is near perfect. Most of the actors have performed well. John Abraham has suited the role perfectly.Controlled direction, Good cinematography and tight editing add to the mood of this movie. Over all fantastic one from JA.

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