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Totally Spies!

French Poor Cartoon
Totally Spies is a French series with 7 seasons for a total of 182 episodes and 1 film by Studio Marathon.

The graphic design tends towards Japanese styles and American sitcom-style comedy. In other words, the target audience is relatively young, with consumers who don't need any particular artistic knowledge or anime culture in general, despite the many winks and references. Which explains its relative success.

This is reflected in the rather mediocre drawing, jerky animation and lack of script maturity. It's always the same type of story.

The heroines are modern, athletic, rather silly girls, enthusiastic about perilous adventures, make-up and fashion.

This series claims to be inspired by a 70s series: Charlie's Angels, but in reality, it does a poor job of copying a cult Japanese series: Cat's Eye. Which is a pity, considering the series' potential.

But unlike the Japanese, a cartoon is necessarily for kids...


This film is clearly unhealthy.

This work seems to have been made to get the financial subsidies, to meet the quotas and highlight the abnormal.

So, all men are rotten, masculinity is a horror, the only way out is to cross-dress, to kill your body, all women are beautiful and flawless, Catholics are despicable beings, religion is a horror... It's a clearly amoral " movie " that puts the suffering of its protagonist forward to debunk the current social model. A film that only New World Order followers can relate to.

In short, there's no storyline to speak of, no positive initiation. It's stupid, unhealthy and propagandistic.

It's Luc Besson at its worst, demonstrating the decline of cinema at its noblest.

Feminism had already killed cinema, and wokism coupled with LGBT will finish the job. The best way to respond is not to consume this kind of product. Avoid it!


Great Serie
An excellent cult series by Greg Weisman from 1994, at a time when Disney was still dreaming up interesting series aimed at adults and teenagers.

A captivating series whose animation, let's face it, featured a Japanese co-production.

This will be proved by an excellent season 1 and 2 and a very bad season 3.

Each story follows a common thread, traveling between the past and the present, where fantasy, detective fiction and fantasy mingle.

But since Disney doesn't know how to keep its "real" artists, it's worth noting that Greg Weisman became the producer of Max Steel (2000) and above all the show-runner of Young Justice.

Jeepers Creepers: Reborn

As usual, in today's productions, it's self-censorship, moralizing, infantilization, self-righteousness and politics (feminism, sexism, representation of minorities, wokism...) that explain the wreckage of franchises and films in general. Directors no longer have the skills or freedom to make a film. It's not a question of means, but of political choices that should never be welcomed. The public's intellectual capacity to separate a work from its author is also a factor. The freedom of the 80s and 90s is long gone. Fortunately, however, the figures are there to remind us of reality. Audiences are also getting jaded, and are beginning to understand (e.g. Disney) that they're being fooled, and are no longer spending as much as they used to. After all, we decide what we want to see.

Unfortunately, this film is no exception to the rule: it's a failure in every respect.

Gone are the bestiality of the monster, mediocre special effects, a script that fits on a post-it note and frankly bad acting, despite numerous nods to the original franchise. What a shame!

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