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The Last House on Dead End Street

Last House On Dead End Street
I bought the "2 disc collector's edition" (Tartan) of this infamous pseudo-snuff movie (I tried to watch an awful DivX copy of it before, but it was barely watchable and I gave up). I must say I expected much more from it. I found the first 45 minutes quite boring and lame; the last killings get graphic and "imaginative" though. The 2nd disc contains useless outtakes (with no audio) and 4 short films, which are not bad, especially "Ron Rico". All 4 short films have no soundtrack but a commentary (very funny at times, but dull after a while), I guess mainly due to the songs they original used, they didn't have copyrights for.

Horror House on Highway Five

Great film, with "The Dictators" soundtrack too!
I don't understand why so many people didn't like this movie. That's probably because they're not into REAL horror films, or B-movies in general! I'm sure they'd hate Pink Flamingos too... The plot is not confusing, not less then Pulp Fiction's structure might be! I personally find this film brilliant, and the continuous changes of places/events just made it more interesting to watch. Every gross element is there to help the other side of the movie come out: a comedy! That's a creepy comedy!.. And all its oddities perfectly counterbalance fear and fun. The soundtrack is great and there are two songs of The Dictators in it: Those alone, give it a good rock n' roll injection that raise "Horror House on Highway Five" on a higher rank than many (boring) "standard" slahers I've seen! I won't spoil anything of the story, 'cause I've had a lot of fun discovering myself, piece by piece, how the different characters were going to meet in the end...

Highly recommended if you like stuff like "Criminally Insane", "Spookies", "Mosquito der Schänder", "Death Bed: The Bed That Eats"...


shocking colours...
I remember watching "Vamp" on TV, many years ago. It was the Italian dubbed version of course, and I clearly remember it was impossible to understand what was happening on screen at times, because of a very bad lighting. I found recently the DVD for 2 euros in a street market. Wow! I usually fear the digital re-masters, because sometimes they add too much light to scenes that worked better when you couldn't see much of the low-budget SFX defects! Well, this wasn't the case... This film has an hallucinating, fantastic colouring and the DVD quality do it justice! A dreamlike space (kinda reminded me of Stephen Sayadian's "Dr. Caligari" at times), wonderful in its "very 80s", yet futuristic set designing. Katrina (Grace Jones) is beautiful: erotic as hell, disgustingly scary as well. Vic (Sandy Baron) is just... masterly! The main characters are a bit unoriginal and the plot is a little weak, but there isn't one shot I didn't like in this movie! Maybe all those pink and green lights hypnotized me... that sewer looked comfortable too! I've considered "Vamp" a mediocre horror/comedy film for about 10 years, just because I didn't really SEE this movie and I've been wise to give it a second chance! It is worth watching for its beautiful and creative shooting, setting and... yes, for the 80s college-movie's homour, the fangs, the blood, the make-up and the sexy lap dancers!

P.S. Unfortunately (just as for many other Italian DVD versions) my copy of "Vamp" has no English subtitles and the Italian ones are only a bare transcription of the dubbed version... so you're more disoriented by them than helped, whenever you can't get English words or expressions you don't know, or just too far or background talking. Yeah, I hate dubbing...

Dead at the Box Office

Dead at the Box Office...
I bought this film sending a message to the authors, on "Dead at the Box Office" Myspace page. It's been an interesting experience to watch a film, knowing then I'd communicate my impressions to... Dr. Eisner in person! Well, despite some flaws on the "thrilling" side, I guess you should appreciate this movie for what it is: a low-budget, willingly camp, horror comedy! As a child of its time, it shows conscious approach to a genre that, if not dead, sure has changed much! Since Mr. Ryan A. Markle's answer to my letter contains hints about the film nobody else could give (not a watcher, at least), I'd like to copy & paste portions (the whole thing would exceed the number of words allowed in this comment) of our exchange of letters (Since Ryan himself divided my e-mail in parts he separately answered to in his letter, I'll just add our names to this sort of unintentional mutual interview we had!)

Dario: First of all, let me say it was really a nice surprise to find English subtitles in the DVD's menu! I'm quite used to watch films in English but... having matching subtitles too! I didn't miss a word and learned some new ones too!

Ryan: We're actually fans of English subtitles ourselves, even though English is our native language. Sometimes it's hard to understand what's being said in any movie, and having the subtitles makes sure that the viewer can catch everything the writer wanted to get across in the story. So we put them on there because, if we were watching it for the first time, WE would want them to be there.

Dario: The plot was good! My favourite characters were Eric, Curtis and Yours! The bite scene (a due homage to good ol' Dawn of the Dead!) let me know I was going to enjoy fantastic splatter & gore SFX! I'm not saying I'd expected some fu**in' computer graphic or other latest Hollywood's crap, but, you know, you may never know what to expect from indie films and low budget cinema in general... You seem to know the old formula, though!

Ryan: That was the goal! We love the movies that made horror great, especially the ones that were made with almost no money but were rich in creativity. And of course none of them use CGI! As filmmakers, we believe that CG should only be used to enhance practical effects -- not to replace them altogether.

Dario: Some of the siege and chasing scenes reminded of some Italian horrors I adore like Lamberto Bava's "Demoni" (Demons) or Andrea Bianchi's "Le Notti del Terrore" (Burial Ground). In its (deliberate, I know) campiness it kinda reminded me of Timothy O' Rawe's "Ghoul School" too...

Ryan: High praise, all the way around! You definitely know your horror history -- exactly the kind of person we made the movie for! :)

Dario: I absolutely loved the laughing reaction of the stereotyped audience, when the nazi logo shows on screen. Lloyd Kaufman's presence was already in the air when he showed up and the Rocky Horror Show-like pseudo-happy ending, finally released the Hollywood's parody that was around the bend (that made me think of early John Waters' films, somehow).

Ryan: We've definitely been influenced by Lloyd Kaufman and Troma (not to mention 'Rocky Horror'), but I never really thought about how much the campy shock twists in 'Pink Flamingos' -- a movie several of us watched over and over when we were teenagers -- have contributed to our style. You probably have something there!

Dario: I'd liked to see more of "Harry's Daughter" though... I found priceless the final scene (unexpected after ALL the end titles!).. will you make a sequel?!

Ryan: We had discussed it, but after finishing 'Dead at the Box Office', we all pretty much went our separate ways. We made the movie near Chicago, but after it was finished, the actor who played Eric (who also co-wrote the script with me) and the director both moved to New York, while I moved to Los Angeles. If the movie is a hit, maybe we can get the financing to get back together for a sequel ... but since we're living 3000 miles apart, it won't be easy!

Dario: OK... sure there's more I could say on the positive side, but it doesn't come to mind now... The only spot I'd recall, thinking of this basically good time I had with Dead at the Box Office, would be maybe the pacing of the action scenes. The "zombies" were a little too... unwilling; and I'd swear I've seen a couple of them laughing too, but... I know, I know! This horror movie is a self-conscious campy comedy as well, right? Maybe It's just that blood was so convincing, I'd loved to get some thrill too!

Ryan: I understand completely. Looking back, we realize that we might have tried too hard to make the movie equal parts comedy and horror, when we should have concentrated more on one or the other. We really wanted horror fans to love it, so if we had the chance to do it all again, we would have concentrated a little more on the tension and action.

Dario: By the way... It still has very interesting cues, not only for gorehounds and... I totally agree with the revolutionary spirit of Romero's films!

Snuff killer - La morte in diretta

remake or copycat?
This film is terrible. Every line is stolen from 8MM (the Italian dubbed version, at least). If you like trash... real trash, give it a try; but beware: this ain't the "so bad it's good" kind of flick. In its cheapness, it may really look like a porno but, believe me, if you're looking for "snuff", s & m, hardcore, softcore... or even an ordinary erotic thriller, go find something else in store! I'm telling you this, 'cause the absolutely uninspired and unconvincing shooting, acting, plot, dialogues (the only good lines, as I said before, are the ones they stolen from Joel Schumacher's 8MM!) will bore you to tears in a few minutes and the "happy ending" is absolutely revolting! I'll give it one star: a half for the sudden shot in the back scene, after "the eyes of the victim" monologue (stolen from 8MM as well) and a half for mom & daughter's sexy bodies (that didn't manage to keep me completely awake while watching this turkey, anyway!)

7, Hyden Park: La casa maledetta

Very good...
Due to its predictable, second-rate title, (the one it was distributed under in Italy, at least) I didn't expect much from this movie. Thought it'd be another cheap flick about a haunted house ("LA CASA MALEDETTA" means "The cursed house"). Well, I had to change my mind just after the very first brilliant scene! The constant presence of priests and the creepy atmospheres, reminded me a bit of The Exorcist and some of its decent Italian rip-offs, but this was going to be something completely different... This is more like Hitchcock meets Italian thriller! Very well written and directed, good actors, interesting plot... OK, I've tried not to spoil the viewing of "7 Hyden Park" for you, which I'd highly recommend to everyone.

P.S. Am I wrong, or when Joanna crawls or tries hard to stand (she's paralyzed from the waist down) her feet and legs move a little too much? (... And I'm not talking of the "bad dream" sequence.)


Great Gargoyle suit!
Mmm.. I admit the concept in itself is good and the Gargoyles' costumes are terrific: I love that kind of "artisanal" make-up, just as much as I hate those crappy videogames-like SFX I'm used to see in recent fantasy and horror blockbusters! The face of the devilish gargoyles' chief was so expressive and I just can't stop thinking of how scary, but fascinating, the whole film would be, if I'd seen it with the eyes of a child! Some scenes seemed slightly slow-motioned and looked creepy and intense.

On the other hand, the TV-movie grade of this picture shows and the arrogance of men (who, at least, do not thoroughly defeat the creatures), reminded me of such silly, conservative 50s b-movies.

All in all it was taller Gremlins meet Creature from the Black Lagoon and Japanese "Megaroman"!

Worth watching!

Clean, Shaven

a moving picture...
Astonishing movie! Every sound, repeating quite unconsciously through the film; every strong image; names, words said... everything makes sense in the very end of this incredibly high strung display of human sensitiveness. It starts willfully confusing, just to perfectly end up shattering every apparently right impression, the main characters might have made!

Some of the atmospheres reminded me of Henry: portrait of a killer. Something else, may slightly anticipate the feel of Cronenberg's Spider.

I'd suggest this film to artists, or simply sensitive people, who don't fear heavy grey skies; blood; true feelings that aren't just right or wrong; to scan a tormented soul.


Ghoul School

Camp Motion Pictures, I love you!
OK, this film has its flaws, but you can't say it's not even fun! I've bought the "Super Bloody Splatter University" edition, released by Camp Motion Pictures: those guys are doing really a great job with their dvds (I'm collecting them all, maybe!) and I'd heavily suggest you to get a copy of Ghoul School, at least for the extras! There are four short films ("Say no to drugs" is my favourite) from the same authors of Ghoul School and a fantastic 1988 promo reel (why didn't they make the ALL film like that? it was awesome!) In the end, I was a little disappointed with the film in itself: poor editing and sound, some green blood (I hate it when it's not red! I hated it in Evil Dead's sequel too! I can't figure out it's only a way to avoid strong MPAA restrictions!.. At least it was just ghouls' blood: the people's was its real colour) and the film just ends like...WTF?! On the other hand, I'm glad to have chosen this edition (no, I don't work for them!..) and own this funny b-movie!

Le notti del terrore

All Murder, All Guts, All Fun!
OK... consider this: many b-grade movies are that bad, because they try (in vain) to look like good ones! They're usually worth watching for a few strong scenes, but the rest of it, seems to be there just to reach the minimum running time for a full-length film! Many horror freaks would kill me for what I'm going to say, but I've enjoyed not more than 20, maybe 25 minutes of Lucio Fulci's Zombi 2, because the zombies were great (the one on the boat in the first scene, the other one fighting with the shark and the ones in the end) but the other stuff in the film bored me to death.

So... I have a particular fondness for b (or z-grade) pictures, that just don't try to be taken seriously, having a good pacing, instead! Forget any logic, or believable plot! I'm thinking of films like "Spookies" (aka Twisted Souls) or "Il Bosco" (aka Evil Clutch)… Well, "Le Notti del Terrore" is a very-well paced turkey, despite the absolute lacking of plot, good acting, interesting characters etc. The make-up is fun; poor at times, but convincing! (Some of the zombies are scary, some made me laugh). There's some cheesy and gratuitous sex. The characters are all undeveloped, annoying types (ALL, BUT ONE: THE CHILD!.. But I'll talk of him later!), so the film's not filled with some useless, boring revealing details or anything about them; and the faces these guys make when zombies attack are priceless! …Why the hell that guy throws the already decapitated maid's body to the zombies that just ate her head, anyway?! Some of the ancient Etruscan walking dead bodies had still flesh left on them (and some blood stains too). Some zombies got killed having their heads hit with heavy rocks. The scene in which they try to knock down the door is so fake and everything they do looks slapdash and stereotyped… OK, let's talk about THE CHILD! I had read of the infamous breast suckling/eating dwarf scene; but I thought that this OBVIOUSLY ADULT actor (Peter Bark) would have only replaced (in that specific scene) a real child, perhaps playing the same role in the rest of the movie... Man, I was wrong! Peter Bark (28 at the time) plays the child ALL THE TIME! It's so weird! How could anybody believe such bulls**t?! Probably, not even the filmmakers, 'cause nobody wanted to take a film like that seriously, enabling Andrea Bianchi to give us another fantastic piece of exploitation/horror Italian sleazy flick! Go find this masterpiece!

La lupa mannara

indecisive plot, a lot trashy, with some very good scenes.
It's difficult to judge this film. If you're into Italian horror/exploitation stuff in general, you're gonna like La Lupa Mannara and probably find it better then many other films of the genre.

OK, let's go with the spoilers: The "rational explanation" of Daniela's lycanthropy disappointed me a bit (the first scene ruled! I loved that Werewolf Woman's make-up!) even if it contributed to the general "higher level" I'd put this film on (always comparing it with similar flicks). Annik Borel really had le physique du role: very sexy, very scary too! The gore was raw, but graphic enough. A lot of sex but, believe it or not, at times it just helped slowing down the pace! When Daniela's tied to the bed into the hospital, her reaction somehow reminded me of The Exorcist. There's a main sequence that reminded me of "I spit on your grave" (but La Lupa Mannara has been released previously).

OK... it's half past 4 a.m. here, I'd better go and sleep! By the way... WATCH THIS FILM!

I Drink Your Blood

This film rocks!
I finally saw this legendary movie!

I found the first 40 minutes of it, awesome and very well directed: The conservative phobia of the satanic, drug-addicted hippies is perfectly stigmatized, in both "good" and "evil" characters. A not-so-unintentional satire!

The second part is filled with over-the-top-cheesiness!.. But that didn't disappointed me too. Silly things like fighting rabid hippies hosing them with water (Hydrophobia... ha ha ha ha!) are well counterbalanced by splattering blood, gore galore, mutilation, sadism, rats (oh: eating them it's OK, but don't ever taste meat pie injected with mad dog's blood!) and other delights!

The music score's so strange, at times I wouldn't call it even music at all! Dang! There's a scene, with one absurd tune, played with some crazy 70s' synthesizer, that made my dog wake up and stare at the TV for a long while, as Satan himself were really going to jump off the screen!

By the way, THIS IS HORROR! Go check this 70s' gem out, instead of waiting for the next Hollywood's computer-graphic mainstream bullcrap!

Flesh evil - Il male nella carne

Bad, bad, bad movie...
This film is horrible. Unfortunately, I know I'll never get enough of bad movies, so I'll keep looking for stuff like this, inflicting such pain to myself! I should have stopped watching this film, as soon as it showed its main characteristics; in fact, it looks like a sluggish mix of:

1) Contemporary standard pornography (photography, actors, dialogues, completely-out-of-sync dubbing, settings, lighting) without any hardcore sex, though (yeah, there were some nudities, but I wouldn't call it even soft-core).

2) A boring Italian TV "fiction" (as we call some of our soap opera-like made-for-the-TV series)

3) an amateurish, Home-made horror movie.

"Il male nella carne" has a ridiculous plot too: two thelepaths (only thelepathy could save such "actors" from the constant out-of-sync dubbing) try to stop THE EVIL from spreading around the world (well, to be honest, among 10 people at least, in some province of the North of Italy); while doing this (they never really do anything and their faces can barely show an expression while their minds "communicate"!), they partecipate in séances with other absolutely forgettable, non-acting people! Meanwhile, a myterious black figure, like a shadow (The Grim Reaper?!) walks around the set, apparently forcing people to murder! The gore is too amateurish and maybe I'd have liked it, if only the film would have showed some irony... but there were just these "serious", dull, badly overdubbed voices, vaguely speaking of evil forces and stuff like that, with very ordinary, uninteresting and rambling words! There was a dream sequence, that probably made me give two stars out of ten to this s**t, combined with the fact that I like independent horror.

Avoid this crap! Don't waste your time or, at least, waste it with some "so bad, it's good" flick, like Andreas Marfori's "Il Bosco 1" AKA "Evil Clutch"! Believe me, that's really a masterpiece, compared to the awful "Il male nella carne".

Cheerleader Massacre

"Based on a joke once told by Jim Wynorski"
"Based on a joke once told by Jim Wynorski"... that's what I've read at the end of the closing credits. Well, Mr. Wynorski gotta have an awful sense of humour then! This film is terrible, really. I loved the first two chapters of The Slumber Party Massacre series; the third film was quite useless, but completely watchable, compared to this piece of crap! There's not even a Driller Killer and the plot, the acting, the characters, the locations, the events... everything is boring, absurd and laughable. The only good reason to watch this turkey are the girls: if this film were a porn, I think it would have worked really much better! The film lacks gore too: the first scene (the one in the tent) could be bloodier and the scene with the headless guy knocking at the door lasted one second! Some moments of slight thrilling can't save a nonexistent plot. Buzzy (Lunk Johnson) seems to be the only real actor here: I found him the only bearable character in this movie! Oh... there's a nonsense part with Brinke Stevens, who performed "Linda" in the first Slumber Party Massacre: the police bother her to know more details about the killer; but what we get is only some footage from the first film! Not a dialogue, neither a monologue, or anything from this still-traumatized grown-up girl, who's forced to revive the worst 30 minutes of her life (as she says), giving us no clues at all about the murderer!

Watch at your own risk.

The Headless Eyes

My eye! My eye!..
Here's another not-for-everyone movie! I don't think Headless Eyes was ever conceived for a large audience (a lot of films were kinda "experimental" in those years, though) and its shortcomings turn into merits for a true horror fan. I absolutely love the opening titles scene, when Bo Brundin gets injured, with those strange sounds and the looped starring's voice repeating: "My Eye!" over and over again. Characters that suddenly appear in the film, just to disappear a few minutes later, in my opinion, add estrangement to the plot (I liked and reviewed Bruce Toscano's "The Jar" too, that's full of similar or worse oddities). The scene with the "dirty cop" (he calls himself someway like that when he catches in act the murderer) reminded me of Herschell Gordon Lewis' films (ehr... I don't really why) The music score is good (maybe a little repetitive at times) and the grainy quality of the picture helps creating a creepy atmosphere. The old lady in the street saying: "I know who did it" is pure genius!(At least, it'll make you laugh, if you LAUGH AT this film and the "MY EYE!" sequence hadn't amused you yet.) Rent or buy Headless Eyes!

The Jar

The Jar: Odd Visions of my teenage...
Many people seem to hate this movie... well, I love it! Caught occasionally on Telecapri (a regional, Italian TV station that used to show a lot of b-horrors 10 or 15 years ago), this strange film obsessed me for years, becoming a sort of legend: even talking to my friends, it looked like I was the only one who had seen "The Jar"! The strange images of this obscure flick had become part of my fantasy. Last year, I subscribed to an internet horror fans' forum and opened a post there, in which I described all the scenes of this movie, I had been recalling for years; there where other people in Italy who knew it! Obviously, they hated it too; but I finally got that film's title! I bought it on VHS on Amazon, despite the reviews found on this site. Yes, the dubbing was terrible (but it couldn't be worse than the usual Italian dubbing this sort of films get), the editing approximate and the story confusing; but all these elements, helped creating the odd atmosphere that this strange film surely has. Hallucinations, suspension between dream and reality, mystery, non-sense (I admit the candy store scene's a "WTF!?" candidate), isolation, terror and probably some inadvertent qualities too! I consider it as a bad dream: incoherent, maybe incomplete (according to another user's comment, "The Jar" was heavily cut for distribution's reasons), but fascinating and leaving my mind full of inspiration and weird memories. I still like it after all these years and I think it's not worse than many other B (or Z-grade) films that attempted to obtain a 'cult' position after years.


Ad un passo dall'aurora

An interesting Italian adaptation of Schnitzler's Traumnovelle
This is an interesting adaptation of Arthur Schnitzler's Traumnovelle, that inspired the well known Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut too. I never saw the entire film, but it used to be broadcasted on Telecapri (an Italian regional TV station) years ago. Knowing Stanley Kubrick's meticulosity in making films, I'm sure he knew this Italian version of Traumnovelle and, for all I can remember of "Ad un passo dall'aurora", the piano music score was quite similar to the one he chose in Eyes Wide Shut. The film's set in Venice: the atmosphere of this unique city adds a lot of thrilling to the story. The fun part (for me) was seeing Gerardo Amato starring in this adventure, 'cause in my memory he'll always belong to the role of Mario Merola's son in Zappatore!

Hey, I'm still waiting for the next TV passage of this nice flick!

  • Dario -

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