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The Education of Fredrick Fitzell

Loved the theme of the movie
Ok, this is a soft 7 for me just because I love when movies explore the concept of what is reality and what is time. The acting was good, specially Dylan's who has been proving how talented and committed he is. The only problem for me was the execution of the plot.

The Boys: The Instant White-Hot Wild
Episode 8, Season 3

Nothing was resolved
I felt like this finale was the weakest one so far of the series. Maybe this is because I cannot stand the fascist storyline regarding Homelander. Can we resolve it once and for all and then bring something new, please? I glad they didn't kill some characters that had a weak story this season, but I hope it's uphill from here, cuz this finale was kinda irritating.


Wow! What an amazing ride!
At the beginning of the movie I was like "ok, here we go into 90 minutes of the same stuck-in-a-room formula I've been seeing for the past years", but I'm glad wasn't correct about that. The movie brings a ver actual discussion regarding violence, the justice system and the actual function of the police force. The acting was amazing and the developing of the whole conflict and its resolution was very edgy and raw, which I love. All and all, this is an amazing B movie and people should know more about it.

tick, tick...BOOM!

Amazing way to conduct a story - oh and the acting! THE SUPERB ACTING. I won't lie, this movie moved me a lot and it felt good to acknowledge, while I was watching it, that I was enjoying a new favorite one in my list.

A Simple Favor

The first part is interesting, then it falls flat and it stumbles when it tries to pick up at the end
The first part is interesting, then it falls flat and it stumbles when it tries to pick up at the end.

Nevertheless, i think it can be a nice choice for a Friday night with friends just to diss about the absurdity of it all. At some point you just go ahead watching it because you want to see what else they are doing to do with the narrative.

The Cellar

A soft 6 - but with very interesting ideas
Although the movie brings very interesting ideas to what could have been a very cliché narrative, the poor dialogues and the lack of emotions in most of the characters makes it a soft remembrance amidst the see of horror movies.

Stoker Hills

Quite good acting, bad lines and a story that is very loose.
Had it been15 minutes shorter with more attention to the lines of the characters I would have enjoyed more. Honestly, I didn't understand the reasons for the killer to do what he was doing in a random college. He could have achieved his goals in a much easier way if he had looked elsewhere. The "division" between two parts of the movie was interesting cause it made me feel we were moving towards something interesting, but it never got there really. And the final smack down was very easy and quick.


Great storyline, amazing characters - although it loses its drive from time to time
All the characters seem very real and solid. It felt like I actually knew them in real life. The choice of filming it in Italy was also incredible - nice scenarios and the lightning helped creating a more intense story. Although I wished for the first twist to happen a little bit earlier in the movie, it was totally worthy when it happened and it got me hooked since then.

Seven Psychopaths

Classic Martin McDonagh's art form
Much like "In Bruges", this movie has humour, stamina and some touches of grace. For me, it could go even further with the absurdity. Nevertheless, it was a great and entertaning experience - oh, and the characters are very very interesting, specially Sam Rockell's.

Little Fish

Omg, it wrecked me.
Alongside "Blue Valentine" and "Like Crazy", this is a movie that for me goes deep into the whole concept of raw romantic relationships and the choices that come along the way. I was crying like a baby on the last 10 minutes of the movie, and then the "lights out" scene in the animal store... gosh! It was very well done. Also, i loved the chemistry between the protagonists. 8 ou 10 for me.

Promising Young Woman

What a casting! What a narrative!
Amazing story, very realistic (unfortunately). And the casting! OMG! How they made such strong characters is amazing. I was surprised throughout the whole movie. I'll probably will watch it again. Entertaining yet strong and necessary movie.

The Afterparty

Two episodes in and i'm hooked
It's a very specific kind of humour, and I totally get why people would find the cast annoying - and for me that's a positive point for the series. The exaggeration and campiness of it is part of the whole format, and I think it's a fresh breath of air. It's not easy to sustain a 45 minutes comedy, and I think this show does it well so far.

Aus der Haut

Great editing and realistic plot
I'm so happy to see this kind of representation about discovering yourself and understanding what identifying as "gay" means. Throughout the whole movie I saw myself going through those same moments of rage, seeking acceptance in the arms of strangers and grieving for everything I cannot provide to my own family. Great movie, indeed! Oh, and the soundtrack! Superb! I wish more people would see this one. My only remark is that the ending is not as powerful as the whole movie, but that's okay because the movie is not about the ending but about Milan's self-discovery journey along with his family.

The Man with the Answers

Simply beautiful and heartwarming.
It reminded me a little bit of "Sublet" and that is a great thing. Both movies filled my heart with joy. It's a movie about a journey, one of the many journeys we take in life - or rather, life takes us. I'll probably watch this one again when I'm feeling down.

How I Met Your Father: Pilot
Episode 1, Season 1

Better than expectee, but a little bit of a stretch
Funny jokes, but some random connections and forced decisions. Also, the punchline of some jokes could have been better have they not stretched them so much. I mean, 87 tinder dates in 1 year? Coincidentally meeting everyone at the same party? Nevertheless, I found it okay and I'll give it a try and watch the next episodes.

The Resident: Mina's Kangaroo Court
Episode 2, Season 4

Who wrote this and why?
After such a strong episode on season 4's premiere, this sounds like a crazy mistake. Dialogues were very vague, empty and somewhat out of place. I don't know why they chose to move to a COVID "free" future instead of exploring it on its depth.

The Resident: A Wedding, A Funeral
Episode 1, Season 4

Finally! It was a very great episode. Dramatic and with a lot of scenes that we were excepting for quite a while. Regarding COVID, I think they managed very well. It hit very close to the heart.

Those Who Wish Me Dead

It could be more, but it's very good as it is
Entertaining, amazing cast, nice plot. Some clichés and absurdities along the way, but the emotions were right there. Oh and Angelina is an amazing actress in this one, as always.

Coming Home in the Dark

People can do terrible things
Terrific theme with really frightening moments and powerful scenes - yet it lacks something to be considered a masterpiece. A nice study of human psychology, the fight or flight response and what motivates us to survive.

Chaos Walking

Good entertainment, just partially poorly executed
Great plot, but the movie felt flat at some points and because of this the major impression I got was that I was watching a 3 hour-long movie. The ending was a little bit weak, but I felt attached to the characters and I long to see more of them.

Overall, it's a good choice for light entertainment and great acting. I sincerely hope there will be a sequel.

I See You

Two great themes to be discussed - but it could have been told in a more efficent way
I think it took to long for the story to actually develop. Also, the characters are a little bit flat. Maybe 30 minutes more exploring each character's psyche... and also adding the two invasors earlier into the story, it could have made the story more captivating.


Beautifully shot and very entertaining
Yes, it has some clichés and I'd loved to have seen some characters explored in other ways. But I think it fulfills the premise and it's a very well done deliverance on loss, love and free will. Hopefully there will be a sequel.

Dexter: New Blood: Sins of the Father
Episode 10, Season 1

WTH they did that?
Everything they presented to us throughout the season was just thrown out the window in this episode. No, it should not have ended like this. And honestly, couldn't care less bout Harrison during the whole season.

The Beta Test

Very good movie! Jim Cummings is spectacular in this one.
I found the movie very interesting since the beginning, but I confess I thought I was seeing some very VERY different than it turned out to be - in a good way. The photography at times reminded me of Xavier Dolan´s kind of choice. The major element in this movie is for sure Jim Cummings´acting skills. American Psycho says "hi" and we love it. Very well done.

Escape Room: Tournament of Champions

It's better than it seems
Okay, I was skeptical at the beginning, but I must say it was very entertaining throughout the way. Some cheesy decisions at the end, but it was a very thrilling experience. Better than the first one, but couldn't have existed without it.

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