
IMDb member since May 2002
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    IMDb Member
    22 years


The Jungle Book 2

I enjoyed it...
I've read a few comments about "The Jungle Book 2" and some of them are way to critical. This was a disney movie, not the lastest Stephen Spielberg masterpiece. The movie was light-hearted and fun. I saw the movie with my nephew and we both enjoyed it. I would recommend it for just a fun, light movie! A+ Enjoy

The Amityville Horror

Contrary to Popular Belief, The Defeo family was Murdered in the House
I have read a lot of the comments for "The Amityville Horror" and was surprised to hear that many people thought that it was not real. The movie of course was not real and neither was anything shown in the movie. But, as a resident of Long Island, NY where this movie takes place I can tell you that a gruesome murder did in fact take place. The house where the murders did took place is still intact and a family does in fact live in it. About 25 years ago a man in his 20's killed his family (Defeo's). His sister helped him. The man did not want to kill the children but the sister wanted to so she could move away with the boyfriend. So I would just like to say that the movie was in fact based on an actual event.

General Hospital

The best Soap in the History of Soaps
I'm so tired of people saying that General Hospital is just a stale old soap opera. GH has been a staple of ABC's daytime lineup for 39 years. It's 3rd in the ratings and I think that ain't half bad considering it's age. The Alexis, Sonny, Carly triangle is a masterpiece destined to go down in GH's extremly long history. The actors and actresses who portray the characters on the show are fantastic and so are the writers. I get very upset when people say that it's a stale soap. So when GH tries to do something exciting and fun people say that it is not true soap storytelling. Just like the revival of the Cassidines (Helena, Stavros). I thought that that was a great storyline. In closing I would just like to say that General Hospital is on the track to taking back the ratings crown from The Young and the Restless. Your the greatest GH!!!!

General Hospital

The best Soap in the History of Soaps
I'm so tired of people saying that General Hospital is just a stale old soap opera. GH has been a staple of ABC's daytime lineup for 39 years. It's 3rd in the ratings and I think that ain't half bad considering it's age. The Alexis, Sonny, Carly triangle is a masterpiece destined to go down in GH's extremly long history. The actors and actresses who portray the characters on the show are fantastic and so are the writers. I get very upset when people say that it's a stale soap. So when GH tries to do something exciting and fun people say that it is not true soap storytelling. Just like the revival of the Cassidines (Helena, Stavros). I thought that that was a great storyline. In closing I would just like to say that General Hospital is on the track to taking back the ratings crown from The Young and the Restless. Your the greatest GH!!!!

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