
IMDb member since December 2007
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    16 years


Hit and Run

What a stupid film
Absolutely pure Hollywood junk. Not worth wasting one minute.


Wow! Watch it!
Great acting, story, directing. Fargo is the television series to watch!

Bill & Ted Face the Music

Absolutely garbage
Do not waste your time. SPOILER I wish I could go back in time and never watch this sequel so it wouldn't have ruined the first two movies. Absolutely Hollywood garbage. Love Keanu but should have made a better version of this classic.

Bad Boys for Life

Bad movie for life
Honestly worst movie ever! Horrible acting, and what the hell is niki jam and fat boy DJ we the best doing in the film. Hollywood garbage.

Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga

Good movie
Different, very funny, cute. Really enjoyed this movie. Well done!


Awesome show!
Great acting! Great story! I really connect with the characters. I hope there's more seasons to follow after this one.


Ok best narco drama out there!
Acting stellar Story stellar Music stellar Words can't express how amazing this show really is! Honestly!!!

Curb Your Enthusiasm

Best comedy!
You guys have got to keep making this show! Absolutely the best comedy out there in my opinion.


WoW! Absolutely not what I expected.
Jauquin is incredible. One of the best films ever in cinematic history. The character development is insane and Todd Phillips does an incredible job at making the audience feel very uncomfortable. I can't really explain the film you have to see it.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell

Bring this show back! Evil dead meets the office!!!
What a hilarious show. I think this show is original and funny, great acting!

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell

Bring this show back! Evil dead meets the office!!!
What a hilarious show. I think this show is original and funny, great acting!

Game of Thrones: The Long Night
Episode 3, Season 8

Best show ever!
No spoilers must watch! Unbeatable! Absolutely the best battle scene, walking dead meets game of thrones. They have literally made the best show of all times!


Wait for it!
The movie started and I was mortified, after all venom is one of my favourite marvel characters ever, along with spawn. Now I gave it a chance and I have to say what an awesome movie. A++ give it a chance don't listen to all the reviews.


What an incredible show.
Storyline great, acting is great. As the show progresses, it just builds a momentum that keeps me wanting more.

Mayans M.C.

As bad as queen of the south.
Weak plot, and cheesy acting! It's safe to say that I usually give a show a couple of episodes but I can't in this case.

Queen of the South: Los Enamorados
Episode 6, Season 3

Horrible, cheesy, and disappointing
The show starts off so well in season one, although exaggerated, it just got progressively worse in season 2 but still watchable. Now season 3 is probably one of those seasons that will end up getting the show cancelled. Really weak characters, weak story line, predictable dialogue.... it is absolutely no competition compared to some other shows being aired now.

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