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Spider-Man: Homecoming

Entertaining, but better as a movie than a Spider-Man movie
Tom is a great Spider-Man, but was too reliant on Stark (that gets fixed in later films and he rejects that iron spider suit later in this movie). Does that mean it's bad? No. It's amazing as a movie. It's ok as a Spider-Man film. They get his high school life right, he's great as Peter Parker (the personality), and he makes his own web fluid (he does that in comics). But what they don't get right? Reliance on Stark (don't get me wrong, love the father son dynamic they have, but I feel like his reliance is a bit too excessive), Flash (no offense to Tony Revolori, dude didn't deserve that hate, but he wasn't even a bully), MJ (Michelle I don't think is a thing in comics, but at least she's a good Spidey GF in later movies)

Aside from that, the pacing is great, story is fine, writing is great, Tom's acting was phenomenal, and on the other hand, I felt like Vulture felt more nuanced than his comic counterpart. Michael Keaton made an astonishing performance in that role.


Most underrated MCU movie
Thor (2011) is fantastic. I love the score, it feels so beautiful and the cinematography (aside from the unnecessary Dutch angles) is so awesome. Hemsworth did a brilliant job portraying Thor in this wonderful movie. Loki was an amazing villain and Odin got to shine as well. It's a close second when it comes to best Thor movie in my opinion (first is Ragnarok because it doesn't have the unnecessary Dutch angles). The destroyer could have been better, but didn't do much of a problem. RIP Ray Stevenson, he was also an amazing actor.

I would have given this a 10/10, but I'm giving it an 8 because of the unnecessary Dutch angles. Still, wonderful movie and the score fits the Shakespearean characterization of Thor perfectly.

Family Guy

Love the series
The series is so hilarious. I love that Peter Griffin got a Fortnite skin and collab. Love the satirical humor it uses.

Peter Griffin's Bird is the Word episode is my fav episode in the series. The emote even got introduced in Fortnite.

I also loved the Blue Harvest because it parodies the OT really cool.

Stewie is also my fav character because of the cool time travel stuff, funny stuff, and he has a 5000 IQ.

I also love that the series was inspired by Simpsons; even had a crossover with both the Griffins and the Simpsons.

I also love Quagmire's Giggity Giggity Goo line because it is so hilarious.

Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith

My favorite Star Wars movie tied with Empire Strikes Back
This is my favorite Star Wars movie because the storytelling is brilliant, the movie solves the issues of the first two prequels (I like the first two and they're decent, but they have some issues), the lightsaber fights are the best, Anakin's turn to the dark side was poignant, Vader was much more menacing in this movie than any other project he has ever been in, Anakin and Padmé's relationship had more emotional weight than Attack of the Clones did, and more. The CGI and cinematography is also really good as well. I liked that the Clone Wars also played a key role in the movie and it worked and this movie I feel like it is a masterpiece.

Avengers: Endgame

Best Marvel movie and love it 3000
This is by far the best Marvel movie in my opinion. It felt like Marvel's peak. I doubt Marvel will ever top this again. I've been thinking this for over four years; since watching the movie in theaters in early 2019. It just simply felt like a once-in-a-lifetime experience. The CGI felt flawless, even VFX artists even say that the CGI is amazing. I couldn't even see any flaws in the CGI. The OG six I felt like had more character depth than the other three Avengers movies because the movie was a swansong for the OG Avengers. And they did a great job with it, despite Fat Thor or Professor Hulk, which I didn't really mind because Hulk still had usefulness underneath the questionable stuff he had and I like the relatability Fat Thor has and he felt more human than any iteration of Thor. And the impact it gives, it was unreal and my favorite part of it is the final battle, which I think is the best final battle in the MCU. The story is also pretty good as well. Now, normally time travel would cause plot holes, but the movie is pretty good at avoiding plot holes like the stuff that happens in the Loki series. And it feels like a more simpler portrayal of time travel because instead of "directly changing the past" (it would cause a paradox), they showed that it would cause time branches, which would later get pruned. Both this and Infinity War have 10/10 writing. MCU should have ended with this in my opinion with FFH, NWH, Loki, and GOTG 3 as the epilogues of the Infinity Saga. Or they could have had a 5-10 year hiatus to carefully plan the Multiverse Saga. That way, they can take their time writing good scripts and not rush production. As I've said before, Endgame doesn't only feel like a brilliant movie to me. It feels like an emotion. An experience. For me, it just gets better every time I rewatch. Like Tony said "Looking back at it, I only remember the good stuff"

Another thing that makes this film feel like the magnum opus of the MCU to me is how the movie explores deep themes. Loss, redemption, sacrifice, fighting for what you believe in, even when you are alone. These are other things that make it feel incredible impactful to me.

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