
IMDb member since December 2007
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    16 years



Great Movie
To begin kudos to everyone who saw the vision to bring this film to life.

This was a great story. Revealing how as much as we see that things have changed in many regards they stay the same. So many things in this film bring to light how we should pay attention to what's not being said as staunchly as we do to what is being said. Confusing I know but ponder on it and it will make sense.

The acting is phenomenal. Keke Palmer and Common give masterful performances and are brutally honest in their portrayals of the characters. The cast is rounded out with such brilliant acting that it all tied together.

Overall this was a really really good film and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Because We're Done

Hilarious and Thought Provoking
Okay, this tells a great story of what happens in marriages as time goes on.

Often, as we age and as marriages age insecurities and grow as things are not as new and not as fresh as they were in the beginning. Thus we sometimes feel we need to make drastic changes to renew or refresh ourselves and when that happens our spouse can pay the ultimate price and this film addresses that expertly and hilariously.

Trisha Mann-Grant is an absolute star and Kendyl McCray is a great actress on the rise. Reggie Gaskins is truly a gifted comedic actor.

All who are in a relationship and/or married should definitely watch this film.

The Lawyer, the Thug & the Princess

This is an excellent film with Extraordinary acting. The story is still current and the suspense and twists are right on time. Great job.


Gripping true life story that will bring awareness to domestic violence
It was an honor to have Directed this gripping story that is so very necessary. I applaud Ms. Rhambo for having the courage and fortitude to write a story that brings awareness to domestic violence and spark conversation on how to end domestic violence where ever it is going on. Additionally, this film will help others see just how close they can be to a domestic violence situation and encourage them to reach out to help a loved one to have the courage to stand up to their attacker so that he or she will not feel free to be abusive. Abuse in any form is wrong and should not be tolerated. Far too often the abused feels the need to be silent due to the embarrassment and shame that comes from abuse but silence is the worst remedy to domestic abuse.

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