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Date Movie

Maybe they needed the other 4 Scary Movie writers
This has got to be one of the worst parody movies ever. No, wait - scratch that. This is one of the worst movies ever. There were so few laughs in this supposed comedy. They few chuckles I heard from the audience was a nervous laughter (as in, "I can't believe I wasted my money on this..."). The toilet humor (literally) was simply retarded, and a few jokes almost worked... if they were funny. Pretty much all of the characters were annoying, and most of the parodies themselves were just unfunny. I really don't know what could have been done to save this movie and actually make it funny. The concept was great, and "date movies" are ripe for being made fun of... yet somehow this just wasn't it.


Good thing cats land on their feet...
...because with all the plot holes in this movie (I counted 3 within 10 minutes at one point), I'd expect Catwoman to trip! Now, my vote of 1 is not because they just obliterated the Catwoman we all know and love from the comics. Being a bat-geek, I was actually willing to accept the idea that this character just shared the name of Catwoman and a few other similarities, but was not the Gotham femme fatale in any way. Halle Berry's Catwoman just descends, more or less, from a lineage of catwomen in history. No, this movie blows because: 1) they rely on CGI way too much (the same fatal flaw that made Van Helsing crap). Whatever happened to using stuntmen? Ropes? 2) Too much CGI 3) The Catwoman costume just looked silly. 4) The evil crime plot was interesting, but poorly executed. What I did like? The diamonds in her claws, and the fact that she would accept being called Patience Phillips in her Catwoman outfit (ie - the separation of actuality and secret identity).

7th Heaven

The Twins are so annoying!!
Its become a running thing in my family to pray that Sam and David get as little air time as possible, and hopefully never speak when they are seen, because

they are just so annoying!!!! Nothing they say is cute! And one of them seems to be a little slow, mentally speaking (not that there's anything to condemn about. just saying). Also, over the past few years, Lucy has gotten really irritating too (why would Kevin stay with her, let alone marry her?). Matt is still as cool as always. Ruthie's pretty much always been great (one of the few child stars that never bugged me). Its too bad Simon left the show, because he was starting to be fairly interesting. And I think Mary, in small doses, can make a great

comeback. And of course, the parents are great too.

My Boyfriend's Back

Underrated Black Comedy
You want to see a zombie movie, but your girlfriend wants to watch a romantic comedy. What do you do??? Compromise!!! This movie bombed at the box

office, if I recall, and didn't do too well on video either. As such, its hard to find out there (I had to visit 15 video stores personally), literally making this a hidden gem! While the narrative is a little off, the one liners alone make this Romantic Black Comedy about a zombie truly entertaining! And while most of the actors in it have fallen off the face of the earth (except Edward Herrmann and a very young Phillip Seymour Hoffman), they help make this film what it is. Definitely worth hunting out if you want something a little different than your average run of the mill comedy.

The Notebook

Actually, its not that bad...
Its a chick flick, that's a given. But surprisingly, despite the fact that its completely predictable, its a pretty good movie. And this is strictly because of the acting of both Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams. The roles played by James Garner and Gena Rowland were decent, but they seemed to get in the way of the tale of the young lovers (like the time where its "lts break for lunch!"). Still, its the performances of the young couple that made the girls cry when I saw it, and the guys (both of us) at least have fun making comments a la Mystery Science Theatre 3000. In summary, yes its a chick flick. Yes its sappy. Yes its predictable. However, its sufferable. (could be worse. It could have starred Kate Hudson!)

Comic Book: The Movie

all the cameos in the world couldn't save this
This movie was of poor quality, film wise, but that didn't bug me.

So what if it looked like Mark Hamill was shooting with his handicam? Fact is, the plot was so poorly excuted, and the movie so boring, I fell asleep for 30 mins during this... and missed nothing!!!! The cameos were neat, and fun, but not worth the rental price. Very few good one liners. And some pretty hot chicks.

Drop Dead Roses

Waste of time
If you actually have the time to find this movie, don't. The movie really wasn't that bad. It actually has some genuinely great moments. However, it seems that the director lost control of the film somewhere in the middle. The acting was decent (Eddie does a fine job for what I'm guessing is a first timer), however all the comedic moments are wasted because of a hack editing job.

Did the director's little brother edit this?

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