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Some good performances... better than I expected
I originally rented "Grind" because I am a big fan of "Jackass" and four or the guys from that show are in this film. I will get to them in a moment.

First of all, I found the dialogue and the situations too predictable at times. Secondly, the "hot girls" all over the place became annoying very quickly. With that being said, I actually liked the movie. It's not at all something that I would normally like.

Now, I wasn't expecting to laugh much because the type of things I find funny aren't generally things other people find funny. However I did chuckle several times at Adam Brody, who, in my opinion, did the best job of the four main fellows. I'm so glad that there can be actors who are very cute AND dorky like him. I also though Vince Veleuf (sp?) did a great job with what he was given.

I was a bit surprised that they casted Bam off to be a jerk. I mean, he was playing himself, and he often beats the crap out of his dad and destroys things in his house. But I guess it's up to everyone to have their own opinion of him. (I, for one, think he's hilarious.) I was also pleased to see Preston Lacy and Wee-man in cameo roles. However, the most shocking portrayal by a "Jackass" member was that of Ehren McGhehey. I've known Ehren for almost four years to be an adorable young man, commonly going by the alias "Danger Ehren" and wearing a helmet with the Jackass logo on it, big goggles, and dusty coveralls with the word "SCARS" on the back. Seeing him as a ghetto g-thug white boy was incredibly strange. But he pulled it off so well. It was the first time I had to really look at him as "Ehren the actor" and to tell the truth, he did an outstanding job.

I would give this film a 7/10.

28 Days

Underrated, Entertaining Film
This movie is a gem. It's one of the only films I've seen that can be very funny and very serious at different times and still make sense. It also shows, through an array of characters, the different kinds of people with different kinds of problems in the world.

I, for one, definately think this is Sandra Bullock's best performance to date. Sometime in movies, romantic comedies to be more specific, I find her nearing the edge of irritating. With this movie, however, she proved her acting skills and was enjoyable to watch.

Of course, this movie would have been nothing without the incredible supporting cast. All of the characters are diverse and play off of each other so well. A favorite of mine was Gerhardt, who was by far the funniest person in the movie and the actor playing him, Alan Tudyk, has given me a favorite comedic performance of all time by doing so. It was nice to see Steve Buscemi do something like this film, so we could see a different side of him. I love him as an actor and I like the kind of films he normally does, but this movie and "Big Fish" have really established him as an actor to me.

My final thoughts about this film is that it's witty, it's fun, it's frightning and it's entertaining all at the same time. If you watch it and expect it to be a comedy because you will find it's so much more than that.

Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights

Two words: Diego dancing
If you see this film for any reason, let that reason be Diego Luna. He completely stole the show, even though I know he's kind of a main character, but I don't think anyone could have filled his shoes. Every second he was on screen my pulse beat twice as fast and I wanted to jump through the movie screen to be near him. He was on fire.

As for the rest of the cast, the plot, the dialogue and the scenerey...

I didn't care for Romala Gari (however you spell her name). I don't think she is too good of an actress, though her dancing was pretty good. Sela Ward fit the mother's role well and that Johnathan Jackson can play a great brown-nosing goody-two-shoes.

The dialoge was predictable and lines I said in my mind before the actors even spoke them.

I loved the setting and the scenery and how they mixed a little bit of modern sounding music with the time period. I've only seen two movies pull this off - this one and "A Knight's Tale".

I give his movie 8 out of 10 and I give Diego as many as he wants out of 10... and he can have me, too!

Taekoesu Yonggary

Funniest thing I've seen in a long time
I was flipping through the movie channels with my mom and we spotted this movie. If I happen to find a film like this, I usually watch it for at least a few minutes. I watched this one for forty-five minutes, until the end! It wasn't the genius cinematography or the vivid special effects that drew me in (sense my sarcasm?), but it was the epic story. From what I saw, a boy, Echu, saw the monster drinking oil and asked himself, in overdub, "Why would a monster want to drink oil?" That line alone made me giggle. The boy tells his Uncle Elu (I hope I'm spelling these names right) about the monster and, conveniently, Elu is a scientist. He begins constructing a formula containing ammonia, which makes the monster go crazy, and Elu proposes to drop it from his toy helicopter onto the guy in the reject Godzilla suit making the equivillent of $17 an hour for this film. It takes twenty minutes to get a reaction from the monster and all he does is swish his tail around angrily. At closing, they manage to drop enough chemicals on the monster so that is falls into the lake and begins bleeding tomato juice, oddly enough. But before the anamatronic eyes closed for good, the boy asks "Uncle, do we really have to kill him?" and the uncle explains to the boy the dangers of having a 70 foot lizard walking around Seoul, randomly smashing buildings and growling.

Nothing, however, could prepare me for what I laughed at so hard that I nearly peed myself. When the monster breathed fire, it was easy to see the valve pumping out the flames at the back of the monster's throat. My mom and I had a hoot. But later, when little Echu is watching the monster by himself, the monsters horn starts glowing and - yes- it begins to dance! Surf music is heard as Echu cries "He's dancing!" and the monster boogies down. I can be quoted as saying "That's the best thing I've seen all year!" through my tears of laughter. Well, best thing I'd seen all day, anyway.

So there you have it. If you get a chance to watch this movie, I suggest you take it and be prepared for a howling good time. It's these bad movies that make you glad you chose to watch them instead of something like "Crossroads" or perhaps "From Justin to Kelly".

Ferris Bueller's Day Off

Cameron Frye, you're my hero...
This film is adorable and well made. If every film was based around sheer entertainment value, I believe, for me, this one would take the cake.

And even thought it's called "Ferris Bueller's Day Off", for me, Cameron steals the show. I read on this site that Anthony Michael Hall turned down this very role, fearing he'd be type cast. That was a definate blessing in disguise. Alan Ruck took the role and he gave the character a thousand more dimensions than anyone, let alone Hall, could have contributed. Cameron Frye is my favorite character of all time and I know I wouldn't be saying that if he was portrayed by anyone other than Ruck. I love you, Alan Ruck!

Edward Scissorhands

One of my all-time favorites
Tim Burton is my absolutely favorite director. He must be the most creative film maker I know of. He has one thing that I can't seem to find with movies by most other directors - style. Every movie of his is different, yet you can tell it is a Tim Burton creation by the set and the costumes. Extraordinary.

Also, Johnny Depp is completely lovable as Edward Scissorhands. I kept wanting to give him a hug (although I'd have to be careful).

From Justin to Kelly

Never have I seen anyone so ugly...
Ever since American Idol, I have thought that Kelly Clarkson is one of the most overrated singers ever. And, after this movie, it's plain to see she's not only getting uglier, as if that's possible, but she's also a terrible, terrible actress, to add to her completely mindboggling success. Why do people like her? Is it because she's a down-home gal from Texas that likes greasy steak and enjoys roping cows? Who knows? I prefer GOOD movies, and this was not one of them. Justin is no actor, either, but at least he was bearable to watch. Anywho, Kelly Clarkson is awful and shouldn't be where she is today.

Vampires: Los Muertos

A nice surprise
This movie was better than I expected. It was on a movie channel and I just decided to watch it. I liked it. And one unexpected consequence of watching this movie was my discovery of Diego Luna, a very adorable Mexican actor. I just loved him! Aside from that, I liked the movie and my mom has seen it because she's loved John Bon Jovi ever since I was born!

The Emperor's Club

Surprisingly Unique
~possible mild spoilers~

I wasn't expecting more than a "yeah, that was an okay movie" out of this, but in return, I got so much more. For one, I was a little afraid because the first half hour seemed nearly identical to Dead Poet's Society, but then grew into its own beautiful film. By the time it was over with, I was saying "gosh, this was a really good movie" and I was astounded at how unpredictable it turned out to be. The characters, especially Louis Massouli, were lovable and fun. The only thing I'd say didn't feel quite right was the way Kevin Kline's character, the professor, spoke. He always sounded like he was reading from an A+ research paper, not something a person would say easily. However, that didn't put a damper on my delight... I give this one 8 1/2 out of 10.


Who cares about the story?...
... Andrew McCarthy is hot! And so is John Cusack, who made his first film appearance in this, or so I heard. Rob Lowe was also very cute in this movie. So who cares about the plot? As long as there are cute guys in it, I'm hooked!

K-19: The Widowmaker

I was impressed...

When I first heard of this movie, I didn't think too much of it. However, my dad received it as a gift for christmas and the other day I watched it. I heard from the critics that it was okay, and some might have even claimed it was terrible. But come on, are they always right?

I thought this film was indeed a great movie. I like intense movies and this was extremely intense (to me). Now, I tend to get attatched to certain characters, which was a huge mistake in this case. I thought the actors Christian Carmago and James Ginty were adorable guys - and with my luck, they were the first two men to go into the radioactive area to repair the submarine. (A friend had talked about a part which someone's skin melts off... so I was afraid, but no one's skin does melt off.) The two come out with terrible blisters on their faces and they even vomit. I was horrified and devistated. But the saddest of all was that Peter Sarsgaard's character stayed in the room for 18 minutes and eventually, like the other six, dies days later. Just for the record, I have to say that he is an extremely handsome guy - even beautiful sometimes.

So, to sum it all up, I thought some Russian guys were cute and unfortunatley they met an premature end. However, it was a good yet sad movie.

Oh, I almost forgot! Liam Neeson is probably one of my favorite actors. He makes any movie enjoyable for me.

I guess I give this one a 9.2 out of 10. I liked it!


The strangest movie ever... yet I've ordered it on DVD
I love this rendition. It's so bold and breathtaking - and the elemental mixture is pure genius. Now, I know many people don't like this film, and that's a given... it's not for everyone. Sometimes the greatest movies are hated by the majority of the public. I, for one, think the cast helped to make this an enchanting film. Anthony Hopkins, a god among actors, Jessica Lange, Alan Cumming, one of my favorites, Laura Fraser, Matthew Rhys, who, for some strange reason I grew very attatched to, Jonathan Rhys-Meyers, Harry Lennix, and those who go unmentioned, did an outstanding job. I'm a big Shakespeare fan and I beleive this is a great portrayl.


I liked it somehow
Let me just say, this is one of the scariest movies I've ever seen. It was pretty gory, you know, the deaths and all. Call me a pansy, but I watched it at night and every time I walked down the hallway I expected Kevin Spacey to jump out and slaughter me in a creative way. Then, I kept contemplating how the ending could have differed. In the end, I did like this movie. But I find it strange for an 18 year old girl to enjoy this type of movie as much as I did (I'm talking about myself). If you are in the mood to be awake all night in fear, I would recommend this film.


Wonderful... for Christians
May Contain Spoilers

This movie was good... but there were a few things I didn't like. For one, I'm not a religious person. I know that a lot of folks get annoyed with people like that, but it's just my choice. Now, I think the media is more open to different beliefs nowadays than about 20 years ago, which is good, but I felt a strong - I dunno, "God" vibe at the end of this film. It was as if they were saying 'if you believe in God the aliens can't hurt you' or something along those lines. The second thing is the fact that they showed the actual alien. It was scarier to me not knowing what was there or what it looked like. And the computer animation was good, but not convincing enough. Some good points of the film were the suspense and the little funny things thrown in. Anyway, I don't think this is M. Night Shamylan's best movie, but it is a lot better than some I've seen.

A Beautiful Mind

What a movie!
This movie is in the top ten best I've ever seen, I think. I really didn't know who to believe! It displayed schizophrenia in a way I never knew existed. It taught me a lot about the disorder and how people delt with it. This film was wonderfully made and I recommend it for everyone.

Vanilla Sky

Strange but completely enjoyable...
First off, I must say that this film is not for everyone. I feel that it's only for those with an open mind - and that would include myself. I watched in wonder for the whole film, not knowing what was coming next. I even felt 'creeped out' during some parts (if you've seen it, you probably know which parts I'm talking about). I love that feeling of confusion when watching a movie and then the blast of "...Ohhhhhh!!" when it's done, like you finally figured it out. That's what happened with me and this movie. Now, I usually have a favorite character or one that I relate with the most in each movie I watch. My favorite was the elusive English man, Edmund Ventura (portrayed by Noah Taylor). He always looked nice in his suit and I love his accent. At first, he kind of gave me chills, but after a while I began to feel comfortable with him. Every once in a while a sly smile would creep across his face and I loved that. All in all, I enjoyed this film a great deal and recommend it to anyone looking for a mind-boggling experience.

Almost Famous

Bravo, Mr. Crowe
Wow. It takes a wonderful director to make possibly 2 of the best films I've ever seen (the other is Vanilla Sky). Cameron Crowe is a genius in my eyes. It takes a world of talent to do what he's done. Not only do I love this movie because it had a great plot, but it's about the one thing my life revolves around - rock & roll. When I saw this movie for the first time in the theater, October 7, 2000, I stared in awe at the records young William pulled out from under his bed. Led Zeppelin, Jimmy Hendrix, Joni Mitchell, the Who, all of these wonderful bands that rocked my world also rocked William's world. I feel that choosing Patrick Fugit to play William was a smart move. He has a boyish appearance, yet he's very mature for his age. Now, I realized something later on after I'd seen both Vanilla Sky and this film - Noah Taylor, who plays Edmund Ventura in Vanilla Sky, also plays the band's manager. Going from a crude, wordy manager to the mysterious Ventura proves that Taylor is an extrordinary actor. I think he's one of the best I've seen. I recommend this film to anyone willing to have a good time and hear some good music.

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