
IMDb member since January 2008
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    IMDb Member
    16 years


Vantage Point

Thrilling action packed and a great production.
Vantage Point is like a really good ride in a theme park that you don't want to end. The way the story is told through the eyes of the different characters is a refreshing production of an action thriller. I really enjoyed the way the film grabs your attention over and over again. Sure the ending is a bit far fetched but what movie isn't? Dennis Quaid is great and well supported by the other actors. The production and direction of this movie is what is really special though. The action sequences and car chases are great. The story whilst complicated is exciting and told magically through the different characters. So strap yourself in and enjoy Vantage Point it is one great movie ride.

August Rush

One of the better movies of 2007.
What I liked about this movie was the performances of Freddie Highmore and Keri Russell. What I did not like was the performances of Jonathan Rhys Meyers and Robin Williams. Having said that there are no bad performances just some better than others in my opinion. This film delivers in most aspects but there is something I could not put my finger on that stopped me from saying it was great. Normally I blame the director? The story is far fetched but it is told quite well without turning it into a chic flick, soap opera based on the subject and story content. It is a good movie and you will be glad you watched it over some of the trash released in 2007.

Michael Clayton

Good old fashioned quality acting made this movie a worthy contender for best picture.
"Michael Clayton" is the best legal drama I have seen since "The Verdict" with Paul Newman.

It is not over the top character acting but realistic acting at its finest. I am not sure exactly how many nominations it received, but best picture, best actor and best supporting actor told me I needed to see it, and boy am I glad I did.

George Clooney stand up and take a bow, you have delivered a performance that must have been very close to winning the Oscar.

After seeing so much rubbish of late at the box office, thank you "Michael Clayton and co" for restoring my faith that a good movie with quality acting can still be made.

See it!

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