
IMDb member since April 2024
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White Lies

One of the best thrillers
What a great show, thriller had so many layers. It was unpredictable for the first 6 episodes. The pace, the acting, the storyline, all of it was amazing.

The show started out with the information on a murder, Natalie Dormer got involved in the case however she struggled with her multifaceted character, that involved being supporting for the kids and having a career and dealing with the investigation. She did a commendable job at developing her character through out the show.

The kids appeared to be very ungrateful from the start, perhaps that was intentional, well they did a great job at portraying to be very unlikable.

The police squad 40 and the constable, had their side of stories well written, good development there as well.

I like how the show did not leave any lose ends, every story and every character came together to be a perfect thriller.

Hoping for the second season.

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