
IMDb member since January 2008
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    IMDb Member
    16 years


Baby Mama

Waste of talent
Amy Poehler is very funny and deserves far better than this weak, generic "comedy." Tina Fey is pretty much hot and cold, sometimes funny, but usually very annoying with her smug, self- satisfied delivery of every line. The movie's story is pretty well conveyed in the trailer and there aren't many surprises left beyond the predictable odd-couple set-up. Hell, even the poster tells you all you need to know about the plot. A lot of decent actors turn up in supporting roles, including many familiar faces from SNL, but NONE of them get big laughs or even make for a memorable scene. The last half-hour or so is completely laugh-free as it makes attempt to bring the two main characters closer together, and puts us to sleep in the process.

Chris & Reed in: Flamin'

Absolutely hysterical.
This is only one of the "episodes" in a series, the ongoing "Chappellabe Afterschool Sex Ed" program, but it plays more like an improvisational, low-budget comedy sketch than actual TV show episode. Low budget be damned, this is hands down the funniest bit of sexual parody I have ever seen. Director Christopher Baldi (also one of the dim-witted leads) skewers both the gay and straight communities with sharp, funny dialoge and one outrageous gag after the next. Worth checking out just simply for the "massage" scene. Some viewers might be tempted to call it offensive, but I found nothing offensive in the story. Every scene, (even the raunchy ones) play out very light-hearted, and I can only imagine how much fun these scenes were to make. These guys are wildly funny and they know it!


Excellent film, full of strong questions.
This film was very controversial upon initial release, but its not as sensational as you might think. Some other users have called it slow, or even boring. I think it's an excellent film and a subject that needs to be explored, so if you're looking for action go elsewhere. The questions of spirituality and devotion to a religion are no addressed often enough in mainstream films. Most Hollywood films seem determined to deny that religion even exists. Furthermore, this is a ground-breaking study in homosexuality. In 1994, smart gay-themed films were even harder to come by, and this is one of the first to break through to mainstream attention.

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