
IMDb member since June 2002
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Music Within

Great true story, poorly executed
I was so disappointed in this movie. I don't know much about the true story, so I was eager to see it play out on film and educate myself about a little slice of history. With such a powerful true story and great actors it seemed like a surefire combination. Well, somewhere the screenplay failed them. It was so scattered - is this movie about his childhood? his love life? his own disability? his speaking ability? his passion for the disabled? I'm sure there is a way to incorporate all of those things into a good story, but this movie wasn't it. I was left cold watching characters that were unlikable not because of their disabilities, but because of their personalities. Other small gripes: 1. The heavy-handed soundtrack. It's the seventies - WE GET IT ALREADY! 2. If he's such a phenomenal public speaker, why weren't we treated to more than a snippet here and there - and even then mostly in montages?

I Spy

All about the chemistry
This movie is a must see for anyone who enjoys Eddie Murphy or Owen Wilson. I like Eddie Murphy fine, but Owen Wilson is the one who drew me to the movie. His dry humor has ample time to shine in this film. It was great to see him get a chance to be the "hero" more than the sidekick for a change. If you came looking for a big-screen adaptation of the TV show, or for an intricate plot with great action - well, you came to the wrong place. The plot and action serve only one purpose - they are a background in which Murphy and Wilson can do their thing. I watched the movie only to enjoy the banter between the two of them and I was not disappointed in the least. They work well together - the comic timing, the muttered lines by Wilson, the flashiness of Murphy, all melds to form some great moments. So, it is a must see in my book. It isn't really an action movie - it is a comedy, and in that vein it succeeds. 8 out of 10.

Real Women Have Curves

Did I miss something?
First off, let me say that I was excited to see this movie - I wasn't forced to watch it by any means. That said, I am having a hard time seeing why people felt such heart and emotion in this movie. "Feel good" movies should at least make you feel...I was totally unmoved. We weren't given enough depth of any character to really feel sympathy for them.

***Minor Spoilers*** I never once got the impression that there was any inner change in the main character. It wasn't as though she tried to hide her curves in the beginning and later realized she was beautiful. It wasn't as though she was submissive in the beginning, but finally took her life into her own hands. It wasn't as though she was spoiled in the beginning, but finally developed a work-ethic. Her character never changed. The main plot and sub-plots were weak at best and unresolved at worst. What happened to the sister - for instance? I never got the feeling that she was empowered to do more by the movie's end. I also had a problem with the college story line - she applied during the summer and still got a full scholarship? And the "boyfriend" left for "teacher school" - they couldn't come up with a real school for him to say there? No one talks the way these people did - like a stilted high-school play. These are just little things - I don't have the room to list everything that annoyed me. ***End of spoilers***

Anyway, I basically felt that we were robbed of some of the most important exchanges in the movie - that they were edited out for time or something, even though the movie was short. I would have traded some of the 15 minutes of footage spent walking to music through ethnic neighborhoods to instead develop these characters that we were supposed to feel something for. I was highly disappointed and will never recommend this to anyone.


The only show I'm hooked on
I confess I'm slightly amused to see such rabid reviews by people that mention annoying supporting cast members and tiresome story lines. Sure, it has been three seasons now and people are hoping for things to progress in show, but in the meantime nothing on television is more enjoyable. Not an episode passes that I'm not amazed by at least one aspect of the writing. People who are angered by the way the plot has progressed are the best examples of how wrapped up you can get in the fictional world depicted on Ed. I sometimes forget that these people aren't real. They are insanely quirky, frustrating, funny, and sometimes you just want to slap them and tell them what to do. I never feel that way about characters on other shows, because they don't seem as real. I don't care what choices they make, who they sleep with, etc. On Ed, you can't help but care. Even the ones that drive you crazy make the show that much better. It is unfortunate that this delightful show gets pre-empted for every cheesy special that comes along. If you are lucky enough to catch some reruns, make sure you tune in. This is the best show on television, get in on it before it is too late!

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