
IMDb member since January 2008
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    16 years



Good Movie
Sometimes the combination of good writing, good direction and good casting collides into a great movie. Writer/Director Vin Diesel stars as Rick, the emotional center to a very strong ensemble of acquired family. The older brother who is finally facing the future, Rick tries to develop a new life while still taking care of his circle of strays. He rebels from his sex-filled nights against Salvatore, a womanizing freeloader and his drug-providing past with Fred, his not so bright cousin. Their unending loyalty keeps the "family" strong, even when he falls in love with a midwestern outsider, Heather. Perceptive and extremely witty writing keeps the pace throughout the film, and his chemistry with tony, played beautifully by f valentino morales, is worth the price of the ticket alone.

good film. Vin Diesel's script is tight and authentic, while his directing is effective: repeatedly coaxing impressive performances out of his relatively inexperienced cast. tony & fred Good Performers Vin's own performance here is a revelation the likes of which he sought to recapture in the unexciting Sidney Lumet courtroom drama Find Me Guilty. Though he's gone on to capture stardom as a stoic action hero, Vin Diesel's roots as an actor are boldly showcased in this revealing film.

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