
IMDb member since January 2008
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    16 years


Du Lala sheng zhi ji

Trying too hard to be hip.
I'm not a scholar of Chinese culture, but even so I can't imagine this is accurate. Fast camera cuts, bright colors and copious amounts of product placement make it feel like an American TV show. If I didn't know better, I would assume that everyone working in a corporate office in China drank Lipton tea while talking on a Nokia phone and emailing on their Lenovo.

The storyline was the basic secretary falls in love with her boss despite the corporate culture. I can't place any particular movie, but it feels like any number of US movies from the 80's and early 90's, except everyone has better hair and designer clothes.

Character development lacked, well, developing. I didn't really feel like I got to know any of the supporting characters. Because of this, when something happened with a supporting character you are left feeling confused as to why you care and what this has to do with the main story. Plot developments come out of no-where in several occasions; you learn something happened when someone reacted to it at a later date, rather than when it happened. This gives the movie a disjointed feel.

100 Questions

worst thing since sliced bread
Terrible. Absolutely terrible. They paused for the laugh track between jokes. The jokes made no sense. I felt like they were laughing at me for watching this show every time the laugh track kicked in. I was humiliated and embarrassed.

The actors were completely unknown to me, and I just happened upon this since all my regular shows ended for the year. I hoped pathetically for a few cheap jokes and was returned with a cheap laugh track.

Perhaps if I was in my mid 40s, just coming out of several failing relationships with complete imbeciles I would be able to appreciate the content of this. Alas this show has no redeeming value save for pushing one more reality failure off the airs.

Avoid this with all costs and please watch a show with creative writing and a plot line that isn't quite so pathetic. Please don't watch this. It is not even worth pirating.

Ghost Machine

One of the worst...
This is hands down, one of the worst movies I've seen in recent history. At the heart of its failure is the lack of character development. You are given less than 5 minutes to meet each character and then given a crash course in their personality. You are then thrust wildly into the main story. Any "relationships" between characters are developed over a few lines of dialog; this is barely enough that you don't wonder why these total strangers are hanging out together.

The plot, even for a sci-fi horror movie is laughable. While the general premise was interesting, it wasn't developed sufficiently. The progress through the story required the characters to discuss what just happened with each other, so you (the viewer) could figure out what just happened.

The most enjoyment I got out of this movie was when the screen went black and the credits finally rolled.

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