
IMDb member since February 2008
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    16 years


Sex and the City 2

Despite having almost not plot line at all. I did chuckle in my seat a few times. That is, until they decided to travel to another country and start offending other cultures in a manner that should be frowned upon. I have no idea how people of middle eastern decent will view this movie. I'd imagine that they would be highly offended as I am. Going to another country to visit and enjoy culture is one thing, going there and not having the slightest respect for their laws and telling them to "Fuck You!" while flicking them off because you disagree with their customs is another. I expected a little better for such a well known series. They really showed their true colors on this one. They showed how sensitive they really can be when interpreting middle eastern culture and way of life. Horrible movie.

Funny People

Jokes- Funny. Movie- AWFULLLL
First off, I am a huge Adam Sandler fan. I love most of his movies. I love the rest of the cast, too. Superbad was awesome.. Knocked Up was great, too. I own both. Hilarious.

THIS movie... *sigh*... it surrounds a bunch of stand-up comedians. Therefore, their jokes are funny. That said.. I don't remember ever laughing aside from the scenes with their jokes (which is very limited).

The movie, on the other hand, was AWFUL! Horrible plot, borderline depressing... it's too long.. 2 1/2 hours of crap.

I wish I could get the money and time back that I wasted seeing this movie.

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