
IMDb member since February 2008
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My Life in Ruins

My Life in Ruins... more like This Movie's in Ruins
I thought long and hard to come up with a decent review of this, but there just isn't much to say about this. So if you want an in-depth review, look elsewhere.

I haven't seen My Big Fat Greek Wedding, but I have seen a lot of romantic comedies, and I can tell you right now that My Life in Ruins has no originality. You've already seen it.

And I'm unsure why this is labeled as a romantic comedy, because the "comedy" is heavily lacking. I only got a few chuckles out of Richard Dreyfuss's lame, but well-delivered dialogue (WHY THE HELL IS HE IN THIS ANYWAY???). Most of the "comedy" comes from the tourists annoying the crap out of Nia Vardalos's character, and they ended up annoying me as well.

Nia Vardalos and Richard Dreyfuss have some good chemistry, and they are pretty much the only likable characters. Everyone else is just an annoying stereotype.

It isn't a good movie, by any means, but it's the moments between Nia Vardalos and Richard Dreyfuss that make the movie slightly tolerable. It's barely worth a rent, but it wouldn't hurt THAT bad.

Land of the Lost

Your Average Will Ferrell Movie
I wasn't all that interested in seeing this until I saw episodes of the TV show. And I have to say, they look like crap. I wanted to see the movie because I liked the concept, and I didn't want to continue watching the show. Plus, I like Will Ferrell.

The movie starts strong with a hilarious bit between Will Ferrell and Matt Lauer, and from then on it was hit or miss. Ferrell and co-star Danny McBride's chemistry is dead-on hilarious. Most of the jokes in the movie won me over, but others miss the mark completely, like the ones that deal with either Chaka or poop.

I was so happy when I found out that they weren't gonna use CGI for the Sleestaks. And speaking of CGI, the animation in this movie is really good. Despite some moments where the actors fail to interact with CG creatures realistically, the CG fits in with the environments, and they're also incredibly detailed.

My major issue with the movie is that it doesn't know what type of comedy it is. There are moments where the "jokes" are clearly aimed at children, as they deal with bodily functions. Then, there's the edgy PG-13 humor, like a pointless scene of Ferrell, McBride, and Chaka drinking a narcotic drink and getting high.

It's funny at times, but it isn't anything to rush out and see. If you're a fan of Will Ferrell...



Pixar... why haven't you gotten a Best Picture nod yet?
This is officially my second favorite film of the year so far (behind Drag Me to Hell). I saw it in 3D and it, like all Pixar movies do (except Cars), blew me away. It falls just short of becoming one of my favorites, but it comes pretty damn close.

The animation is amazing, not so much in the detailed or "It-looks-so-real-" department, but just by the amount of stuff that's going on on screen. When the balloons first pop up from behind Carl Fredrickson's house, it's an amazing sight. The physics, the color, reflections, everything animation-wise in this movie is PERFECT!!! The voice acting in this movie is also incredible. Now while every single critic has given special recognition to Ed Asner, I want to give it to Bob Peterson who created my favorite character of the year (surpassing Insectosaurus), Dug the Dog. Peterson's speech patterns, dialogue and personality create an adorable and memorable character that I consider Pixar's next Dory (formally Pixar's most quotable character).

If anything, my only complaint is that the villain felt rushed into the film, and his motives weren't really clear to me. But that was probably because I didn't take my medication that helps me focus.

Up is amazing, just plain and simple.


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