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Christmas at Pemberley Manor

Nicely done!
I thought there was nice chemistry between Elizabeth and William. I felt for her every time her boss tried to belittle her efforts. Jessica Lowndes played a such sweet person who never stopped being kind and who never lost sight of her goal to bring Christmas to the town. Kudos to the mean boss - she played it to the hilt. The supporting cast was very good. I melted every time William would glance at Elizabeth with such longing. Good payoff at the end. I really enjoyed this film!

Doc Martin

Wonderful cast, beautiful Cornwall, great stories - but the ending???
A friend recommended the series many years ago and once I started watching, I was hooked. I LOVE THIS SERIES! They made great use of a terrific ensemble cast, wonderful guest stars, great scripts and beautiful Cornwall. I would like to visit Port Isaac (aka Port Wenn) someday.

Martin Clunes is excellent as Doc Martin - I can't see anyone taking this over this role. I heard rumors that a US version of Doc Martin is in the works. Good luck with that. I think the Englishness of this series is part of its success.

***SPOILERS*** My problem with the series ending is that I wanted to know what Doc Martin was going to do next. How will he make a living if he's no longer a GP? Will they stay in Port Wenn if another doctor takes over? What kind of work is the Doc suited for outside of medicine? This is all up in the air. I know the series had to end, but did it have to be so ambiguous regarding the main character?

Dear Phillipa and Martin - please give us a hint what you had in mind with this ending!!!

Crown for Christmas

Excellent acting AND dancing!
It was so rewarding to see each character transformed by the end of the movie. They were believable and made me care for them - even the dour Mrs. Wick. Excellent performances! I especially enjoyed the choreography of each dance at the ball - very well performed, unlike a lot of movies where the actors can barely do the steps. The King, dancing with his daughter, was so tender and sweet. With Celia, the dance was formal but done to perfection. It was the dance with Allie, the governess, that won my heart. Kudos all around!

Robson's Extreme Fishing Challenge

Fascinating locales in remote parts of the world
I thought the series was terrific. Very informative and beautifully shot. Robson did a great job presenting each fishing challenge and locale. I wish it was still on the air.

Wycliffe: The Four Jacks
Episode 1, Season 1

Needs to pick up the pace
I saw this crime series on Amazon Prime that takes place in beautiful Cornwall. I looked forward to watching the series. The Wycliffe character is so low key, he brings down the energy of each story. Everything seems to move so slowly. However, Bill Nighy is always interesting and it was fun seeing him play the cad.

Yes, I Do

I liked this movie
In spite of some viewers' low ratings, I thought the film was charming. The rivalry with the former girlfriend gave the story some tension and the actors performed well. Good looking cast too!

Love Unleashed

Sweet but slow
This was a sweet story but with very little dramatic tension to hold my interest. Cute puppies but not much going on. The dialogue kept repeating and I felt bad for the actors - they had so little to work with. I love Hallmark movies and I wanted to like this movie, but the best I can say is that it was sweet but slow.

Love in the Sun

Not in love with this one
Émeraude is a beautiful young woman with no game. She needs to get more acting experience before carrying a full length movie. Wooden performances all around. The story was so weak I didn't care what happened by the end. The story seemed to take forever. The writer did a great job with "Miss Christmas" - so what happened here?

Anything for Love

First of all, there are women who like the status of being married to a doctor. So the premise of the movie isn't that far off-base. Second, there were good performances all around but especially by Paul Greene. He's such a skilled actor, his performances look effortless. And it doesn't hurt that he's also gorgeous!

My one objection was at the end when Katherine got on PA system and gushed on (and on and on). In the real world she would've been frog-marched out of there. It would've been less "icky" if she had poured her heart out to Jack when they embraced. Just sayin'...

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

It starts with a good script
The story was heartwarming - kudos to Bruce Graham. I wish he'd write more Hallmark Christmas movies. His script had what some of this year's (2018) movies lacked: good character development, warmth, humor, dramatic tension and resolution. Good direction and casting too. Henry Winkler's character was so much fun. I will definitely watch again!

Pride, Prejudice, and Mistletoe

I'm so sorry about the three stars. I wanted to like this movie but it just didn't work. The performances were stiff and forced, as if the actors were uncomfortable in their roles. Nervous giggles from Lacey who is a much better actress than this. The cast was good but they could only do so much with a poor script and faulty direction. It could've been so much better!

A Christmas Melody

Fina Strazza steals the show
What a sweet little movie. Mariah Carey did a good job directing this picture as well as portraying the catty mother. I loved how the relationships grew and the musical number at the end was terrific. Fina Strazza, who played Lacy Chabert's daughter, was very convincing and her singing was outstanding. She stole the show! Great cast and warm-hearted story!

'Tis the Season for Love

Nice story ruined by terrible acting
Sara Lancaster is a beautiful young woman who gave a flat, uninspiring performance in this movie. Every line sounded like she was reading from a shopping list using a flat, nasal monotone. Her mumbling made it hard at times to understand her. It got so bad I had to turn on the close captioning. Her supporting cast did the best they could. Terry Ingram is a good director but he didn't get a good performance out of Lancaster. Who cast her in this role? The movie could've been so much better with a decent actress. How ironic...she played an actress who couldn't make it on Broadway - it's no wonder.

Sharp Objects

What a snore!!!!
Bad use of flashbacks which only confused the storyline. I love Amy Adams but her sulky, unexpressive performance left me cold. Gag me...she was masturbating. Bad direction...slow moving...and BORING. I want my hour back. Don't waste your time!!!!

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