
IMDb member since August 2002
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Kona Coast

Kona Coast is good drama fare..or fair good drama
Kona Coast is good drama fare One of the simplest movies to follow and get behind, allowing that you don't follow it too closely. Kona Coast stars Richard Boone (Have Gun, Will Travel) as crusty old Hawaiian fisherman Sam Moran whose daughter washes up OD'd on the beach. Forget the cops, Sam's gonna deal with the lily-livered punk who got his kid strung out. Unfortunately, his own boat is torched when he gets too close, critically injuring an old fisherman buddy of his. Now this old guy wants to die at home "Take me to Kona, Sam..." Using his buddy's crew of three young, distrustful hippie types,including a girl, who seem to be as surly as he is, Sam takes his friend, and his friends' boat to Kona Coast, which is kind of like the Long Beach of the islands; dirty, but people still party. Sam is enough of a thorn in the side of the new luau/drug king to get the guy's attention as he sends his thugs numerous times to mess him over. Sam Moran, it seems, makes friends easily, and enemies three times easier than that! I think it's because he takes a certain percentage of lip off of people. What's the percentage? Well, i'm not sure i got it exactly, but i think it's pretty near...ZERO, my friend. You cross this guy, he hurts your ass. No freakin' joke. He'll slap you, punch you, spank you and sometimes when he's telling you how worthless you are, you can FEEEL the booze on his breath. I have loved this film ever since i was a kid and i think that's one of the aspects i liked about it. He said what he meant, dam the consequences. Some jackass strung his daughter out and killed her. And this same jackass was now screwin' with him. Something definately has to give, and it does. When this baddie (played with comic evil flair by Steve Inhat)gets his, it just plays right. It's raw, it's real, and it makes us all feel better. Joan Blondell plays the sister of Sam's dead friend. I didn't like her in the movie as Sam's friend was from Australia with this thick as syrup accent and his sister was from Queens or something. Whatever. I did like Sam's love interest played by an actress whose name i can't remember. She whined a lot but i think i had a crush on her anyway. Nice hair. This movie is unavailable on video and will probably always be. A shame. It was VERRRY 60's and VERRRY islandy. If you have a copy of it or more info, write.

Fear of a Black Hat

Rap parody in the tradition of Spinal Tap, but far outclassing CB4
CB4 was awful, but it may have given Cundieff the idea to it better. More like Spinal Tap than anything else, the film is clever from the start. Surprising anyone who saw it back in the mid nineties. The performances are played for laughs but not so much so that they are cartoon characters, more like Marx brothers. These guys are real and slightly diverse. They react to situations like any of us might. Well, we may not throw a tantrum when our performance hats are late to the gig, or pull guns and beat down a record company exec, but you get the picture. N(n***as) W(with) H(hats) takes itself seriously enough to reel you in, then you're hooked. rent or get this at all costs, even if you're not really into rap music, this will still leave you gassing out loud. Comparing this to CB4 is like comparing George Lucas' Star Wars to Gil Gerards'Buck Rogers' I think you see my point

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