
IMDb member since March 2008
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Me, Myself & Irene

"Guys, she's a mother!
-A mother? Wow! that's a tie on a Zeppelin race!" With these kind of lines this movie makes me crack my ass several times. If you add this brilliant writing of the Farellys Bros. to the master performance of Jim Carrey, and quite an awesome directing (by the Farrellys as well) with some technical peakings such as the sight of the passengers faces through the windows when Irene looks through Whitey's glass-augmenter to the airplane in the sky, Jim Carrey's "slow motioned" spit to the air, on the train station or the heightened shoots of the car on the road from the sky (which makes me wonder: how'd they done it, with a crane or an helicopter?), to the genius editing and the brightness of the rest of the cast. Then you'll get what this film is: a keeper!


The Coen Bros. did it again with this fantastic film. And by "fantastic", please understand that I'm talking about its script and photography, not its genre. As it shows quite accurately the real life of rural mid-western communities in the U.S. Along with these accomplishments, the depiction of the story and the characters makes this film absolutely mesmerizing from its start sequence to its prompt (you shall think it is) ending.


It's fresh and brilliantly fun!
I Loved this show for bringing up a different point of view from all current shows. I enjoyed every episode of it. And I was moved by many moments on it. Plus, it made me discover the movie it's based on, Crystal's Moselle's Skate Kitchen. Which I could luckily stream and liked as well. It brings the vibe from contemporary NYC to your place! And I really dug the performances of all the girls, but especially of Nina Moran's (Kirt) and Rachelle Vinberg (Camille). And it also has some great secondary storylines with characters like Farouk or Bambi. In conclusion, if you like hip girls you'll definitely enjoy this show!

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell

Funny as hell!
This show has made me chuckle in every single episode at least once, and that makes it worthy to me.


Talking about Carol.
"Carol Aird: Is that what you want to be? A photographer? Therese Belivet: I think so. If I have any talent for it. Carol Aird: Isn't that something other people let you know you have? All you can do is keep working. Use what feels right. Throw away the rest."

Dear Reader,

I take it that if you're here it's because you've seen the movie and you want to read something about this (wonderful) film (because you've liked it). However, if you didn't see the movie (or didn't like it); I would like to thank you the kind gesture of reading these lines. And I'd like to apologize if you lose interest soon.

To talk about this movie I will proceed to remove my "virility" hat right now. To put my "here is what I feel" one. Why do I say that? Because is a movie where women are strong, smart and more than anything sweet, and where you realize that maybe, gay relationships are just the ultimate expression of the true understanding that only two persons of the same sex may have.

Thank you Mr. Hayes for doing such a great film.


Yojimbo cuenta la historia de un Samurái que llega a un pueblo doblegado por los dos clanes mafiosos del lugar, una banda de ladrones y unos corredores de apuestas, y que decide quedarse por un tiempo y, promocionar mientras sus dotes en el manejo de la espada para, según dice conseguir trabajo como guardaespaldas de alguno de los dos 'capos' de la aldea. Tras fulminar a tres bandidos en su primer encuentro con éstos, los líderes de ambos bandos se pelean por contratarlo y contar con su katana entre sus filas. Pero Sanjuro no se venderá al mejor postor, ni tampoco comprometerá sus principios por servir a otro. Por lo que se dedicará a velar por la seguridad del pueblo, vigilándolo desde lo alto una torre y pensando cómo hacer el bien y solucionar la difícil situación de los campesinos. Esta historia de muerte e injusticia; y de un Samurái capaz de matar a todos que se le enfrenten, ya sea por dinero, por diversión o por hacer justicia y devolverle su suerte a la gente "patética" que no es capaz de recuperarla por sí misma; es la historia de un hombre que cambió el destino de muchos otros, si es que alguna vez el destino de éstos no fue en realidad aquel. Esta vibrante obra maestra, sería años más tarde versionada por un tal Sergio Leone y convertida en la mítica "Por un puñado de dólares" que protagonizaría el joven Clint Eastwood.

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