
IMDb member since April 2008
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The Venture Bros.: Radiant Is the Blood of the Baboon Heart

I loved it.
First of all, it's been about five years since the last episode on the series aired so I recommend re-watching the then season finale (now series finale) as the movie picks up right where the show ended. It was a great watch as a fan, basically a uncensored (depending on where u watch it, for me it was on max) extended episode. Tied up a lot of loose ends but also left more questions of sorts. Overall a nice ending to a good show. Only down side for me was it left me wanting more....fingers crossed for another movie one day. Otherwise a nice wrap up to a 7 season run of beloved show. It does come full circle in a round about way and again left me wanting more!

Now Apocalypse

I'm just curious....
It's kind of too early to tell but cant help but be curious if this is supposed to the the spiritual successor to 97's Nowhere? Similar vibe but with today's 20 somethings opposed to 20 somethings in the late 90s. Anyway it's somewhat interesting.

Fat Rose and Squeaky

Just awful.......
This movie was...just redundant, void of any intelligence. The acting is somewhat awful. Don't bother watching unless you like wasting your time. I would have gotten more enjoyment out of staring at a wall for a few hours. And the worst thing is it has some powerful actresses yet their performances fall flat. A sad look at getting older and losing your mind. In fact I felt like I was going to lose mine. It was such a shame, the movie had potential, but just a horrible script. It was like a bad community play. I was hoping for more and I got nothing. It left me feeling empty. I love Cicely Tyson, she must be getting desperate for roles. Somebody please give her better roles....

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