
IMDb member since August 2002
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    IMDb Member
    21 years


Where the Day Takes You

Rocco took an amazing group of actors and made a beautiful piece that not only refrained from glamourising and sugar-coating life on the streets, but kept a low-key tone to the show rather than play up the idea of a movie with some of Hollywood's best young actors in it. It presents a real issue in a very real way, and was also a movie you were drawn into, rather than taking on a news broadcast tone. The characters are likable with all their flaws, and you find yourself crying with them at points. The downside to this movie is that it is one of those indy films that few will sit down and watch. Luckily those who do will not be disappointed.


Beautifully crafted
Anyone who had read the books should find this to be an excellent companion. It follows the first two books fairly accurately and has an excellent cast. Very much an eye-candy piece for those interested in set/costume design. The acting is amazing, Jonathan Rhys Meyers shines as Steerpike. Neve McIntosh did a great job of capturing the childlike spirit of Fuchsia, while Christopher Lee was an amazing Flay. For Americans, it will be a great introduction to a British classic!

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