
IMDb member since April 2008
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LOVE Season 1 and 2 - comedy was GREAT - 3 comedy rare - 4 no fun - DARK!!!
I MISS the TOTAL hysterical comedy writing of Season1 and 2. I've seen all 1-4 seasons twice. Season 3 was not nearly as fun or funny - the attempts were not CLEVER nor was the writing as engaging as the writing in the first 2 seasons. I had high hopes for Season 4 on Netflix. But NO -Season 4 was even worse - everything was VERY dark and serious and the fun was just not there . REALLY - RE-HIRE the original writers from Season 1 and 2 - for Season 5. It would be wonderful to end on that same comedic lightness that was always so hysterical and fun from Season 1 and 2. I looked up the writers on Wikipedia - and sadly - it seems those who put the fun in the scripts - the original writers - now seem to be gone. Seasons 3 and 4 were not nearly as good. PLEASE - for Season 5 - re-hire the REALLY GREAT original writers from first 2 seasons! The best of those writers were SO good for a fun story line and always made us laugh within the story line - usually in expected ways! Make Season 5 as fun as the first 2 seasons. That would be a GREAT way to end Lucifer- on a high note. I never thought Jerry Bruckheimer would let something that was so good and different slip into banality.

The Accountant

REALLY WELL DONE - excellent story - terrific action
This film is TERRIFIC! The screenplay is cleverly well done and complicated enough to make you want to see it again - to figure out what you might have missed. The action is almost non-stop - but not overdone (to me). We felt all the actors were well cast and did a fine job - grumblers must just have to nit about SOMETHING. We ended up seeing this movie twice on our own. We thought it was so good, we saw it a third time with friends (to entice them to watch it) - and enjoyed it once again (this from someone who only wants to repeat watching a movie after at least 7 years - if ever). I haven't heard of anyone who enjoys having a movie that makes you think about it and discuss it a bit afterward who didn't find it a thoroughly entertaining and WELL SCRIPTED movie.

The Legend of Tarzan

Amazing movie - how did they make this?
I had no expectations of this movie - don't even recall seeing a trailer. My husband wanted to see it - so we did (not in 3D). I was mesmerized! I thought it was incredible how real every animal scene was - will have to find out how they did this. The story was just fantastic. The scenery was spectacular - to me a must-see on the big screen. This Tarzan version was the best one I've ever seen (think I've seen them all) and apparently very true to the original story (nope - never read it - will now). It was captivating. The actors were excellent. I was completely enthralled and at the end - I didn't want it to be over. It reminded me of the thrill of the good old days of going to the Saturday afternoon movies growing up (I know - most of you will never know the fun of the simpler times :-). I was easily impressed then - not so much so today - with so MANY incredible movies. Tarzan is action-packed and REALLY entertaining. I had to go right home and tell family and friends to go see it before it is out of theaters! I cannot imagine anyone being disappointed.

Edge of Tomorrow

Thoroughly entertaining - most will love this movie!
This movie is packed with action which is varied and REALLY well done. There is humor (often missing in action movies - levity is a nice addition, since comic relief often adds a LOT of entertainment value). The screenplay is VERY well written. The main and supporting actors perform beautifully. I wish EVERY movie had these elements! Such good entertainment is why I am addicted to movies. Almost everything that happens is logically addressed (which is always satisfying). Of course, you can pick apart this or that in a few places. If that frustrates you, then you can go to the blogs and put in your 2 cents or see what explanation others have. And for ME, throw in some sci fi and make me have to think a bit - what's not to love? Whatever you do - THOROUGHLY enjoy this movie!

The After

SOOOO bad - WHAT were they thinking???!!!
This pilot is SO BAD that we couldn't even watch it until the end. It is a slow, boring, terrible script, with no appeal. The minuscule plot limped along at the pace of an injured snail. I have no clue how something this bad gets developed this far without SOMEONE at Amazon looking at it and calling a halt! I had such high hopes - am a big X-Files fan by Chris Carter. There's nothing compelling about his characters in this pilot or his messy, boring speck of a plot.

I guess I need more lines to post a recommendation. Well, it starts off for about 5 minutes with some potential. Then there's the big incident that gets dragged out ad nauseam. The characters are a hapless lot who you would never find bunched together in real life. And the script has the characters being obnoxious, lame, stupid, whiney, etc. The script is just juvenile (f* words all over the place) and drags on and on while you think "IS THIS GOING ANYWHERE? GET ON WITH IT!"

My recommendation is DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME.

Covert Affairs

Thoroughly entertaining spy show with terrific characters!
This is the first good spy-type series I've seen since 24 (looking forward to its return on FOX)and Alias (such fun with all the disguises, gadgets and mystic aspect). I was SO happy to have recently discovered Covert Affairs! This show is thoroughly entertaining if you enjoyed 24 and/or Alias. And - stop comparing - they're all different. I definitely enjoy the characters in this show. I am now into the 4th season and, even though there are some things that should be made logical with just a few sentences of explanation, and there is the inevitable craziness in all shows - like getting from the U.S. to Europe in just the right location in the middle of nowhere in - seemingly a few hours instead of a day - just in time for someone (like the elusive Ben, Eyal or Teo) to save Annie's life. Of COURSE, we're happy - big phew! And who cares if it's implausible - it's a TV show that needs to keep moving along. Purists will nit pick, but I would say anyone who likes this genre will find it totally intriguing entertaining and compelling. I always look forward to seeing what twist is coming up next. I hope it keeps going for years without the writers getting bored and killing off the best characters and ruining the series.

Jurassic Park

See "Jurassic Park" on the BIG screen! It's GREAT!
I just saw the amazing and entertaining "Jurassic Park" in 3D on the "big" screen. It was wonderful to see this Spielberg classic again. It was iconic in 1993 and the excellent plot is just as riveting and intense in 2013. This screening is quite an unusual opportunity. It is such a terrific movie that I immediately emailed all my movie-going friends and family to rush out and see it while it's available in theaters (SOOO much better than seeing it on your TV). Anyone would enjoy this story (unless they're really timid) - especially if you've never seen it before (maybe take your kids or grandkids)!

I didn't think 3D added much to the film - probably because it was so awesomely well done when it was originally released - and still is today. There is added depth, but I haven't seen a re-release of any film in 3D that was worth it to me, so I don't usually waste my money on them. "Avatar" set the bar for 3D so high (to me), that I've been spoiled, and don't even find new films living up to its standard. I did see a 3D trailer for "Iron Man 3" at this screening of "Jurassic Park" and it looked quite good, so I'll give it a try (fingers crossed). But the chance to see "Jurassic Park" in the movie theater venue is WELL worth it!

"Jurassic Park" did revive my fear of Velociraptors! I hope they NEVER find a way to clone those dinosaurs.


Excellent Sci Fi movie - do NOT read spoilers!
I SO enjoyed this movie - always LOVE to see a very entertaining sci-fi film. This one really must be seen on a big screen. But don't let anyone tell you about the movie plot (which is excellent)!!! If they start to do so, stick your fingers in your ears and hum! Don't be tempted to read spoilers!

Part of your fullest enjoyment of this film would come from everything about it being a surprise. If you like sci-fi, you will thoroughly enjoy the plot line, the action, the actors, wonderful visuals of earth, the music and the well-done special effects.

Just watch the trailer if you need to be intrigued. It is a well done representation.

In Time

Waste of a good idea and your time
I really love a good science fiction movie. I hate to see a good kernel of an idea (the time idea) be executed with a totally ridiculous, implausible, lame and illogical plot. Such a shame. Don't be sucked in, as I was, with good-sounding previews. It is a simple-minded ploy to push a political agenda - the rich are evil and soulless - the poor are helpless, exploited and imprisoned by "big brother".

There are fabulous screen writers in Hollywood and elsewhere. Surely there is a sci-fi lover among them who could have written a very plausible, suspenseful and satisfying screenplay starting with the "time" idea, that would thoroughly entertaining. I can't believe anyone would have spent $ on making this movie. They're lucky they recovered their investment.

This will teach me to read the reviews on IMDb before wasting my time and $.


HUGE waste of time! No plot! No information! No Personality!
Considering the hype and the great anticipation by scifi enthusiasts - Prometheus is a complete let down. I've seen all of the Predator movies - all of the Alien movies. They are ALL 1000x better than this excuse to play on their names and plots. Oh - a plot? There was a buildup to what could have been a "plot" but ultimately - there is NONE! We don't know what led them to this planet - who the characters are (we aren't invested in any of the characters - know little to no back story) - what the point is (except for a couple of thinnest blah blah at the end) - how an android knows so much (would that we did). Geologists (an intelligent, well-educated population)should be TOTALLY insulted - as you will see. Overall - guys seem to like the action - the props and special effects were there to make a good movie - too bad there wasn't a screen play with a story that made a good movie. Surely someone should have known not to have wasted their $ making this movie until there actually WAS a story. You should save your $ - wait to watch Prometheus on NetFlix (when it's free)!

Atlas Shrugged: Part I

Impressed - Excellent - can't wait for next installment
I didn't read Ayn Rand's book in college. Now I feel I've really missed something. It's hard to believe that 50+ years ago she observed the issues that are happening today. Luckily, I found the free Cliff Notes on-line (since the library copies are out) which are detailed and worth reading (good explanations, if you were confused by anything in the movie). The movie was well done. I didn't feel it was a budget independent film. It tells a good story which happens to have an amazing number of parallels to today's economic situation, today's political climate and today's politics. I cannot beieve a 5.7 rating - seeing all the 10s. Believe me, Atlas Shrugged is really SUCH an interesting and entertaining movie for anyone with enough intellect to be interested in these issues, that I assure you, you will enjoy it.

The Expendables

Totally for GUYS!
We went to see "TheExpendables" because of the User Rating of 7 in IMDb. It's such a GUY movie - no plot - all fighting with a fair amount of blood and gore- the thinnest plot ever! I asked my husband - HE would give it a 7 - egad! Do NOT be fooled. Numerous movie lines delivered by the old timers (whom I adore) were disappointingly mumbled and difficult to understand. Several of the action scenes seemed to be played at a higher speed to make the fights look more vigorous. And the cut and paste of some of the action scenes make them difficult to follow. You have to just give up and enjoy the fighting for the sake of fighting (which is pretty much the only appeal of this movie). I expected a decent plot with the terrific cast of action hero actors. Obviously that wasn't the objective of this movie.

The American

Boring - little plot - no dialogue - predictable
This movie was like watching paint dry. There is little to no information to make you care a bit about the whys or wherefores of what the character does. You're suppose to "intuit" everything from an emotional range between serious and frowning. There are many overly long looks at Clooney's face as "Jack's" character is revealed. He's a bad person but I "intuit" we are to cut him slack because he likes butterflies. I didn't feel the painstakingly slow "character development" worked. Clooney must have accepted this role because his face is on-screen 98% of the time (noticed he has big ears for the first time). The dialogue is next to zero. And in the end - ehhhh - give me a break - how cliché. Believe me, MOST of you will feel you've wasted your time and $. My husband fell asleep - lucky him.


TOTALLY entertaining - NOT confusing - something DIFFERENT
I was totally entertained by this complex movie with some surprising twists and a novel idea made completely believable. We (4 of us) enjoy sci-fi, which might be a must. People who cannot suspend belief wouldn't enjoy this movie (or many others that come to mind). I was worried that there wouldn't be enough explanation for some viewers - those who have trouble catching onto what is going on when a movie is fast-paced and has a lot of twists, but the writers did a great job with that. Even my elderly mom would enjoy watching this movie. It's refreshing to have some complicated suspense as to what is happening and what is going to happen. The clever plot kept you on the edge of your seat (at least it worked for our group). I would definitely enjoy seeing "Inception" again -- a rarity for me.

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time

Totally entertaining - lots of fun!
I get so tired of fun movies being panned by critics. This movie was made to be entertaining and fun. It was full of action, well-done special effects and a good story (who CARES if it's predictable - you don't know how it's going to be played out). It met all of the criteria for which it was made. We laughed, we got caught up in the action scenes, we wondered how it all could come out OK -- it's quite nice to be lost in mindless entertainment for a few hours. See it and enjoy it. It is a good one for a big screen, since there is so much going on. These days, of course, that could be your TV set. It's also a good one for kids who aren't too young (scary snakes might cause nightmares).

The Sorcerer's Apprentice

Totally fun and completely entertaining!
You really must see this movie if you enjoy action, special effects and an entertaining movie. There is a really fun part that is a tribute to the Sorcerer's Apprentice from the movie "Fantasia". This is a robust, rousing, action-packed movie by Disney. There are good special effects. It's interesting to see what clever things the writers think up for two sorcerers fighting each other to do. The goofy physics guy might be just a little TOO goofy at times. Regardless, he is lovable. Nicholas Cage is good at playing the wild sorcerer teacher. Our 8-year-old loved the movie and didn't find all the action too scary. She did have a few questions, trying to figure out some of the plot. It was my favorite - mindless entertainment that you can get lost in for a few hours. Also - if you have the time, you can stay through ALL the credits and see a snippet of the movie at the end that leads you to believe there COULD be a sequel.

Edge of Darkness

Good mystery murder investigation - keeps you puzzling.
This was a good, entertaining murder mystery. It wasn't as robust as it could have been (would have liked more depth), but it had all the elements to keep one interested and guessing. The story is touching too, as you will see, although they didn't give us enough background on the father/daughter relationship (or lack thereof) and a little curious about the wife. So that left me wondering - perhaps it'll be in the deleted scenes that come with the DVD release? I found one of the characters a bit hard to understand - thick accent - and had to really concentrate when he talked, which was a little distracting. In fact, I wanted to know a little more about that character. But Mel was convincing and does a decent job of acting in this part. I enjoyed the action that kept my attention.

Green Zone

Nauseated from shaking and DUMB nothing story!!!
I was totally disappointed. I came out with a horrible headache and nauseated from the shaky camera and dark, fuzzy scenes. Do NOT waste your $$$ - wait for Netflix if you must. I hope from now on I can find out about the camera work before wasting MY money! Why on EARTH did Matt Damon agree to DO this movie? His acting wasn't up to par - he seemed rather blank and emotionless. It was a NOTHING story with 1/2 the movie some pointless chase scene. Plus it was so simplistic, I could readily guess what happens at the end of the chase scene. You could have filmed this - hopefully with a STATIONARY camera where you could SEE what was going on easily, as a 20 minute fake documentary. It was NOT an action movie, as you might think. It was some political statement based on a conspiracy theory that was a completely unbelievable fabrication.


Do NOT take your children to this movie
Do NOT take your kids to this movie. There were unsuspecting parents in the audience with 8 to 12 year-old kids. They were very uncomfortable with the nudity and sex scenes, I'm sure (since 2 left the theater). It was unexpected, since it wasn't X-rated. Of course, reading the disclaimer here would have mentioned it, but 99.9% would just presume they'd have been warned in the advertising. From the theater trailers (knowing nothing of the source material), we went to see it thinking it would be a typical comic-style super hero action movie. It was rather cold and had a convoluted message - which was ts ultimate point, I surmise. If you weren't captivated by the original story source, I think you would find the story to be not that exciting and VERY VERY long.

Stargate: Continuum

TERRIFIC SG1 movie - made me want more - with all characters
This movie was SO enjoyable. I just wish it could have been longer - there could have been more fun/funny things happening for the year they were all in limbo. Plus it would have been great to have Jack in much more of the movie, although I presume Richard Dean Anderson didn't want to do that. I love the writing for Jack's witty sarcasm. I realized with great nostalgia, how much I MISSED this show (with these characters - so liked them all). I have always missed the "Jack" humor since he left the show - so liked the little laughs from his lines. The writing was terrific - action-packed and a good story line. I liked the bigger budget effects. I think Ba'al is a fun bad guy. If you were a Stargate SG-1 fan, you will have a very good time with this movie - and it WILL be over WAY too soon. I wish the $ people would decide to do a few more (maybe could film 2 at a time) - if they can be this clever and well-written AND with the full cast (even though they'd have to film around everyone's schedules).

The Unit

Excellent - TOTALLY entertaining - a TERRIFIC accidental find
I certainly hope this show is renewed for a 4th season. CBS seems to have a hit show - at least they would if they would advertise and talk it up a LOT more!!! Since we live in the middle east at the moment, we had never seen "The Unit" (our TV shows are usually at least a year old) nor ever heard about it when in the states - from any friends. I've never seen a TV promotional spot for it. We live on DVD releases of movies and TV shows. I happened to see the first two seasons of this show at a Best Buy. I bought it because I really enjoyed Dennis Haysbert in 24 - such a perfect "President" and now, "Snake Doctor".

To our family's great delight, this show was a REALLY EXCITING find!!! It's VERY entertaining! The second season got even better - more intense and more involved stories (more realistic, perhaps). The actors (men and women)are VERY good and quite believable and the writing is excellent. I thought this would just be a "wishful thinking" show (which I am sure it is at times - but I'm happy with that - escapism is partly why I watch movies and television). Much to my surprise - it often seems VERY realistic (one shootout in Afghanistan was so intense, I don't think I breathed most of the hour). And things often don't work out perfectly or at all, as happens in life.

I really enjoy the clever ploys these bright guys come up with to get into or out of situations. I am drawn into the "family" side of the military life and the independence of these bright, resourceful women - as does my husband, surprisingly (I thought he'd only like the action segments). This show gives you empathy for the family aspect of military life (financially and emotionally) and the dark and difficult side of war. My one nit - the "affair" by the commander of the "unit" - just not believable - he would be too honorable and, more reasonably, would not jeopardize his career and the continuance of the "unit".

The show is ABSOLUTELY entertaining and I'm looking forward to the release of the Season 3 DVD (how I hate the waiting). It's very frustrating that, being out of the US, we can't see the episodes via our PCs. So wait we will, and I even, first time EVER, emailed the CBS feedback link to plea for them to renew the series for a 4th season! If they don't - they'll have unbelievably let an excellent series slip through their hands.

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