
IMDb member since May 2008
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Book Club: The Next Chapter

Only wish I could get that 1 hr & 47 minutes back. I'm of the age of the cast and was sorely disappointed in this movie. It is a travelogue of Italy (a beautiful place) and they spend entirely too much of the film on tourist stuff. It has a cliche script making me think this is what the writers think older women are like. The plot is predictable, there are no surprises or plot twists and very ittle comedy. Candice Bergen was the only one who even came close to being funny. Jane Fonda could've phoned in her part; which was pretty much the same as her role in 80 for Brady. Why Hollywood thinks this 85 y/o actress is still sexy is beyond me (but her plastic surgeon deserves an award). Mary Steenbergen had a couple of moments in the film. She's a better actress than this role afforded her and her wardrobe was sad especially the dress they put her in for the wedding; as the youngest cast member she deserved better. Diane Keaton has been playing the same role her entire career and is still wearing the same ol' turtleneck blouses & that stupid Annie Hall hat (insert eye roll emoji) But the wardrobe aside this movie is just lame-o and boring.

Survive the Night

Die Hard NOT!!
This movie dies hard alright and not worthy of Bruce Willis! Ridiculous plot & dialogue. The non injured criminal brother is dumber than a box of rocks and apparently can't tie a rope well enough that family members escape repeatedly. It was like the screen writer threw together several plot ideas into one movie. The only positive in this whole thing is we watched it for free on Crackle


The abortion industry is under attack and rightly so. "Unplanned" gives me hope in the eventual overturn of Roe vs Wade. The film is well done, well written and acted. I was horrified by the ultrasound abortion and do not understand how any doctor (who takes an oath to cause no harm) can be desensitized so as to perform an abortion. I was moved by Abby's omission of her guilt in the abortions she had and in the process she supported. I'm sure that she believes God has forgiven her but still remembers daily her guilt in the death of her own babies, as well as the thousands of unborn babies murdered at Planned Parenthood. In 100 years people are going to wonder how we willingly committed genocide in the murder of our own offspring!

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