
IMDb member since June 2008
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    IMDb Member
    15 years



A good idea with poor execution
I was totally hyped for this flick for 2 years since I had heard that Del Toro and Scott Cooper is working on a wendigo horror. After waiting so long I finally watched it I'm a bit disappointed. Scott Cooper wanted to make a drama, Del Toro focused on the horror elements but eventually none of these genre aspects could prevail. What a pity. This movie could have been much better with more care. I've learned my lesson, never be hyped for a movie anymore.

Midnight Mass

A tedious religious drama about death and life.
I really loved Hill house, it's a masterpiece but with midnight mass I think Flanagan failed to convey his thougths effectively. The last two episodes save the whole picture BUT the first five is a total borefest packed with preaching about religion, god, death and life. Half of this TV show is just preaching, creating a frustrating atmosphere, especially for those who aren't religious. The horror elements were completely pushed to the background, too. DO NOT EXPECT A HORROR HERE! Unlike Hill house, I would never, ever watch this again.

Things Heard & Seen

A garbage from Netflix, again.
Oh, crap, another garbage from Netflix. It seems to me, the lord of the streaming services has just kicked off going downhill. Why do they make such a crappy films? Basically the plot of this flick is so hackneyed and banal I had to fast-forward in some cases, the ending is just awful. The screenplay is based on clichéd and overused characters, I demand 2 hours of my freetime back right now.

The Power

Better than average.
Firstly, Rose Williams is hot as hell, even if she is quite a bit of weirdo in her role. Secondly, you're gonna realize you have seen a thousand similar ghost story but this one belongs to the better ones, creepy enough and the screenplay is well crafted. The ending is just meh...but anyway, I had a great fun watching it. Recommended!

The Banishing

A tedious hotchpotch
What a tremendous disappointment! I just wanted to enjoy a creepy, atmospheric horror film but this one is so tedious I had to wrap up watching after 1 hour because I almost fell asleep. I know the director's earlier works and he always seemed talented, well, not anymore. If a horror movie is boring as hell, I think that's unforgivable. If I can give you an advice, just skip this garbage.


Suspensful stuff
It's a conjuring ripoff but one of the better ones! The plot itself doesn't give you any surprising moments but the scary scenes will compensate you from start to finish. Creepy enough, the tension is palpable throughout the movie, the atmopshere is also quite effective. it's absolutely worth checking it out.

Ghosts of War

Cheap-looking mediocrity
I was anxiously waiting for this horror flick, especially in these hard times when you aren't overwhelmed by movies, but it turned out this was a huge mistake. Since butterfly effect It looks like Eric Bress has forgotten how to direct a good film. His latest flick is filled with poor and lame visual effects, the ghosts are not scary whatsoever, in addition to this there is no any atmosphere and tension in the sequences, last but not least the plot itself is a complete mess.

The design of the manor and the production design is nothing extraordinary, to say the least, in some cases it looks pretty bad and cheap-looking.

Eric Bress doesn't have the slightest idea how to direct a decent horror movie, the twist in the end makes no sense, it's quite ludicrous and eventually makes this flick far worse than I expected.

You Should Have Left

Oh damn, what a boring flick.
Well, I will be quite brief because there is nothing extraordinary here that needs to be explained, reviewed or analysed as this flick is so boring I nearly fell asleep for a year during watching it. Nothing happens in this latest Blumhouse movie. It is not horror, it is not a thriller, there is no tension or any kind of negative characters, there is nothing here to be reviewed, literally. Shame on you David Koepp, it seems you are getting too old now!

You should definitely skip this one.

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