
IMDb member since September 2002
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I Am Omega

3 Stars?? i think not!!
After brushing over this movie on my collection for over 1 year, i decided, screw it, i'll give it ago.

I thought it was an I AM LEGEND rip off. I enjoyed every minute of this film, from its slow familiar start, its what I AM LEGEND should have been, to the bitter cliché end, the bad guy getting defeated or maybe not (watch it )because what I AM LEGEND lacks in action, this makes up for it.

I must say the female character Jennifer Lee Wiggins certainly is slightly pleasing to the eye.

This movie is an a good example of money well spent, unlike their Hollywood big budget counterparts who blow money like its out of fashion and yet creates a piece of garbage one wouldn't fart at... or god forbid, pee on.

It was a pleasure watching this movie, although Mark Dacascos is looking rather too slim but im guessing he had to shed a few pounds to get that 'starving' appearance.

In conclusion, don't judge a book by its cover (cheap ripoff) because you'll be surprised at what 3 million can provide.

When the zombie apocalypse comes, stay at home, with a good stock of beer, popcorn, a good woman (not a zombie or blow up doll) and enjoy some good movies like this one!

Peace y'all! :-)

House of the Dead

The most terrible zom-b movie i've ever seen!
This movie is the worst 'Zombie' movie i have ever seen. The fight scenes are pretty nice, but there are a few problems with this movie.

1. The zombies are very unrealistic 2. The acting (if you can even call it that) is awful. 3. The 'bullet-time' style camera moves are well over used. 4. Whats with the video game scenes? we know whats going on, zombies are being killed. We don't need clarification.

Im thinking the director / writers were on crack when they wrote this movie as it is pointless.

I don't even know why i'm writing this because its a complete waste of my time. Get a new job.

0 / 5 stars

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