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Horton Hears a Who!

A Great Example of How 3D animation can be just as great as 2D animation
Horton Hears a Who is one of my favorite animated movies of 2008, if not my favorite. It's funny, charming, witty, and beautifully done. I am a big Jim Carrey fan and he does have some very funny one-liners as Horton, but he alone is not what makes this movie so good. Steve Carell does an excellent job as the mayor, who surprisingly ended up being my favorite character in the film. If I had to pick a favorite scene, it would probably be when Horton was crossing the bridge. The look of the film is amazing, with the bright, vivid colors and the unique Dr. Seuss style animation. It's unlike any other animated film I've seen. The score by John Powell is the icing on the cake, and there's also a hilarious musical number, which is the perfect way to end the film. Overall, this is my favorite Dr. Seuss adaptation, better than The Grinch (2000) and the infamous Cat in the Hat (2003). It's the perfect movie for the whole family, both kids and adults. It's also made by the same guys who made Ice Age, which is a big plus.

The Simpsons: Dial 'N' for Nerder
Episode 14, Season 19

For those of you who think The Simpsons have gone downhill, this episode is a perfect example of how that's not true
IMO, season 19 has been a really great comeback for The Simpsons, and this episode was no exception. Heck, it's probably my favorite of the season. Some of my favorite episodes are Bart & Lisa ones because I think they make a fantastic duo. This episode had a brilliant A story, with a hilarious B story involving Homer backing it up nicely. I also love certain episodes where we see a darker side of Lisa. I found it hilarious that Nelson of all people would be investigating the crime. As I've mentioned before, Homer's B story was hilarious, the two highlights being the bell-pepper montage as well as Homer making love to a rack of lamb (sure it's gross but I couldn't help laughing at it). Overall this is a fantastic episode that shows the newer episodes can be just as great as the older ones. PS: NBC Mystery Theater was the perfect way to end this episode.

The Simpsons: Cape Feare
Episode 2, Season 5

The Most Brilliant Episode in Simpsons History! PERIOD
Cape Feare is my absolute favorite Simpsons episode of all-time. In fact it's one of the first episodes that really got me into watching The Simpsons. This one features my favorite semi- recurring character, Sideshow Bob, voiced most excellently by Kelsey Grammar. This episode had a brilliantly hilarious script, with the kind of dark satire that I love in The Simpsons. The use of the theme music from the movie Cape Fear (or The Sideshow Bob theme as I like to call it) was excellent. This episode contained some of my favorite moments in Simpsons history like the witness protection scene, the rake scene, the butcher knife gag, and my most personal favorite, the HMS Pinafore scene. Overall this is the greatest episode in Simpsons history, but what more could you expect from season 5, one of my favorite seasons of all-time. This episode alone was my reason for buying the season 5 DVD.

The Critic

A Satirical Work of Art
Created by ex-partners Al Jean and Mike Reiss (of Simpsons Fame), The Critic is a short-lived, satirical sitcom about a highly intelligent yet obese cable TV film critic named Jay Sherman, voiced to perfection by Jon Lovitz. Jay could carry the entire show by himself, but he's also surrounded by such a wonderful cast of supporting characters. One of my favorites has to be Duke Phillips, Jay's Ted Turner-esquire Southern boss. The level of satire and absurdism in the show is razor sharp. The real highlights are the hilarious movie parodies. My favorite episode has to be the Siskel & Ebert one, simply a classic. The animation is more well crafted than in The Simpsons, especially the backgrounds. The theme music by the always amazing Hans Zimmer is simply exquisite. The show lasted two seasons, one on ABC and one on FOX, but it could've lasted much, much longer. Overall, The Critic is great satirical series that was ahead of it's time. While The Simpsons is still my all-time favorite show, I'd rank The Critic pretty high.

Futurama: Bender's Game

Yet Another Great Futurama Movie
I really enjoyed the third Futurama outing, Bender's Game. The plot was great and the gags were nonstop. The Yellow Submarine opening was superb. Zoidberg was extremely funny as always. All the pop-culture references were hilarious and so were some of the scenes with Leela's shock collar. The acting, animation, and music were fantastic, as always. My one complaint: We don't really get into the whole fantasy element you see on the poster until halfway through the film, which is why my score got knocked back down to a nine. But other than that, this was a great film, but Beast with a Billion Backs is still my favorite so far. Hopefully the fourth and final film will be better than the other three combined.

Futurama: The Beast with a Billion Backs

Insane Plot, Dark Humor, that's Futurama Baby!
Beast with a Billion Backs picks up literally right where Bender's Big Score left off. I don't care what anyone says, I loved Beast with a Billion Backs and found it even better than Bender's Big Score. It has the insanely dark story-telling that I've come to love in the series and it's also not as fans-only as the previous installment. The black and white opening sequence was fantastic. All of the characters had their moment to shine. Both guest stars Brittany Murphy and David Cross were great in this. The animation and music were better than in the first movie. Overall, Beast with a Billion Backs was even stronger than Bender's Big Score and I'd recommend it to anyone even if they're not a Futurama fan. My sincerest thanks to Matt Groening, David X Cohen, and the rest of the of the Futurama crew for this beautiful work of art.

Futurama: Bender's Big Score

For a Direct-to-DVD release, this is pretty impressive
Me being an avid Futurama fan (as well as Simpsons fan), I decided to give Bender's Big Score a shot. I will admit that this is not as great as some of the best episodes of the series, or even The Simpsons Movie (which was released in the same year), but it's still a great return for the series. But I can see how some people would not care for Bender's Big Score. it's a bit lengthy and the storyline does drag somewhat and is at times a bit difficult to understand. I however learn to accept these mistakes and found it very entertaining and at times beautifully dark and emotional. Like in the series, the acting was superb, the animation was fantastic, and the music was beautiful. There is also a brilliant twist at the end of the film, but I'm not gonna give it away for those of you who haven't seen it. Overall, Bender's Big Score was a great return for Futurama, not the best way to reincarnate the series, but far from the worst.

The Fairly OddParents

The Most Overrated Show in The History of Shows!
Seriously, the fact that this show is so popular just boggles the mind. This show isn't funny, it isn't clever, it isn't original, it's just a steaming pile of bull crap. Let me start with the characters. The characters are all one-dimensional morons with loud, exaggerated voices that just sound like fingernails on a blackboard. The voice acting could've been better. Then there's the animation. MY GOD, it hurts my eyes just looking at it. Everything is too flat, too pointy, too bright, and too candy coated. Then there's the humor, or lack thereof. It's completely idiotic! They just take these B-grade jokes that aren't even that funny in the first place and then repeat them to death. They also throw in some pointless potty humor which sickens me. And finally, last and least, the music. It's just plain annoying. It sounds like it was composed on a child's computer and generates no emotion whatsoever. I wish there was a score lower than 1, I really do. This show seriously needs to be canceled. It's a show I try to avoid like the plague. Whenever I hear the theme song I immediately turn the TV off. If you've never watched this show then don't. Watch quality programming like The Simpsons or Futurama.

The Mask

Truly Jim Carrey's Finest Work
First off, let me say that Jim Carrey is probably my favorite actor of all-time. I've enjoyed him in a lot of his movies, like Ace Ventura, Dumb & Dumber, and Liar Liar, but none of them are quite like The Mask. This brilliant script has everything, 1940's gangster movie suspense, silent film slapstick, and classic Looney Tunes inspired antics all thrown into a blender. The CGI effects, make-up, and costumes are all fantastic, but what is also amazing is that Jim Carrey is pretty much playing two separate characters in the same movie. He does his usual wacky shtick as The Mask but he also plays a sympathetic hero as Stanley Ipkiss. The beautiful music is just icing on the cake. Without a doubt, The Mask is a comedic masterpiece. This will always be my favorite Jim Carrey movie.


A Brilliant Satirical Superhero Cartoon
I didn't even know that Freakazoid existed until I looked at YouTube. I watched a couple episodes of it and I thought it was one of the funniest shows ever made. I couldn't stop laughing at the completely random humor and satire scattered throughout. It was a bit closer in tone to shows like The Simpsons or Rocky and Bullwinkle. Freakazoid acted less like a real superhero and more like, well a cartoon character. There were also other funny segments like Lord Bravery, Fatman and Boy Blubber, The Huntsman, etc., It was basically one of those shows where story didn't really matter and it was just there to make you laugh. It is such a shame that this brilliantly hilarious show only lasted two seasons. This is my fourth favorite cartoon, right after The Simpsons, Futurama, and Pinky & The Brain.

Pinky and the Brain

A Classic! What more can I say?
This show has to be one of my personal favorites. I remember loving it when I was little. I thought it was hilarious. Pinky and the Brain made quite a hilarious duo and character conflict is what comedy is all about. Rob Paulsen and Maurice LaMarche are both excellent voice actors and they were both fantastic in this. The writing was quite clever. There was quite a bit of satire and small innuendos in the show which made it appeal on an adult level as well. Without a doubt, Pinky and the Brain was one of the funniest and most intelligent cartoons of the 90's. None of the current Saturday morning cartoons will ever be as great as Pinky and the Brain. This is right up there with The Simpsons and Futurama as one of the best cartoons ever made.


Pure Brilliance
Futurama was created by Matt Groening, the genius behind The Simpsons. It is one of the most hilarious, original, and unique shows ever made. Of course the show would be nothing without Fry, who is probably my favorite character of all-time. In fact there is not one, repeat, NOT ONE weak character in the whole show. There are also quite a few emotional episodes, particularly in season 4, and that's one of the things that made The Simpsons great. My all- time favorite episode has to be The Sting. The voice acting is superb, especially since we've got Billy West (Ren & Stimpy) and Maurice LaMarche (Pinky & The Brain). The animation is beautifully done and the music really surprised me as being even better than in The Simpsons. Futurama needs to come back, canceling it was the biggest mistake in television history. This is the second best show ever made, the best being The Simpsons. Face it FOX, Seth MacFarlane will never be Matt Groening.

The Simpsons Movie

Simply A Masterpiece
The greatest TV cartoon ever made has finally been made into a movie. The Simpsons Movie is just as funny and clever as the TV series, if not more-so. While the plot may not be as well developed, it's a more than attractive story to me. This is quite easily the funniest movie of 2007. It's quite possible you'll die of oxygen deficiency, you'll be laughing so hard. There are so many funny things in this movie, I couldn't possibly list them all here, but I will list the ones I can remember. The opening Green Day scene, the church scene, Homer & Bart on the roof, Russ Cargill, President Schwarzenegger, Homer whipping the sled dogs, and that random pig. There are also a few emotional scenes here and there, and that's one of the things that made the TV show great. The animation and the music are even better than in the TV series, of course. This movie is just amazing. Right after Ratatouille and Surf's Up, The Simpsons Movie is my third favorite movie of summer 2007. My sincerest thanks to Matt Groening and company.

The Simpsons

Truly the greatest TV cartoon ever made
The Simpsons is my all-time favorite show. I don't get how anyone could think Family Guy is better. There isn't anyone I can relate to in Family Guy and none of the characters in that show project any heart or wit. The Simpsons has a very well developed cast of characters. The writing is simply brilliant. Each episode has hilarious gags, interesting plots, and clever satire. The amazing thing about The Simpsons is that it can go into any type of genre. One episode could be a character-driven story, the next episode could be a movie parody. The music is excellent, unlike most TV productions. There is absolutely nothing The Simpsons can't accomplish. It just has that special something that so many other cartoons lack. Most people complain about the dipping quality. While I will admit that seasons 3-8 are better, the later seasons are still awesome in my opinion. There isn't really a single episode where I haven't laughed once. The Simpsons is and always will be my all-time favorite show.

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