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Fast X

Great bad movie
I'd put this up there with birdemic even. A great bad movie. Hilarious even. So ridiculous that it almost feels like they're mocking the audience, like an experiment to see how stupid and weird this can get before people stop watching it. From the first minute the ridiculousness starts with use of footage from a DEAD actor. Like why? It was so unnecessary and so creepy! And the rest of it is just filled with one cheesy unbelievable scene after the other. Everything is unnecessarily over the top. Till the very last scene where the kid jumps for like 3 meters in the air between two turned cars. Again, very unnecessary. On the bright side I laughed more watching this than one would watching a comedy.

Cunk on Earth

Waste of time
I wish I could the time I spent watching this show, back. Literally the kind of jokes kindergartners and primary schoolers make. Possibly the worst "comedy" I have ever seen in my life. None of it was funny, it was just a bunch of dumb comments and the audience is supposed to find the continuous utter stupidity funny somehow. I guess people who are into puns would find it funny but I'm sure for that too you can find endless other material to entertain yourself with instead of this.

I also think it's really lazy to just go for the "stupid girl" trope. So overused, so unoriginal, and so very boring.

The Menu

Great plot
The plot was quite unique and shocking, but the fish looking lady was very annoying throughout. I think they most definitely should've chosen another actress for that role. And the ending too. Felt like they're implying she is the monster given how much lack of empathy she shows. The rest of it, I'd say the characters were very well written and well played.

It was the kind of movie that makes you think, and moving forward, affects how you move through life. How you view and treat the people that provide us with a service, specially if it's a passion of theirs. And how much we value the enjoyment of one's profession, among other things.


Important to watch
Watching this post Roe v. Wade overturn is pretty heartbreaking. So many people so many senators knowingly let this happen. It really shows how politicians focus on power, money and winning but not what's right.

Father Stu

Catholic Propaganda
I thought it'd be a comedy about an ex-boxer overcoming adversities, but it was just pure Catholicism propaganda lol didn't see it coming but in hindsight this is probably exactly what I should've expected I guess.

Stranger Things

Terrible acting
For a show this big that's been going on this long, it's kinda cray how bad the acting is. Like so bad it's sometimes funny lol specially the actor for eleven character.


Couldn't sit through it all in one go
It's tricky with this one because the acting is good but I've been always told princess Diana was nice and sweet and lovable while she's portrayed here as anything but. Incredibly annoying and psychotic and childish. Made me kinda feel for prince charles for having to deal with her. She wanted a certain kind of lifestyle and got in this marriage knowing what it is but when she got it she seem to have started to play games for more attention and special treatments? Kinda Confusing.

Pam & Tommy

Without Pam and Tommy's permission
Why would you go out of your way to make a movie about something so traumatizing about two people's personal lives, WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION??! It's so disappointing..

Emily in Paris

A satire of American arrogance
I'm not sure if it's SUPPOSED to be about American arrogance? I feel like you have to have the American arrogance to find this funny otherwise it's just dumb and very irritating.. supposed to be an easy watch but it's just painful to watch. Aesthetically pleasing though perhaps.

The Opening Act

Great cast terrible movie
That was so hard to sit through.. I regret not fast-forwarding it. What a waste of that amazing cast.

The Glorias

Gloria Steinem is great, an inspiration to us all. But this movie was terrible..

French Exit

Very Wes Anderson-y
It was very much alike Wes Anderson's work to me and I kind of wished he had made it for it would have been far more enjoyable and kept imagining how it would've been like. But I still enjoyed it thought.

That Damn Michael Che

Not that funny tbh, plus this dude decided to fill his first and only special with anti vaxxer bs...

The Alphabet Killer

Very amateur
I don't think I've ever seen such bad acting!! Lol.. somebody connect them with tommy wiseau.


easy watch
Ridiculous and cheesy and kinda weird but funny and cute, plus I like Melissa McCarthy so.

Two Distant Strangers

amazing piece of art
A great short on so many levels! Although a fictional one, it feels incredibly real.. IMO it really depicts how every time something like this happens or has happened, in a way it feels like it happened to each and every black person.. because sadly it really could happen to anyone..


I was so confused as why this was labeled as comedy but then I remembered so was "get out".

The Two Faces of January

truly enjoyable
It has been a while seen I truly enjoyed a movie! The storyline and the plot, the acting and the choice of actors, the music, the wardrobe, even the locations the chose! absolutely beautiful! can't believe I hadn't heard about this movie before

Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga

Incredibly weird and hilarious
But for all the wrong reasons lol can't believe all these people were ok to just release this into the world

On the Rocks

Murray ftw
The Murray parts were great, naturally. The ending got pretty cheesy tho imo. Overall, could have been much greater but I still enjoyed the Murray bits

For All Mankind

Pure American propaganda
I started watching because it's space related and supposed to be realistic because they have actual astronauts advising them. But it's actually nauseating how American government /nationalists propaganda-ish this movie is..

The Willoughbys

Great Plot
Not only it's beautifully made, I think it's such an important animation for kids with bad parents.. only someone with bad parents would understand how much this would mean to a child like that and how much it could actually help them!!

Kunstneren og tyven

Absolutely amazing
It really left me just speechless staring at the credits. I don't know what I was expecting but I wasn't expecting this.


could've been great
The storyline is very interesting indeed but the way they made it literally looks like something ate all the famous action movies and threw up on the screen.. plus some of the actors and actresses for characters like dolores and maeve are casted with very unsuitable actors IMO

!!!spoiler alert!!! one thing that was pretty funny to me was that in one of the interviews rachel wood was saying it keeps you wondering if her character is a good one or a villain the whole time, while the character was clearly a villain pretty much the whole time.


First two seasons were really good! and it had a lot of potential! but my god last season.. I haven't rolled my eyes at anything as much as I've rolled my eyes at this. specially martha and jonas like what was that.. they were in shock and in tears THE WHOLE TIME!

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