
IMDb member since July 2008
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Made in Dagenham

"Made in Dagenham" is a monument!
Once every many years, a film that is a monument is made. That, as it progresses, repeatedly moves you, makes the crowd in the cinema stock-still, even provides the sensitive with a lump in the throat, and at the end makes the very best – who drank from the Fountain of Youth - applaud and cheer! For a movie thus, with a heart and mind and that you may identify yourself with... This work of art makes you think about the inequalities of today, in our time. – For example: What is the difference in responsibility between a surgeon and a car mechanic?... Or between a pilot of a jumbo jet that flies 300 people per day to the other end of the world, and a bus driver – on a road less safe – who each time brings 30 people away during 10 rides per day?... Yes, and where does intelligence come from?... And is that a reason to discriminate then?... Finally: Is a "market" salary a good reason for the price of the market when people make the market… themselves?!... – Are we smart? Or are bankers, insurance agents and others who "earn" millions of dollars (and who don't drop dead of working so "hard"…) laughing their heads off about burglars and bank robbers… Is "earning" the right word for adjusting a salary to a big ego - or does "stealing" come closer to the truth? And what's left for you, worker in the factory, when your boss takes too much for himself?... And don't we pay far too much for many products and services when those who lead the making become billionaires?... Makes you think, ha!

– Go see this film before the sun rises above a new Tahrir Square! (And women, do not forget your husband or boyfriend!).

Martin van Brakel, The Netherlands.

Funny Games

Unnatural reactions make it possible...
It wouldn't happen to you, would it!?: Young smart looking blonde living in far too large house cuts far too large piece red and dead meat before far too great violence and far too great stupidity hit people with far too much money... The acting of, especially, the boy and the woman representing his mother, is very good. They make fear get under your skin... But it is a pity that the story doesn't convince, because the mother had a chance to warn her friends in the boat in the beginning. And at other times too, the victims don't act like you think you would act in that particular situation. It's also very strange that there's just one (cell) phone around with such a - financially - rich family. And the scene in the beginning in which the knife in the boat falls down, sticks in your head: it makes you think you know why this is shown and that's bothering, especially when you find you could predict the next scene...

La graine et le mulet

Movie "La graine..." shows how "small" evil can get very serious consequences
The movie "La graine et le mulet" also shows how "small" evil can get very serious consequences for good people. It plays in France of our time and tells about what happens with a Tunisian immigrant family around the achievement of the dream of the father: starting a private business. This after he has (dubiously) been fired as a shipyard worker. He has this dream also because he wishes to leave his children something of happiness. The adultery of his oldest, son - evil No. 1 – who is spoiled by western "civilisation" (evil 2), ensures that his wife is a very sad woman and mother (a fantastic acting achievement like I have not seen in years!). And it also becomes the reason for the leaving of that son of the festive opening of the... restaurant at an old boat that father bought. That opening is important, because especially meant to convince potential donors among the guests, with which it didn't work too good yet in inhospitable France (evil 3). The adulterous son suddenly wants to get away from the party because among the many guests, he sees his mistress (evil 4). He finds an untrue excuse (evil 5) and tells this to his younger brother. He covers him (evil 6) before the rest of the family. All family members, father's step-daughter and friends, have contributed with a lot of effort to the achievement of the life dream of father. Then they think that the adulterous son has left the party in the car with the large pan with the important "graine" (couscous from semolina) in it. That would be the main course for that evening. Father, who is already of age, than takes his motorbike to look for his son. After a long ride he parks his moped in front of an apartment building, goes up and rings the door bell where the son could be. Meanwhile, the motorcycle is stolen by three young joyriders (evil 7). When the father doesn't find his son and sees the thieves, he runs after them. The joyriders let him come closer, challenge him and laugh at him and then ride away again (evil 8). By running, the father seems to die on the street of exhaustion at the end of the film... Legally, the western "civilisation", the adulterous son and the three young thieves are not in the least guilty of the fate that gets the father. That is (according to lawyers) because he has a brain, a right of self-determination and "that's the risk of life", the risk of having a dream, or the "risk of entrepreneurs". But ethically?!...

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