
IMDb member since October 2002
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Time Bomb

Guess who the terrorists aren't.
This review does contain spoilers so do not read it if you want to be surprised about this movie. When I saw the preview for this CBS movie I told my son we should watch it as it would be a topical movie about Middle Eastern/Arab/Muslim/Al Quaeda etc. types trying to kill a bunch of people. He told me I was an idiot as CBS would never make a movie where the terrorists were any of these and he proposed the terrorists to be white supremacists from Idaho and that any Arabs in the movie would be sympathetically portrayed and that any Muslim would be a good Muslim. It turned out that in fact I am an idiot. An Arab falsely profiled is actually a humanitarian football fan, a Muslim police officer is a victim of unfair discrimination and the terrorists willing to kill umpteen thousand of innocents just for greed are a couple of white police officers. Let's see, we have 9/11, the bombings in Madrid, the bombings in London, the bombings in Bali, etc. and who carried out those? I defy anyone to find terrorists attacks carried out by legitimate police officers of any color or race. Part of the reason to watch a movie is to be taken in by the premise and buy it as it might actually happen. I should have known from the beginning that things were not right when our star when told about the results of a wiretap of some suspect Muslims told the officer to get some translators on it as one would think the police would already have thought of having Arab translators listening to the Arab wiretaps. This movie is not about terrorism, but political correctness CBS style gone wild and thus is totally unbelievable in the end. Excellent performance by Richard T. Jones.

Passport to Danger

Every week Cesar Romero has an adventure in an exotic locale
1954 brought the first TV station KSLA to Shreveport, LA and my family bought its first TV set. Since Cesar Romero was one of my mother's favorite actors we never missed an episode. At the beginning of the program it was interesting to me to see his passport stamped as to a 9 year old the idea of visiting foreign places was, well foreign. Each week Cesar's character Steve McQuinn, he never looked like a McQuinn, would find himself in different intrigues in exotic locales, but by his wit, continental sophistication and resourcefulness would always escape to fall into similar trouble the next week. I have fond memories of the show as being exciting, but they may be the memories of a 9 year old who had never been anywhere.

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