
IMDb member since October 2002
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The Kremlin Letter

Underrated classic
Just read some dunderhead's review with spoilers posted back in October 08. That person rated this movie one of the worst ever with an all star cast. Well, I am sure you are satisfied with Steven Seagal or Chuck Norris fare because you wouldn't know grit or realism if it bit you on the tool. The contents of the letter was a declaration of war by the US in conjunction with the USSR against China. Shows you how much you watched. I am sure George Sanders didn't commit suicide because he appeared in drag. Otherwise Dustin Hoffman, Eric Idle Robbie Coltrane, Tony Curtis, Jack Lemmon etc wouldn't have had substantial careers after they appeared in drag. My guess is that you think Tom Cruise's MI films are Citizen Kane! Or you don't know what Citizen Kane is.


Brave Goldie
A pretty average movie but a brave one from Ms Hawn to promote this vehicle as Exec Producer & as a starring vehicle. Although she ends up vindicated, she is willing to portray herself as the dizzy bimbo. How many other A listed actresses have subjected themselves to butt injury pratfalls since this movie? Not many. Does this mean the female butt cannot be funny? Goldie surpasses other actresses as she has maintained a screen persona & ventures in projects other won't. Sandra Bullock occasionally goes there,for example, Miss Congeniality but Nicole Kidman would never cop the pratfall. A wonderful performer. Great to see some of my favorite actors, Chris Sarandon & Cliff DeYoung notably.

A Few Good Men

I want Nathan Jessup defending us
Notwithstanding any fine acting or well written drama, I am always left with a bad taste in the mouth after viewing this movie. For me, the last moments has Tom Cruise observing the vacant courtroom with a "I finally defended a case & won & Dad would be proud" giving purpose to his life. And as viewers, we see the drama unfold through the eyes of the main character so instinctively, we side with him. But, as Jack Nicholson states, who would you want defending the borders? A weak link dies & no doubt a strong link will replace him. One person dies but many are potentially saved. Its OK to kill during war (morally & legally) but not in peace time. The courtroom may have won out but I will sleep better if Nathan Jessup types are protecting the borders doing whatever it takes to make it safer. The real let down in this drama is the portrayal of the legal side. They are honorable & have righteousness. Anyone who has dealt with them in real life will know that this is a cartoonish version portrayal.

Great Catherine

lost gem
One of those movies that I saw ages ago, want to see again, to see if it has the same effect. Trying to capture Peter O'Toole's Whats New Pussycat flavor (although more buffoonish)& including a great array of character actors, Mostel, Hawkins, Tamiroff & Griffith the critics probably wanted this to be better than it is. But it is French legend Jeanne Moreau that is so wonderful. It was one of the first times I had seen her, actually probably the first, & she is not afraid to mix her sexiness with slapstick. With such a male cast it would have been easy for her to be just be scenery but she accepts her pratfalls brilliantly eg getting shot in the seat of her dress by clumsy O'Toole. if anyone has a copy of this gem please post this info

Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle

I enjoyed it
Considering movie maker's open license on changing history & implausible happenings (eg the ease at which heroes recover from injuries, the appearance of fire when a spaceship in space explodes) that we accept readily, we should consider the target audience & their enjoyment level. For total escapism & semi clad girls who freely smack each others butt this movie hit the spot with me & my teenage son. If I dwelled too much on plot holes, I would never enjoy another movie. Private detectives take months infiltrating work places yet the girls go from the docks to a bar within the day. Who cares! Female movie teams are a rare breed & apparently rarely successful. It's time to rethink & encourage the concept.

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