
IMDb member since August 2008
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Doctor Who: The Haunting of Villa Diodati
Episode 8, Season 12

I've finally figured out why this Doctor has been so lackluster for me...
The fact that there three companions seems to always be the dragging force when the writer tries to give them each their own storyline plot in an episode. This episode shows that when they're all working together, trying to help the Doctor figure out what's going on, the story is better for it. When the writer gives them each their own plot thread, the episode seems too disjointed.

Going for Gold

Stilted acting, but not horrid.
While the acting isn't that great, it's always nice to see how these movies show off the talents of Australian cheerleaders and gymnasts.

Dancin': It's On!

Good dancing, bad acting.
Every single line in the movie sounds like it was done via ADR! The acting is wooden and amateurish. The plot is a rehash of every other love story from the "wrong side of the tracks", and it's not even a good love story. Even the costuming is basic! At least the dancing is good... But, if the only good thing I can say is that the dancing is good, then it's not a very good movie...

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