
IMDb member since September 2008
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    15 years


El orfanato

The Orphanage. Home to more than just children
The orphanage is a chilling tale that i watched with friends and family. I found that it was captivating to say the least, i immensely struggled to take my eyes of the screen at any moment at fear of missing a vital addition to the plot. The reason for this fear was due to the simple fact that there are lots of tiny clues which eventually all come together to conclude the film. There were so many twists and turns that at times the film is hard to follow and events seem randomly placed, however as the film progresses all secrets are slowly revealed. overall unfortunately there are some facts that remain to be a mystery but i will allow you to watch it and decide for yourself. overall a very gripping film that has been very cleverly made.


Love it but oops! we forgot to act!
I just want to say that i love this film but from a critical point of view here is my opinion. I have never read the twilight saga and to be perfectly honest with you this movie was the first time i had ever, even heard of it! I enjoy watching it however i find it difficult to at the same time. It gets exciting more so towards the ending when it should have made the audience have a rush of adrenaline throughout (not including love/emotional scenes). The acting in it seemed effortless and wooden, the characters acted like they didn't have a background as if they had no personality apart from some exceptions mainly Alice who is one of my favourite characters. I personally feel however that if it weren't for Robert Pattinson being in the film i would have found it slightly unbearable to watch. I am afraid to say that just him being so sexy made it more interesting which seemed to make up for the lack of acting! Overall quite an enjoyable movie, had humorous parts, emotional parts, action parts it is just the gap between them was too big.

Destroy All Humans! Path of the Furon

Destroy all quality!!
I was extremely excited when i heard that a third edition to the Destroy all Humans series was being released because i own all of them including Destroy all humans: Big Willy Unleased and i have enjoyed playing everyone of them, which makes me regret to say that this particular destroy all humans was a disappointment , i partly blame the propaganda but it was also too short for my liking, most games that are short have excellent graphics but the graphics in this game were very poor (appart from in vital cut scenes) for a next generation console. It took me only two days to complete all of the objective missions (the storyline missions) and an additional one to complete the rest. Considering that this game cost me £33.30 i expected more. I found it unsatisfying and by the end i was wondering why it was so poor but thankfully it is not all bad. The storyline is good and the areas are very large allowing many places to destroy and many brains to collect (thats about it). Overall a lower standard than expected and too short!!!

Tomb Raider: Underworld

The 7th age is disappointing
I have been a Tomb Raider fan for years now and when Tomb Raider Underworld was said to be the best Tomb Raider yet i couldn't wait for its release. However it was unfortunately short, it only had 1 more additional level than legend which therefore means that it only had 8 maybe the creators are trying to tell us that the number of the Tomb Raider is the same amount of levels e.g. Tomb Raider Legend was the 7th in the series and it had 7 levels and Tomb Raider Underworld being the 8th has 8 levels. Although it was short the game wasn't all bad it had once again a very strong storyline which makes it almost impossible to stop playing the game although i found that the emotion in the game at points was put across poorly. The graphics were amazing as always and the game play is fun and interesting especially with the new weapons that she finds over the course of the game. The makers have really focused on design and movement with this game making it seem more realistic and of course as any Tomb Raider fan will know that this one contains blood. I am still with Tomb Raider 2 being my favourite but they are getting closer to the greatness they once had and who knows maybe my opinion will changed within a few years.

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