
IMDb member since October 2008
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    15 years


Co-Ed Confidential

pretty good
There is more of a story line than most porn, but there is also a lot of nudity and sex. The cool thing about it is that it's available on regular channels, so if you're looking for something quick and halfway decent it works. A lot of the episodes are really funny and portray an aspect of college life that is real, but that high schools and parents definitely wouldn't mention. It's funny, and there are romances that do and do not end well. The original story line, of how they all got into the house together, is pretty unrealistic- as, quite frankly, is the amount of sex- but a lot of the other aspects are true to life. I definitely loved the show. It was interesting and easy to get into, even after I'd missed the first couple of episodes.

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