
IMDb member since October 2002
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    21 years


Restless Natives

An entertaining Scottish film. Really.
I saw this film years ago, taped it from TV and watched it over and over. I wait patiently for some distributer to produce 'Restless Natives' on DVD so that it can, once more, be a part of my collection.

Onto the film: it is rare that you see a Scottish film that is entertaining, doesn't have actors forcing their accents and actually makes you think "being Scottish isn't so bad" - this film actually fits the bill.

It takes the old "Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid" formula, transplants it into Scotland, and provides non stop entertainment - you may even be inspired to wear a clown mask and rob tourist buses whilst becoming Scotlands greatest tourist attraction too; it can be that inspiring.

Other reviews state that this film has a weak ending, however I feel that there was nowhere else for the film to go; this statement in itself doesn't make too much sense until you have seen the film though.

All in all, an enjoyable film that will bring a smile to most faces and perhaps even relight the fire of Scottish patriotism. You may even enjoy the "Big Country" soundtrack.

Gin gwai

The scariest film that I have ever seen. Moreso than Ring.
I am a big fan of the Japanese film 'Ring' - I thought that it was superbly made and truely terrifying; then I saw 'The Eye'.

I had heard about 'The Eye' from a 'Ring' website and was expecting a similar kind of film, however 'The Eye' surpasses 'Ring' in so many ways.

It is terrifying (like 'Ring', not in a blood and gore type way) to the extent that you want to look away from the screen yet are compelled to continue watching. The way that the movie is filmed is superb (with very clever use of camerawork after Mun has had her operation and sees only blurry images) and the soundtrack is phenomenal as it keeps you on the edge of your chair throughout the film.

Everything builds and builds to the point where Mun begins to witness a terrible event that is analogous to something that pushed the previous owner of her eyes over the edge - this in itself is perhaps the greatest climax of any film that I have ever seen.

As well as being well filmed and planned there is also a clever sub-plot which explores societies attitudes towards suicide and this helps to explain why it isn't happy 'spirits' that Mun can see.

All in all, there are not enough good things that I can say about this film, however on the downside I did feel that Muns Grandmother, Sister and The Taoist had more to give to the film, yet this was never explored to it's utmost.

You will need to wear rubber pants to watch this film and you will need to change them after you see what happens when Mun is advised that "You're in my chair". Really.

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