
IMDb member since October 2008
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    15 years


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows

What good fan service looks like
It's great when a movie gets what its suppose to be. This is the dumb fun movie of the summer, which has some good laughs, OK action, and never takes its self seriously. Unlike the first Ninja Turtle movie, which was considered one of the worst films of the year.

2 years after the Ninja Turtles stopped Shredder's attack on New York City Shredder escapes his prison transport. With the help of Bebop and Rock Steady Shredder gets ready for the arrival of the alien brain Krang, The Ninja Turtles have to step "out of the shadows" to save New York again with help from Cassey Jones.

This is what good fan service looks like. The characters look and act like there suppose to, especially Bebop and Rock Steady. It is amazing that they made them look like they did in the cartoon as oppose to a more gritty and realistic like the transformers. The story is a fun not to serious ride, that feels like a marvel movie as oppose to a Dark Knight. The acting of course isn't anything to write home about, and I'm starting to wonder if Will Arnett owes someone money. Seriously he seems to be in everything now. I can't recommend this movie enough but, a word of warning if you were never a fan of the ninja turtles. This probably isn't the dumb fun summer blockbuster for you.

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