
IMDb member since October 2002
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La ragazza con la valigia

Is Beauty A Crime?
That anyone could categorize this film as a "...somewhat mediocre and meandering melodramatic film by Zurlini" is sad.

I suppose, one must be sympathetic a bit to Italian culture at the time of the film to understand the simple truths of a beautiful woman who is unable due to circumstance, lack of education, and her own character, to hold onto the very few and dubious chances life presents to improve her situation.

With only her beauty as both spoiler and advantage a beautiful but simple woman is on the tide of personal ruin in every choice she makes. We hope and are torn for her as we watch each scene knowing the razors edge she is living on while those around her continue to misunderstand and take advantage of her plight.

This is a fantastic film (albeit 'little') that it's Nomination for the 1961 Cannes Golden Palm proves.

If you can find it in Italian with sub-titles listen carefully to the actors even if you don't understand Italian. The simplicity of their performances is decades before it's time. For me it remains an unforgettable masterpiece.

note: I would have rated it a "10" but some of the 'jump cuts' in the were one too many for my now '21-century' tastes.

The Boy with the Sun in His Eyes

Got A Minute To Laff?
This movie is a spoof-y, fun, hilarious commentary on male friendship (and yes male sex) in the go-go 90's. Ever heard of 'Andy Warhol' No? Pop some corn, gather all your friends (get the kids outta the room!) watch a few Italian B horror flicks first (hint 'Demons' 'Rats' 'Warrior Of The Lost World') then settle back and laugh at all the inside jokes Todd Verow, James Dwyer and co-writer; Geretta Geretta (whose B-Movie career the story is lightly based on) have peppered the movie with, while sharing subtle truths about lost Americans, Black Female wanna-be-Stars, Boys almost in love; in a dizzy Europe that was waaay before Grace Jones... then ENJOY! This is an 'experimental art film' with a POV...not just endless tracking shots & expensive CGI calling itself 'art.'


An arty woman has the art of love.
Okay, let's set the record straight: this film was made in the mid 80's when Music videos were still rare and female film directors were even rarer. After the original Director had to drop out, Ivanna Massetti was given the picture. She was a well-respected commercial director in France and this film was her directorial debut. Using the techniques learned from esoteric commercials and music videos she gambled and lost in attempting to tell the story of "DominoÓ visually without much connective narrative. It simply didn't work. But attempting to tell a story without dialogue is still something Directors attempt today, twenty years later, and still fail. The storyline was acutally of a woman named DOMINO, a successful but jaded video director, who having lost the ability to love searches first through her friends and then Paris-by-night trying to find something, anything to teach her to love again.

As regards this being "soft porn" at no time did Ms. Massetti intend or attempt to make this a "soft porn" film. Remember this was Europe where showing nudity doesn't mean it's "porn". And especially not back in the 80's. As regards Ms. Nielson; it's true she doesn't appear very attractive in this film. Which really hurt the film as you need to believe how beautiful this Domino woman is. Her appearance was due to being over weight from a pregnancy. A pregnancy that she lost during the shooting of the film. The film was shut down for two weeks while she recouped.

First time Director, attempts to break the laws of narrative storytelling, a miscarriage during the film shoot and a very nasty and very public divorce from Slyvestor Stalone... Is any of this an excuse why the film isn't that good? Maybe not... To the hard hearted of you out there.

Stewardess School

High Jinx in the high skies. Lighten up people, it's a comedy!
"Stewardess School" is one of those movies you THINK you've seen because of the overly familiar title but you haven't. Much like the early "Airports" it's a spoof with a lot of former television actors you may have forgotten...but in this film they all give really good performances. That's why the movie shows up all the time on comedy cable stations. if you're not feeling like rushing right out and renting it, just wait, it'll be on a channel near you shortly. It's fun, innocent and funny but unfortunately got stuck with a title that makes it seem like something it isn't.. Like the nice girl in high school with the bad rep: "Stewardess School" is worth getting to know better.

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