
IMDb member since October 2008
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    15 years



Ocean's 11 meets the A-Team
Finally there is a show that combines all the charm and intelligence of the Ocean's 11 franchise with the uniquely memorable personalities of the A-Team. Watching the pilot episode of Leverage was really a treat. It's been a long time since I've seen a show at the end of which I found myself truly satisfied.

There is a depth to Nathan Ford's plans that constantly leaves you guessing what will come next which makes every episode so much more than just the two-dimensional plot-lines that we have come to expect with even the "deepest" of today's shows. And the individual members of his team are every bit as interesting. The combination of an arrogant, sociopath of a combat expert, a psychopathic thief, a brilliant improv actress and a savvy tech genius come together to give us a TV family that we can actually get behind.

The concept of a Robin Hood-esquire plot-line seems almost to be grossly overdone in today's culture, but by accomplishing it through the use of some truly colorful anti-heroes, who truly are in it just for the money, we end up with some great House-Like characters. It's never the client who is truly important, they're just the justification.

In short, Leverage is a truly refreshing experience that should attract fans of a number of different prior franchises. The acting is superb, as is the writing. All these factors combine to make a show that is truly original and a joy to watch.

Starship Troopers 2: Hero of the Federation

Wow... I am truly amazed. I didn't think that it was possible to so fully destroy any one thing, but now I see that I was wrong. Starship Troopers 2 takes everything that was great about the original and.... oh wait, sorry, I forgot- it doesn't take ANYTHING that was great about the original!

My best advice: stay away from this film. The characters are poorly acted and unbelievable. The storyline is predictable and uninteresting. The CG is is ridiculously cheap. And what happened to all the cool creatures?

The original was rife with unique and interesting bugs and it seemed like every scene was introducing a new variety. This version has two.

In conclusion: this movie sucks. For those of you who loved the original: stay clear, this will only depress you.

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