
IMDb member since October 2008
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Mind My Mind

Interesting, not too long.
An interesting portrayal of what it may be like to be autistic. I found the sex scene to be surprisingly graphic.

Just Mercy

Powerful and moving.
This film made me so grateful to not be a poor black American man.


Confusing at times
I am not an American woman who watches Fox news so maybe I should not have seen this film. Often characters would give meaningful glances which I did not get. I did think that Charlize Theron did an amazing job of becoming her character. Margot Robbie managed to portray intelligence and innocence in a character who, it seems, was completely made up.


Just what I expected
I found this unbelevable, silly and predictable. The attempt to make it look as if it was made in one single shot was distracting.


I left after 15 minutes.
I won't rate this as I could only stand 15 minutes. 3 big problems for me:- 1) The girl's screaming (in anger) was unbearable. I put earplugs in. 2) The camera bouncing around made me close my eyes. 3) Not the fault of the film makers, but the subtitles were not on screen long enough for me. I'd get halfway throgh reading them and they were gone.

Le daim

Very strange, not funny.
I was expecting an absurd comedy. This was not a comedy, although I did laugh twice.

Au nom de la terre

Miserable, depressing film.
I hated this film. I really don't understand why anybody would choose to watch such a dismal story. I saw it in a sneak- preview and would have left the cinema if I could have without disturbing others. Veerle Baetens was wonderful.


A real roller-coaster of a film
This was intriguing from the start, but I was worried that the different cutural values might prevent my enjoyment. My concern disappeared as the film became more and more bizarre; I was completely caught up.

The Good Liar

A film for older people
I can't imagine young people liking this at all. The story was much more convoluted than I expected and so I found it interesting. Helen Mirren was wonderful but I found Ian McKellen to be badly miscast.

Medena zemja

Depressing and Miserable
The landscapes, as shown in the clips, are sometimes beautiful. The film itself is truly miserable. Nobody walked out of the sneak- preview I attended. At the end there was a stunned silence, except for one woman sobbing inconsolably. As an educational film which shows how awful and hopeless the lives of poor people can be, I could recommend this, but as entertainment I can most definitely not.

Sorry We Missed You

Miserable and depressing.
This is a film about normal people going through rough times. Then things get worse. Not my idea of entertainment at all. I saw this in a "Sneak Preview" and only 1 person left early. I wish I had not stayed to the end as it made me feel thoroughly miserable.

Hareket Sekiz

Childish and stupid.
This movie was rated 8.8 on IMDB so I thought I'd give it a chance. I had decided not to leave before the end however bad it was. Everybody else did in fact walk out except for me and a young couple who were not watching the film. Three incompetent police men are on a secret mission, as they tell the people they meet. Their stupidity ranges from eating the evidence at a crime scene to even being unable to walk through doors. They try to go through two at a time which means they become stuck. The mother of one officer treats him as if he were a lovable toddler, washing his face and feeding him with a spoon. She goes along on their mission to look after him. I think 8 year-old children might find this funny.

The Gift

Sentimental nonsense
I'm willing to suspend my disbelief when watching fiction, but this just became ridiculous. Amusing to see such well known actors taking part in this nonsense.

Little Monsters

I saw this in a "Sneak Preview" and I left after 45'. I was not the first to leave.

It started badly with two people arguing. Imagine that, two people you don't know arguing loudly about things you don't understand. I can't think of a worse way to start a film. Was it meant to be funny? It was just really annoying.

There are lots of "F" words being used in the presence of young children. Swearing doesn't bother me, but it did seem very inappropriate in these circumstances.

The plot involves a school trip to a children's zoo which then becomes overrun by zombies.

It's not funny or scary, just very stupid.

I then decided to leave, realised that it was raining heavily, considered returning but decided getting soaked was the better option.

After the Wedding

You may want to see this.
If you like "emotional" films then this is at least a 7. I just felt miserable.

If you like plot twists being presented to you long before the characters realise what's happening then add 2 more stars. I just find this boring.

I saw this in a "Sneak Preview" with at least 40 people, nobody left before the end.

The overall quality was excellent, and I feel guilty giving it 5 stars but, well, I just really don't like this sort of film.

Ad Astra

The special effects were good but the story was very poor. At the end I felt cheated.

The Kitchen

Only saw the first 20 min.
Bad and ugly film. Bad acting, unbelievable plot. I could only put up with 20 min before I joined the other people leaving. No stars because I didn't see the whole film.

Juo ren mi mi

Confusing and not very nice.
I saw this film in a "Sneak Preview" with about 30 other people, nobody left before the end. Maybe, like me, they were hoping that it would become clear what had really happened and what was imagined; I was only left confused.

Blinded by the Light

A solid 5.
The main actors were excellent but others were awful. There were scenes which were so bad that I considered leaving but others, well one anyway, that made me glad I stayed. Some scenes were fun and amusing but others were predictable, cheesy and depressing. I think the official trailer gives an accurate impression of what you can expect from the film, except that I didn't expect it to turn into a musical for a few minutes.

They Live

Silly film with bad acting.
I like SciFi and this film has an interesting idea but it is really more of an action film with lots of fights, chases and shoot-outs. Unfortunately these are all very poor quality. If you like good SciFi, then give this film a miss.


An okay rom-com
I was very disappointed because I was expecting more music and less romance. Lily James was really wonderful though.

Eye in the Sky

Just a bad film
I can't believe that this is a realistic portrayal of how this situation would be handled. But that is not the point. It's just a film after all. The reason for my low score has more to do with the bad acting, poor plot and repetative boring arguments.

Hard Sun

Extreme cruelty and violence.
I thought this was going to be science fiction but it is not.

The fictional impending disaster seems only to have been included to allow for extreme violence and cruelty. That is what this is all about.

I really wish I had not watched this.

On a positive note, what an impressive performance from Aisling Bea who, for me, was, until now, only a brilliant stand-up comedian.

The Split

I'm glad It's over.
I found the first few episodes quite dull and considered not watching the rest. Some reviews said it was slow to get going, but worth the wait, so I persevered. I found mysef looking forward to the last episode because it was the last one. After the end we are told we can find out what happens next when the series returns! I will not be watching.

The Lobster

I hated it
I saw this film a long time ago. I stayed to the end but I wish I had walked out.

I tend to enjoy unusual films and this certainly qualifies in that category.

The reason for my hatred was the disturbing scene near the end. Not what was actually being shown, but simply the idea of what was happening.

The animal cruelty mentioned by others didn't bother me at all as I realise that no animals were actually harmed. Knowing that no actors would actually be harmed was strangely no help to me at all.

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