
IMDb member since November 2008
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    IMDb Member
    15 years



Balanced, suspenseful, enlightening
Ah! Finally someone dared! That's what I told myself at the end of the first episode. During the nine others, I was afraid the level would drop, the script would fail, the quality of the plot would lose its perfect balance. That didn't happen. The serie is so exemplary that I thought that if a "Messiah" came into the world today, what is developed in this script would probably happen. There are scenes of astonishing suspense where each of us, according to our convictions, sees himself taking a stand, our certainties stirring our thoughts. It's hard not to take sides. This theme has never been treated like this in a film or television. Neither a candied religious film, nor an atheist film, a reflection on faith and its frictions with political realities. I'm looking forward to what comes next...

Les trois frères

Possibly the funniest french movie I have seen in my life. Of course, one has to be found of « les inconnu »'s sense of humor. I believe this movie is a perfect introduction to their madness. Here, their story starts with the revelation of an inheritance and the chain reaction that succeeds. The "three brothers" was an instant success in France. It's no Hollywood style and the logic of it may not reach everybody's mind, except if you have been trained to laugh out loud at french humor (not as famous as french kiss, french windows, french slides and french fries (oups, liberty fries, sorry), but one of the best in the world, indeed. Enjoy.

Holy Smoke

"Deprogramming" has been one of the features of the counter-cult movement in USA, in the 1980s. The movie revolves around that subject, although seemingly dealing with sex and seduction. I found it rather well documented (despite some common place about the spiritual quest) and an eye opener for anyone with a manicheist vision on the subject. Both actors are doing a good job in bringing liveliness to a difficult subject. I found that too many viewers missed the point, and it might be that some background on the theme is necessary to catch the drift (the scene where Keitel has visions near the end is meaningless without understanding of the context).

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