
IMDb member since November 2002
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Great movie
I have waited a long time for this film and it did not disappoint!

The film is very entertaining with stunning visuals and impressive action scenes. This is definitely Angelina's film and she is incredible as Maleficent.

Supporting cast are also impressive and Elle was perfect casting for Aurora. The 3d was also good and really did enhance many scenes. The score by James Newton Howard really blew me away and adds magic to the film.

My screening was all made up of adults which surprised me. The trailers for the film really give the film a dark tone, however the actual film has many light Disney moments.

I highly recommend this film and the 3d is worth paying a bit extra!


Incredible and beautiful film
I had the pleasure of seeing a screening of Noble in London a few days ago and this film really blew me away. I had read Christina's book 'A Bridge Across my Sorrows' and I was excited to see how the book translated to film. Christina is played by three wonderful actresses at different stages in her life. Gloria Cramer Curtis who plays the younger Christina was a delight to watch. Sarah Greene who plays teenage Christina was incredible, and she really pulls you in with her terrific performance. Lastly, Deirdre O'Kane who plays the grown up Christina gives an outstanding performance that will make you laugh and cry. Supporting actors are also impressive including Ruth Negga, who provided many laughs from the audience, and the Vietnamese children were surprisingly good, especially the boy playing Lam.

I liked the pacing of the film, although I feel the film could have benefited with a few more scenes of Christina's childhood. If you have read Christina's book, you will notice a lot of things are not shown in the film. I can understand why the filmmakers did this, as the flashbacks needed to relate to Christina's strength and key events in her childhood.

The cinematography by Trevor Forrest was beautiful, and shot incredibly well. Another great thing about Noble is the score by Ben Foster and Giles Martin which is one of the best scores I have heard in a long time.

I am thankful for director Stephen Bradley, his wife Deirdre O'Kane and the producers for getting this film made. It's an incredible story and a film people need to see.


Took me by surprise - decent film!
This film took me by surprise due to all the negativity surrounding it. It actually turned out to be a decent film that I enjoyed. I've always loved Naomi Watts and she pulls of a great performance. So she doesn't look exactly like Diana - what actress does? Diana was very unique looking and Naomi is definitely the right person for the role.

Naveeen Andrews also pulled a strong performance and the film had good pacing and never got dull. The film was respectable to Diana and I liked how they ended the film.

Please do not judge the film before seeing it. The British press were never going to praise this film. Well done Naomi.. you should be proud of this film.

A Lonely Place to Die

One of the best British thrillers... ever made!
I had the chance to see 'A Lonely Place to Die' at a screening in London recently and I was really blown away by it! The film is full of stunning cinematography and the aerial shots are beautiful on the big screen. The film opens with one hell of an intense scene with three of the characters 3000ft up a mountain. The way the director Julian Gilbey shot these scenes are extremely impressive and make it look like it is the actual actors up there. It does take a while for the film to get going but we do get to find out more about the characters and really connect with them.

The action really gets going when the characters find the kidnapped girl and we are quickly lead to my favourite scene in the film where two of the characters have to take a short cut for help down a dangerous cliff known as 'Devils Drop'. This scene was extremely nail biting and something happens to the lead character in which the whole audience gasped so loud!

The stunts in the film are really jaw-dropping and it's good to see a film that keeps CGI to a minimum so we are left with a realistic, intense and brutal film.

The acting in this film is top notch with another fantastic performance by the wonderful Melissa George. Sean Harris is also another stand out along with Ed Speleers who had a lot of good lines and laughs from the audience. Also well done to young actress Holly Boyd who plays the kidnapped girl.

Another highlight of the film was the music by Michael Richard Plowman and we are treated to a couple of beautiful Celtic songs at the start and end of the film which add a lovely touch.

This film should be well received and enjoyed by a wide audience when it's released. It is definitely one of the best British thrillers made in my honest opinion and I look forward to seeing more from the Gilbey brothers. 10/10!!!!!

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