
IMDb member since December 2008
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The Retirement Plan

The incompetence is staggering
The actors do what they can, but the writing and directing is some of the worst I've seen outside an MST3K binge. There isn't even a real conclusion with the characters at the end. I've watched a lot of film and this started off promising just because of the actors involved. And they all end up pulling the worst performances I've ever seen from each of them trying to deal with the corny generic dialogue. I'm wondering if this movie was written with ChatGTP or something. Very disappointing film, does not even vaguely qualify for "good" bad Nic Cage films. I will never watch another film this writer/director is involved with.

Izzy Gets the Fuck Across Town

It's going to be divisive.
Watching this movie was like being transported back in time to 1996 when the Indie Wave finally hit after Pulp Fiction. This film really feels like it was made in that time and released now. It is not going to be for everyone, that is certain, which was one of the best things about those other bare bones low budget slacker films of the 90's. I happen to have loved it.

There is a lot of playful anarchy going on, mostly when Izzy is getting mixed up with side characters. It is well acted, has a superb soundtrack and a manic energy you don't see in a lot of films. Loved the simple ending. If you go into it with an open mind knowing what kind of movie you're going to see, I can't see how anyone would say it doesn't deliver. I'll be picking it up on bluray.

Small Town Crime

full throttle and off kilter
This film is just flat out a lot of fun. Hawkes kills it in every scene. It's certainly going to have people comparing it to the Coen Brothers and Blood Simple. Well yes, it resembles their fingerprints to a degree, but it is so well done you won't be bothered by it. This is no hackwork by lesser filmmakers. It balances comedy, drama, and action surprisingly well. You never know when violence is about to break out, and break out it does. Everyone gets bloody. This is one of the best films I've seen in awhile. If you liked Three Billboards you should give this a shot.

El Camino Christmas

Just terrible
Tedious, tone deaf, and not the comedy the trailer wants you to believe it is. Can't decide if it is a comedy or a drama, and it's not enough of either to be a dramedy. Cast had a ton of promise and it was all squandered due to a thoughtless screenplay and uninspired directing. One of the worst movies I've seen in a long time. And can Hollywood do away with the "Got in a car accident, here is an airbag hilariously exploding in a guys face 10 seconds after the crash" cliché? It wasn't funny 20 years ago and it's not funny now.

The Dark Tower

Critics can't figure out what to make of this one
This film spent a decade in production hell and anyone who has read the series knows that to call it unfilmable is an understatement. It is a genre bending sci-fi western fantasy supernatural horror time travel tale that takes place in an interdimensional multi-verse that includes our own Keystone Earth with visits all over those other worlds. Even knowing where to start filming this could take 6 months to debate. This isn't a perfect movie and it is going to mystify a lot of people that need everything explained to them or a box to put it in. A lot of people will dismiss that as bad filmmaking. I thought they captured the essence of the story and laid down some good groundwork. It is a brisk 95 minutes but it felt over 2 hours, and it is a rare film where that is a compliment. I had LOW expectations. I've followed the making of this thing since the start and there have been some decisions that were... questionable. I walked away mildly impressed. And in this case that is probably high praise. I won't be recommending it to anyone that isn't familiar with the books. In short: I liked it, but I was willing to give it a chance. I hope it gets a sequel and they can start filling in the worlds without all the exposition that was necessary to get this one moving.

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