Reviews (2)

  • Terderness is not a thriller, it is a drama with suspense, if you don't get it, then you don't. It is an indie, different, and not a happy one, not by far. It reminds me of the Korean film Seom (The Isle), although it is not as brutal, just as sad. People in it, very well portrayed all in all, are desperate, trying to be anything else than they have to be. It is rare to find this slowly moving film with such strong emotions beneath the surface, specially when the problems are so far off, at least an American one, they are use to be about people finding themselves. This film is about trying to lost oneself. It deserves to get noticed, although I can't imagine normal people liking it. But if you like such films as The Isle, Underground, Funny Games, it is a must.
  • Countdown: Jerusalem is a pretty typical apocalyptic thriller. It is well made in the sense, that it kept me entertained for the whole 90 minutes. The story is about woman who loses her daughter and how she tries to find her, simple as that, and a little bit about how the world in going to end. So it is made by and for those, who live with God. It tries to teach great divine moral, but finds only confusion. And it's Godliness is, well let's say, quite interesting. The evil is not anymore the UN but EU, I think, it is one of the many things that, I suppose, the makers, when trying to keep the plot mysterious, did not enlighten us viewers enough, which is normally a good thing, but me being a outsider in their world, would have liked an explanation what is the truth according to them. So it is entertaining, the plot is like a fast train if you don't mind the absence of logic, and, for them who don't take the world too seriously, amusing. The one's who pray a lot, might find it also meaningful.