
IMDb member since January 2009
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Even Lambs Have Teeth

Enjoyable movie
There was nothing special about this movie. The plot was used before, the acting wasn't great, there were no amazing special affects, and there was not much gore. Despite there being nothing special about the movie it was enjoyable.

The plot has been used before and there were no plot twists. So don't watch this for the plot. There are some holes in the plot, but if you are not watching it for the plot they can easily be overlooked.

The acting was not world class but it was much better than many movies I have seen. It did not sound like the actors were reading from a script so it was not a distraction.

I think this was just a quick, fun little flick to kill an hour or so. I don't know if I would watch it again, but if someone turned it on I would not complain and would probably enjoy it again.

Del Playa

Disjointed scenes of random stuff.
The show starts out with a kid fighting some other kids. He stabs one with a broken bottle. The scene then ends and we have no idea what happened. The show then jumps to people partying. Not sure if it was the same people or different ones. Jump to another party on a beach and some people are killed. not sure if by the original person or not, not sure who the people on the beach were. jump to more people doing random stuff. jump to a girl cooking in just her panties to throw in some random nudity. More partying and more killing. Oh and don't forget the random guys playing basketball. throw in a girl and guy having sex to add some more nudity.

The acting this movie was good for what there was.

The plot was a good idea but somewhere along the way they forgot about it.

The worst part of this move was the disjointed nature of it. I never knew who people were so didn't care when they died. No emotional connection at all. I actually went back and watched portions to see what I had missed, only to find out that I hadn't missed anything they had just left it out.

Raiders of the Lost Shark

Really Really Bad.
Sound goes up and down depending on if it was filmed indoors or out.

The "flying shark" looks like a paper shark that was pasted onto the film at some point and for sound they used a sound clip of a bear.

the plot is a mash together of two plots one of a prehistoric shark and one of a genetically engendered shark.

It takes a lot for me to hate a show but this did it. Just avoid it.


Just plain terrible
the first half of the movie and the second half seem to be two different movies. The first half of the movie is the priest talking to the vampire who is captured. It is slow but holds potential for a different take on the vampire genera. The second half is just plain terrible.

The first half of the movie has a relatively good plot and acts like it is going somewhere. The second half throws any attempt at story telling out the window and jumps from one odd disconnected scene to another.

the acting is the only thing about this movie that has any redeeming value.

The special affects where what really threw me off in this movie. It was like they took claymation from the 50s and added some cgi on top of it. This movie was absolutely horrible do yourself a favor and go watch your lawn grow for an hour, it will be a better use of your time.

Not your average movie.
This movie was enjoyable. It would have been better than most low budget horror movies if it wasn't for the music.

The acting generally was pretty good. Most of the people were believable, except 1. There was one actress that might as well have been reading off of a cue card. Luckily for the movie she was only in a few scenes.

Nothing real original about the plot, except for the ending which I didn't see coming.

I enjoyed this movie and would watch it again. I would own it if it wasn't for the music. Normally in a movie music is used to set scenes and help build emotion. In this movie it was used to drown out the dialog and make you want to mute it.

Nowhere Nevada

Not terrible
This was an odd movie. There was really never anything in it to grab my attention and keep me watching. This is definitely not an "Unflinching expose of the underground music and drug scene in Northern Nevada" as the title implies.

The acting was okay. Not Hollywood caliber, but better than some B movies I have seen.

The plot of the movie is basically guy runs packages for strip club. Hooks up with weird girl drive into the middle of nowhere and girl vanishes in flash of light. Much of the dialog was pointless, and the plot would have worked great in a short but was boring in a full length movie.

My takeaway from this was that the other people who reviewed this movie work for the company that made it. Look and you can see that all 6 have never written another review. If you want to watch a show for boobs this would be a good one it had lots. If you are looking for a riveting move that you will enjoy skip this one.


Enjoyable if unoriginal.
Let me start with I enjoyed this film. Will I watch it again probably not, but not because it was bad just because there was nothing that really made it stand out.

The acting was good in this film, I particularly enjoyed the lead actress who had most of the screen time.

I didn't have any issues with the special effects, they weren't great but they were passable.

The plot had a few holes in it but nothing that couldn't be overlooked. The biggest issue with the movie was that there wasn't an original thought to the movie. The movie was 1/3 H.G. Wells "The Time Machine", 1/3 "The Descent", and 1/3 "After Earth".

My takeaway from this would be that if you are looking for something fun to watch to pass the time this movie will be good for that. If you are looking for a movie that you just can't miss, than this movie will not fit that requirement.

And Here No Devil Can Hurt You

um... um... What did I just watch?
This movie wasn't bad nor was it good. More than anything I was left wondering what was going on and what the point was. The movie was very slow to start, the first half was very very slow. I am not sure why I rated it as high as I did. I would watch it again, but mostly to try and understand what happened in the movie.

Plot: I think the movie bounced back and forth in time (although I am not sure about that). If the first half of the movie had been thrown out and it started at the second half I think it would have had a stronger plot.

Characters: There were only two characters and eventually you get to find out some things about them, but more is left unsaid than was said. It could have used more development of the characters.

Acting: I did not have any issues with the acting. The actress had very little emotion, but that seamed to be the character and not the acting.

Intangibles: The movie has no female nudity, there are a few sex scenes but she is either partially clothed or it is filmed so that you don't see anything. On the other hand there is a 3-5 minute scene of the guy naked where every thing is shown for an extended amount of time. Thisis not a sexual scene and is at the very end of the movie. I did not hate this movie nor did I love it and honestly I am not sure why. There was something about it that kept me watching.

Garden of Hedon

Well short of its potential.
I watched this expecting the debauchery mentioned in the plot summery, unfortunately like everything about the movie the debauchery was more hinted at then supplied. Would I watch this again, no. Do I regret having watched it, no. Basically it is a great plot idea that was not executed on.

Plot: I actually liked the plot for this movie. A house where anything goes and everything is possible. Put a cop in the house and have him try to solve the murders happening there. Unfortunately there were so many things they could have done with this to turn this plot into an amazing movie and they didn't. The scenes are more like random skits tied together.

Characters: The characters weren't bad, but like everything in this movie they just lacked depth. No real back story and so you didn't feel for any of the characters.

Acting: The acting in this movie wasn't the worst, but would not win any awards. Most of the acting wasn't totally wooden but still sounded like they were reading queue cards.

Intangibles: There was only one scene of nudity in the movie and it was a girl in a strip club. There were numerous scenes showing sex toys or spanking a person clothed in a skimpy outfit, but no real pull from that angle. There was some gore but it was not over the top and did not drive the movie. Really just not much going for this movie in this type of area.


Enjoyable movie to watch.
I liked this movie. It is not the fastest paced move, it does not have the most gore, it doesn't have any nudity, but what it does have is an interesting plot and good acting.

Plot: As a parent I thought the plot was terrifying. The plot was not perfect but was believable. The things the babysitter does are not over the top. If they were too out there the kids would have picked up that something was wrong so I liked the level of craziness that she brings.

Characters: there was not much back story on the characters, but they really didn't need it. You got an understanding of the antagonist and why she does what she does and that is really all it takes. The other characters are either not that important or are kids that don't really have a back story. All the characters were believable.

Acting: The acting was good. Some of the little kids lines weren't all that great but considering their age I thought they did a great job. The main actors were all well cast and played their parts well.

Intangibles: The biggest intangible to me in this one is the feelings of a parent. having kids definitely improved the creepy factor of this one. Parts of the movie left me cringing thinking dang I would not want that to be my kid. Without that feeling the critical parts for me would not have had the same impact.


Bad on every level.
I love to watch horror movies. I watch them if they are bad or good, usually even the worst movies have something to redeem themselves. That is not the case with this movie. When watching it I kept wondering if this was a group of university students that got together and did this as their end of year project. Here are some of the points I had issue with.

Plot: I am not sure there was much of one. Had they gone with the biker gang or the killers they might of had something going but this was just a jumbled mess. No idea where the actors were going or what they were doing there. No idea who the killers were. No idea what the story behind Boot Heel New Mexico was.

Characters: No back story to any characters in the movie at all. The little back story they did give doesn't make sense. One had fought in a war and said that "Charlie" had been to a village. That got me to wondering if this was supposed to have taken place in the 70s but the cloths and hair don't look like it to. No idea who the good guys or bad guys were.

Acting: Wooden would be the best way to describe the acting. It felt like they were reading from a prompt off screen. The biker leader I think was supposed to be scary but he did not come across that way. The best acting were the "killers" because they had no lines and you couldn't see their faces.

intangibles: Most B movies throw in lots of gore or nudity to make up for other things that are lacking. This movie had little gore and no nudity. Sometimes a show is funny or for some reason or another makes you feel like your time wasn't wasted. This has none of that.

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