
IMDb member since January 2009
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The First Omen

Almost something incredibly special!
I'm not sure on a score for this. I should start ny saying I'm not a big horror fan. However I was excited for this one based on the cinematic trailer (the short one with no speech) which looked beautiful with amazing cinematography. I knew the film itself couldn't purely follow this but it was still excellent throughout. There are some stunning images that you usually don't find in horror. The music and sound was also good, and, although I'm not a horror fan, there was a good mix of horror, gore and some good jump scares (I say good - I hate them!). I am going to have to sit and consider this, but my issue immediately after viewing is that the whole premise of the film - the storyline - was silly and made no sense at all. It was ridiculously unrealistic imo and really spoilt what would have otherwise been my fave modern horror, although it's still one of my favourite films of the year so far. There were a few plot-holes but these are overshadowed by the whole film being one! It did segue into the original Omen film pretty well but when you look at the original film it only undermines the storyline on this one even further. I also wasn't sure about the casting of Bill Nighy or Ralph Ineson at all -(although I am a fan of both) but the other performances across the board were excellent. However, it's still the most impressively shot film I have seen this year and it is worth watching for that alone. Lots of similarities with Immaculate but that is nowhere near this good for me - although the storyline a little more believable!

Cat Person

Raises lots of important issues and questions without really addressing any - but well worth watching
This was interesting. It touched on many issues in modern dating (consent, age differences, power dynamics, trust, 'game playing', when the same behaviour can be seen as creepy or attractive depending on who it is,lll from and the disposable nature of relationships) and wider issues too (feminism, friendships) and did this without really delving deeply into or really addressing them. It was also told from the point of view of one character and it would have been interesting to have had the views of the other main character shared directly and more explicitly. However, I found it well made and quite gripping - I was completely immersed in the story and couldn't wait to find out what happened next (which is pretty rare for me). There was lots of well aimed humour in it too. I found the ending a little dissatisfying and a bit of an anti climax - but it was well worth a watch - I enjoyed it.


Hollywood hype
This is one of those films where the industry was desperate for summer blockbuster so they stuck a big name director on it and then hyped it for 12 months to create an excitement and anticipation....and the film just doesn't warrant or fulfill that. I think the best way to convey the actual film aside from the circus surrounding it would be that had it not been publicised beyond belief and Nolan not been the director nobody would be talking about it! It's overly long, boring, it doesn't give away any real nuances about RJO's personality or build his character well....or give any real insights...... and they managed make the race to make the atomic bomb boring.

Buffalo '66

Greatest film of all time
A masterpiece and my favourite film of all time...

The least romantic guy (barring the last 5 minutes!), Who has no humour about him at all......and yet this manages to be the most exquisite, Edgy and twisted romantic comedy....

Captivating dialogue, incredible framing and cinematography and a story which leaves you riveted and desperately wanting to know what happens next - which is no mean feat given that the main character is a pretty nasty, bitter guy with no redeeming features....and yet you are made to feel heavily invested in him and what happens to him...

Ultimately a story of redemption and how love can work in different ways for everyone, to conquer all 💙

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