
IMDb member since January 2009
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First season was meh.
So, the jumper girl and the first season arc is defined by a minute in a car with a teenage dickhead with two hands too many. It was boring enough that the handsy kid needed a Mafia wannabe father. I get it, I think it's lame, but ok.

The acting got better. The story didn't. The 8 stars is because the actors can hold thier own if and only if the writers are forced to listen to each and every audio book put out by the excellent Mr. Steven Gould. Before they touch another script.

Stargate Origins

Trite. Childish. unhappy....
There is no one more willing than I am to give a great review for anything StarGate. I felt obligated to give this version a 7. It doesn't deserve it. Seriously, this show is a 2.

Stargate SG1 & Atlantis have a playful tone, but never stray too far from knowing the "fate of humanity" depends on the characters actions. It's what they make work in the viewers minds, despite all the quarrels behind set.. Stargate Universe went too serious, -Origins turns it into slapstick comedy-. I like comedy, I like The Orville, but that show never needs to be serious, it's a facetious look at the future and not applicable to Stargate except in this review.

The actors and actresses in the show are good, just forced into prostitution by a mean script and callous Direction. Please fix this and absolutely don't use this show as a stepping stone for a new StarGate. Just ... please.


Best sci-fi available ATM
The first episode didn't move me much. I went into it with all sorts of expectations and preconceptions. More the fool, me.

What we have is darn good newish talents all over the world getting support from world class directors, good story tellers, plus locations to die for as an actor. All that going on and the series still delivers near seamless story telling. Heck, I'd marry the lot of them, which if you watch the series will make more sense.

The action sequences are in excellent hands, so no worries there.

If you're a bigot, or homophobic, or think the younger generations are going to the dogs... maybe you should watch the show. If you're none of the above, maybe the show will tell the story in a new way. Walk a few safe minutes in the steps of someone from a different culture. It's not a spoiler to say there is plenty of diversity and culture to walk a few steps in. A few scenes notably in Mexico could have had me fast forwarding, but it turns out I was prepped for it. Remarkable. It's also only part of the story, although the rest would involve spoilers.

Nudity is to be found in most if not all episodes. Mundane situations, sex in a relationship, the odd flash, one OMG extended moment. I'd rank it about a 9 out of 10 for netflix, but only a 6 for one of the big cable companies and a 2 against any of the "late night" series on cable. It's obvious netflix is pushing their boundaries. No complaints here, which is why this paragraph is longish.

Avengers Grimm

Hard to find a bright spot
I don't give bad votes to small publishers, much as I would like to occasionally. This would be such an occasion. These guys gotta eat, live and learn you know. Red Riding Hood (Elizabeth Peterson) and Lou Ferrigno! give a good performance. Set design is pretty good. Just about everything else is straight out of the 1980's day time television as far as sophistication of the script and special effects. The plot was derailed by the script and wooden lines.

I suspect this was a good learning experience for everyone involved in the production and I look forward to seeing more. Really, they aren't more than a mile or two from "campy" or fun.

It could make a good series (spoiler?). Despite the above I think if they get some outside help they could become a group with decent Saturday entertainment value. The vision is blurry.. but best of luck!


Great Idea
The first season has finished it's run and a new season is paid for. This makes for a good chance to review the series. First the bad.

1)The characters are fairly shallow. The back stories in most cases simply don't hold your attention. We are talking about end of the world stuff here after all.

2)The dynamics of the interactions between races doesn't make much sense. OK one is sciency, one is oafish, one is a wild child ... there has to be more to it than that. I want to know what makes them tick, not their game statistics.

3)This has a game attached... where's the goodies? I want a magic sword, not a blue glowy pen knife. I don't want a BFG god weapon just yet though...

I watched every episode and waited patiently for the next. It got my interest. I gave it an 8. Now the good stuff.

1)You get attached to the characters. You like them, dislike them, wait for them, become disappointed when they don't have a part in the episode. The actors engage, you feel their personalities good or bad to the core.

2)Great effects. Really great at times, always good enough.

3)Wild west + sci-fi? What's not to like?

4)The plot moves along and pulls you with it. It meanders from side to side but in a good way.

5)Good writing. It gets lost sometimes because the characters are shallow, but the writers use good craft with what they do.

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