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Love Conquers Paul

A Solid Dramatic Comedy
I saw Love Conquers Paul at the Dances With Films festival in Hollywood, California. It is really the perfect type of indie film because it contains subject matter that would not fly in mainstream film-making, yet is accessible to general audiences and will not alienate mainstream fans. It is, rather, a good film for people who want to explore outside of the mainstream while avoiding the pretentious, overwrought films that are neither intelligent nor engaging. The performance by Brendan Bradley as Paul is excellent. His task was not easy, considering he has to make audiences like a character who essentially is a bit creepy, a stalker at heart, yet harmless. It's a fine line and a risky endeavor from writer-director Colin Bannon, but because of a great performance from Bradley and solid writing from Bannon, the character works and is sympathetic, rather than flat-out creepy.

Love Conquers Paul has a very interesting tone because it really is not a typical romantic comedy. It has its funny moments, but it also has quite a few serious dramatic moments that are not funny whatsoever. It is a bit conflicted at times, as for whether it wants to be a comedy or a drama. Ultimately, I think that works in a film not trying to be a mainstream endeavor, because the question should be whether the film is enjoyable and well done, not whether it fits into a nice, neat category. The answer is yes, it is enjoyable, and it is well directed and made professionally.

I have to be fair in my review and mention what I wish was better, not because Love Conquers Paul is not worthwhile and a very solid indie film; it is unquestionably above most of the true indie work I have seen, with budgets not in the millions of dollars. I felt the cinematography was inconsistent. Several shots were brilliant, notably a few of the wonderful location that the filmmakers found for Paul's apartment, and a particular shot of Paul in a bar with flames behind him that looks excellent. Other shots appeared a bit stale. Perhaps too little movement, either in front of the camera or behind it, or perhaps it was the production design at fault. I felt the weakest element was the production design, which was just too minimalist for my tastes. Paul's apartment was too empty. Even if we are to believe that is just his character, I didn't feel it was consistent whatsoever with his character and wouldn't buy that argument. He does, after all, collect videos of people he stalks, and he collects other trinkets that he cares a lot about that become part of the plot. So why the scarce production design in his place? It took away from the feeling of watching the story and put me in the mode of thinking, "Oh, this is a low budget indie film, so they probably didn't have the money." That being said, I still feel the filmmakers did a lot with the budget they had and that ultimately a good film is more about story and acting than anything. The acting throughout was excellent and Bannon really took a chance on the feature by making something unique, something different from everything else that is out there, which I appreciate. Indie film should be about exploring different characters and new situations, rather than trying to be the same as major Hollywood features, a competition that indie filmmakers cannot win. I recommend Love Conquers Paul and believe that both Bradley and Bannon have bright futures.

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