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The Visit

I was laughing and screaming...sometimes at the same time
After two big budget action movies that bombed with critics and didn't make too much of a profit, M. Night Shyamalan took the money he made from directing Will Smith's After Earth in order to make the Visit. Produced on the cheap, the film is his best film in a while. I am a huge fan, I have even liked some of his more hated movies like The Happening and The Village. However The Visit works much better and has a lot of charm to it.

Despite what the previews may have made it seem, this is not a straight horror film. In fact I wouldn't call this a horror film at all, this is a thriller-comedy. And it works on both levels. As a comedy, I laughed quite a lot during this. It may not be the most "gut-busting" humor ever written, but a lot of it did make me chuckle, and there were a descent amount of big laughs. As a thriller, it also is some great stuff. It has a build up that lures you into a false sense of security, thinking that the grandparents are just a little weird, but every day they get just a little more strange. There are a few good jump scares, in fact one made me scream in a way I haven't since at least The Conjuring a couple years ago. But what the movie does best is build up an uncomfortable atmosphere. And this not only makes it more thrilling, but makes some of the funny moments a little more nerve racking. More than once watching the movie was I laughing but also breathing heavily from fear.

Besides the thrills and laughs, the film also has a good story and characters. I liked watching these two kids (don't take that out of context.) They were funny, they were likable, they were entertaining. And both of them were portrayed very well by the two young actors. The grandparents also were fun, when they weren't creepy. The found footage is used well here, allowing for a more claustrophobic atmosphere that would not have been done as well if it were shot traditionally. It also is beautiful to look at sometimes, allowing for some great shots of the sky and scenery. The twist ending made me actually jump and was one of those times where I was both laughing and shaking at the same time. And finally, the ending was actually pretty sweet.

There are a few times that the music comes out of nowhere, which I guess was the point, but it felt a little jarring, especially at the end when it's supposed to be this really big moment and it just starts blaring. The video and audio quality are also way too nice for two teenagers filming with standard cameras you could buy at a store, so it does take some suspension of disbelief. And also there was this part that felt tacked on. Early on, Rebecca says that Tyler has a fear of germs, but then it isn't brought up again until an hour later. And between that time he's climbing under the house and lifting water out of an old well. Which was a little odd for a kid with such a fear.

However I had a blast with The Visit. While I like the Happening, and actually don't mind movies like The Last Airbender and Lady in the Water, this is what I love him doing. It has a nice blend of comedy and thrills. It creates a likable cast. The acting is good. And it uses the found footage gimmick well while still being nice to look at.

The Lego Movie

The best comedy of the Year
So I had heard that The Lego Movie was really, really good, and yeah, it really was. There was so much to like in this movie, it was funny, creative, dramatic at points, fast paced, entertaining, and has a really good moral. There are cameos from some of our favorite characters that I won't dare spoil for anyone. And did I mention that it was funny, because it is, it's really, really funny. This is my kind of humor, fast paced with a lot of sarcastic moments that border on anti-humor. The characters, not just the copyrighted ones, are likable, entertaining and feel developed. This is a movie that can be enjoyed by the entire family, in fact there were only a couple of things I found wrong with the film at all.

One involved it's pacing, which is incredibly fast. For the most part it works and it does know to slow down once in a while, however sometimes a scene that should have been dramatic or slow paced goes by so fast or has so many jokes or jokes at the wrong moment that it ruins the drama. Then there is the ending, which while funny and very heartwarming seemed really confusing and brought up a lot of questions.

Yet this film is a blast from start to finish and I hope they make a sequel.

Winter's Tale

Too incoherent to be taken seriously, too boring to be funny
I really was not expecting to hate this movie as much as I did. I really had no interest in seeing this at first, I had no idea what it was about and it may have just faded away. However I soon started hearing that this is one of those insane movies, the movie you had to see just to understand how insane it actually is. Something like "Branded" or "The Oogieloves" and yet the movie turned out to be so boring that I can't even tell you what it is about.

Some stuff happens in the past, they go to the future, some little girl is dying, Will Smith is a demon (WTF) and a bunch of incoherent stuff happens that we get a happy ending. I guess.

This movie was just a bore, I didn't care about any character, the action wasn't enthralling, the dialog was slow, pretentious, and dull, and despite having Will Smith playing a demon, nothing funny was happening. The film is a bunch of random stuff happening, trying to convey the message that everything happens for a reason, again, I guess. I kind of hated this movie, it does look pretty nice, and the acting isn't really that bad, but nothing about this movie made me glad I saw it.

The Place Beyond the Pines

A very well told piece
The only reason I was interesting in seeing this movie was because of it's cast. Ryan Gosling, Bradley Cooper, and Dane Dehann as well as others. I really wasn't sure what the movie was about before I saw it, I heard it was about a motorcycle rider and a rookie cop and that was about it. And when I was done watching it, I was glad I did.

It is a long movie though, not the longest I've ever seen, but very long and it feels like it. But I think it deserves it. The second act can get really confusing and drags for a few moments. And a few of the characters come off as kind of unlikable. And I have a few nitpicks like I thought Gosling should have shown more remorse for the horrible thing he had done, and sometimes it felt a little too "artsy." I love the way this movie was told, not to spoil anything but it's actually three stories, all centered around different people that are all connected. And as we see one character find out the story we had seen earlier through the eyes of another character, it was actually really interesting and I wanted to see how it all would end. The acting is great, I'm thankful Ryan Gosling is actually allowed to act instead of doing that underacting quiet man type he did in "Drive." And it looks great, I especially love the chase scene where it's shot in mostly first person. And, I know this sounds weird, but it looks real. The film looks like it was filmed in places I have actually seen, and it doesn't feel fake...for the most part. A lot of movies either make it look too good, or try so hard to make it look bad that it becomes comical, the town in this film actually looks like a real town.

While it may not be for everyone, believe me there are points where it becomes really slow. This film is defiantly a great film and well worth seeing.

Movie 43

It's Really BAD
Movie 43 is a sketch comedy movie tied together with one story connecting them all together. The rest of the movie is a bunch of sketches focusing on testicles, feces, boobs and other stuff that can be funny if done well, but unfortunately it isn't done well here.

This movie isn't funny, yeah, I guess you can call that the biggest crime for this supposed comedy. I laughed twice, once at a line by Emma Stone and once during the final skit, everything else either made me gag, or got no reaction from me at all. Speaking of which, the movie is just disgusting, in two ways. One it's jokes rely on bodily functions and human body parts, and half the time I was just looking away groaning. It's also disgusting in how it portrays certain people. Asians, African Americans, People with disabilities, women, hell, even white men will be offended. The acting isn't that great, which surprises me since the cast is filled with a lot of talent. It's mean and overly violent just for the sake of it and makes the film feel less like a comedy. And it doesn't even look that good. I know that the film is supposed to be made of skits that were made by normal people, but everything looks so cheap.

Now, like I said I did laugh a couple of times, and some skits do manage to get a smile at points, but they are quickly diminished. And I will give the movie credit that I had no idea where it was going. And I can't really say I was bored, although near the end I was wondering how much time was left.

Movie 43 is so bad I didn't even watch the credits with the bloopers and all that. It's offensive, not funny, incredibly mean spirited, and isn't even good on a filmmaking stand point. If you want to watch it to see how bad it is, go ahead, but head this warning, don't eat beforehand.


Gangster Squad

A Trainwreck
Gangster Squad is a train wreck. It isn't bad because of plot holes or unlikable characters, it's bad because it's just a terribly edited mess full of forgettable characters, boring dialog and over the top violence.

The editing in this movie is horrible, there are several scenes that, one, don't feel like they have a purpose, and then just last about a minute. We aren't given nearly enough time to care about any of these characters, each one of them blends in with another. And despite the fact that a lot of the character development is incredibly rushed, it still feels long and drawn out, especially near the last act of the film. The actors try but a lot of them just come off as wooden, I like this cast, but none of them have much to work with. And the action isn't that interesting, it's overly done and it uses way to much slow motion. And half the characters make the stupidest decisions, weather it be not shooting when they have a clear shot, or not leaving even though there is nothing stopping them.

The film looks good, the director clearly wanted to make a pulp fiction style film and for what it is it looks pretty good. Ryan Gosling can sometimes get me to smile just because he's trying so hard. And the first half was kind of fun to watch just because it's so bizarrely bad.

I do know that some scenes had to be re-shot because of the Aurora shootings, but I doubt the movie made much sense to begin with. The editing is horrendous, the characters are forgettable, and even the acting seems off most of the time. I'm sure it tried, but this movie just sucked.

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Has some great things, but it is REALLY long
The Lord of the Rings trilogy is one of the most outstanding achievements in filmmaking history. They have a great story, great characters, great effects and just a great feel to them. Of course I have only seen them once. I just can't really find the time to watch them, they are so long and I feel obligated to watch them all in one sitting. Now we have the Hobbit, which is a prequel, based on one book and yet it's just as long as the other films. Does it deserve to be that long? No, the answer is no, there is no reason this movie needs to be three hours long. It's three hours long and it feels like it, the pacing in the first half of the movie is so off that I almost wanted to stop watching it. Also it seems this movie is playing it a little too comedically, I know the other movies had comedy, but it seems half the diologue had a punchline. A lot of the characters are just sort of forgettable, and did I mention that it is long? Technical wise though this film is amazing, the visuals, the cinematography, the action, all of these were outstanding. The acting is really good, especially the guy who played young Bilbo, man, he looked exactly what you would expect a young Bilbo to look like when you see old Bilbo. It's nice to see some old faces again such as Sauromon, Frodo, and Hugo Weaving (can't remember his name.) And the second half definitely picks up the pacing a bit.

The Hobbit is overly long, and the first half has some unbelievably slow pacing. But the stuff they get right, they get really right.

Paranormal Activity 4

The weakest of the series, but has enough moments to make it fun.
Now I loved the first three Paranormal Activities, they were scary, but what I really liked was that they were building a story with each film revealing more information. And when I saw the trailer for this film I was exited to see that we were finally going forward with the story. So I finally saw it, and I thought it was good, although it's the weakest in the series I enjoyed it.

The only really big problem with the movie is that it wasn't as scary as the other three, oh it had some good jumps. But all the other three made me scream at least once, this one was pretty much only jumping. Also it takes a little while to get going, and in the first twenty minutes we have so many fake jump scares. And the ending wasn't good, this will contain spoilers. It just built up for a few minutes and then literally just ended. What is it with the ending keep getting worse for these movies. The first was great, then they kept getting worse. And they are leaving way too much open for a sequel, but hey, guess we'll have to wait for PA5.

The film does still have the creepiness that I love about this series. There are several parts where I was on the edge of my seat waiting to see what was going to happen next. It's a pretty fun movie to watch, there's some good humor, like I said it has some good jumps, and I really liked the characters. Especially Ben, I swear I know this kid. The family feels genuine enough. And the kid who plays Robbie is great he was actually pretty freaky. And I like that we get to learn more about the story. There was a great twist in there that I kind of get but I wish that we had got more information about it, it at least makes me think. Also I loved the cat.

PA4 is kind of like the filler episode of the series. It give some information, but it leaves way too much open for a sequel. However it's a fun movie to watch, it has some really creepy moments, and despite a lackluster ending, kept the story going at a steady pace. It's the weakest of the series, but if you're like me and enjoy the story these movies are setting up, check it out.

Batoru rowaiaru

Gory, enjoyable, well executed.
After "The Hunger Games" came out, it seemed that quite a few people were saying the same thing. "It's just a rip off of Battle Royale." OK, first off, other than a similar plot, they aren't that similar. But all that slander started pissing me off, so I finally saw Battle Royale on Netflix, ready to Nipick it to death. And while I did find a few issues with it, I couldn't deny that I really, really liked the movie.

Big problem with this movie, the main character, Shuyna I believe his name is, is an incredibly boring lead. His girlfriend isn't much better, they are just bland, they aren't that memorable, and they don't really do anything. They tried to basically give every single kid in the entire competition at least one moment, each of them even got a name. Unfortunately I personally couldn't remember about 80 perecent of them. They try so hard to make every character memorable that not only does it make the main characters that much more uninteresting, but it makes most of the supporting characters forgettable. Also the backstory is really confusing, despite being simple. Why do parents decide to do this, I mean I know that Japan isn't the best place to live if you're a kid, but I don't see how parents would let this happen.

But the reason this movie works is just incredibly well done action. This movie is a bloodbath, and a fun one at that. Most of the characters rely on the "it's a kid, so you have to feel sad for them," but it still works, I felt sorry for most of these kids. The shock value is really high, but the gore never goes too over the top that it becomes comical. Like I said, most of the supporting characters are forgettable, but at least there are a some that I really liked, including the villains. I was actually terrified of the kid in the arena, he felt looked like he enjoyed doing this. The violence is uncut, non shaky cam, well executed, and thus the movie become enjoyable, a weird instance where you want the kids to live, yet still enjoy it when they die.

Battle Royale is not the best film of the last decade, hell it isn't even my favorite foreign language movie, but it's a gory, well executed action movie that I recommend to anyone.

Zero Dark Thirty

Suspesful, well made thriller
So I originally thought that this movie would at least have a chance at best picture, but since Bigellow didn't get a nomination for best director, it seems it's chances are slim. So Zero Dark Thirty is directed by Kathryn Bigellow and written by Mark Boal, the same people who made the Hurt Locker, and if you read my review you know that I wasn't a fan of that movie, I actually think it's one of the most overrated movies ever made. And well Zero Dark Thirty is not perfect, it definitely makes up for The Hurt Locker.

This movie is two and a half hours long, and it feels like it, some scenes go by way too slowly, and of all the characters, I remember one name, literally one name. The shaky cam and fast editing isn't nearly as bad as it was in Hurt Locker, but it still is present and while it sometimes is used well sometimes it's just used for the sake of using it. And I don't think I'm spoiling anything, but at the end when they finally get bin Laden, it goes by so fast, it seems very anti climatic.

But the main character Maya is very likable, she seems believable that she would want to hunt this guy down. The suspenseful scenes are very suspenseful and don't just feel like padding to make the movie longer. It has some funny moments, the production value is great, it pretty much just fixes most of the problems I had with Hurt Locker. Some scenes can get very hard to watch, and I'm not exactly sure how much of this is true, but it seems to be pretty facutal.

Zero Dark Thirty is a very good film with great suspense, well done action scenes, a likable lead, great acting, high production design, and some really awesome explosions that I honestly didn't see coming. It definitely is better than the writer and director's last movie, and while I won't be rushing out to get it on DVD, I may watch this again in the future.


An entertaining, smart sci-fi that isn't for everyone
(A few Spoilers Ahead) Over the past few years we have been getting some really smart science fiction movies. 2008 we got Wall-e, yes that counts, 2009 we got District 9, 2010 we got Inception, and 2011 we got Source Code. Looper made my head hurt when I saw it, and I wasn't sure if that was because I was too dumb for the movie, or too smart. I will say now that Looper is a very entertaining, smart science fiction movie that will not appeal to everyone.

Here's the thing, this movie says one sentence that gives it a pass. It says that time travel is unpredictable basically, and if you can't accept that, or missed it by accident, then you will say this is one of the most plot hole filled movies ever made. Literally without that one line the entire movie is one big plot hole. Also the second act really slows down, we get a pretty generic and boring relationship between Josepsh Gordon Levitt and this farmgirl he meets. And one last big problem, some stuff happens by the most major coincidences ever. Oh, JGL just happened to land on the farm where the kid that Bruce Willis is trying kill is.

The film has many twists and turns that honestly it isn't just a film you can just sit down and turn your brain off. The acting is really good, some people are mixed on if JGL looks like a younger version of Bruce Willis, personally I was able to buy it. But the biggest surprise was the little kid who gave one of the best child performances I've ever seen. There an interesting conflict going on here, and it has some cool ideas, some are pulled off better than others though. The special effects, while minimal, are very well done. And it is fun, it never gets too confusing, and has enough action and banter to keep people interested.

If you can't accept that one line, and I know some people can't, than this is one of the most plot hole filled movie you will ever see. If you can accept that, then Looper is a fun, smart science fiction movie with some interesting ideas, great acting, and fun action.


Great Movie
Earlier this year, a film was released directed by Timur Bekmambetov called Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. And it was a boring, cheap looking film that took itself way too seriously. Now Steven Spielberg has released his movie based on the greatest president in the history of the United States (in my opinion). And do I even have to tell you it's a lot better. But what surprises me is that not only is this film better, but it actually has more humorous moments than Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. Yes, the drama about Lincoln actually has more humor than the movie called Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, how is that possible? OK enough about comparing it to that film, there are a few things that didn't work in this film. For one it takes a while to really get going, the first twenty-five minutes or so can drag a bit, yeah I know it's meant to establish the characters and start the story, but I really didn't get invested until around the twenty-five minute mark when it started. And there are so many characters in this movie that I forgot some of their names, I remembered their faces, but sometimes it could get confusing, especially since I'm not a historian, or even that into history. I only know some stuff, so at times I got a little lost and would have to catch up quickly.

Basically everything else in this film is great. The acting all around is fantastic. Daniel-Day Lewis plays Lincoln so well, he was so likable, like a grandfather, and I had to keep reminding myself that he was Daniel-Day Lewis. He played it so likable, but also somewhat flawed, as his performance and the make up showed that he clearly hasn't been sleeping much. Everyone else from the veterans to the the boy playing Lincoln's youngest son were all great. The film also has an interesting plot, like I said it could get confusing at times, but I found some of the stuff it brought up to be interesting. Like are they technically stealing property by abolishing slavery. Production value wise it's amazing, the costumes, the make-up, the set design, lighting, everything looks great, but that's Steven Spielberg for you. And I like that it has a sense of humor, that's one of the reasons I don't plan on watching "Shindler's List" again, because it was just so depressing. And since I'm not a history nut, I can't say how well this informs on the presidency of Abraham Lincoln, but at least this film acknowledges that Lincoln had more than one son.

Lincoln is a great film with fantastic acting, amazing production value, and and interesting story. It's only downfalls are a few pacing issues and being a bit too confusing at times. But those problems don't stop this from being one of the best films of the year, and a great film on Steven Spielberg's resume.


One of my favorite Action Movies
Speed is one of the greatest action movie's I've ever seen. And based on the premise it really shouldn't be, a bus, something that isn't very good in a chase, must stay above 50 miles per hour. Yet the way it's shot, the music, and making the characters likable enough to care about leads this to be one of the most heartpounding films I've ever seen. Every time I watch this film it gets me excited, and my heart begins pounding faster than usual. Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock give very good performances, the effects are fantastic, and the villain is one of the funniest I've seen in any movie.

It may be cheesy, but the only thing I really don't care about in the movie is the ending. And maybe this is just me, but I think the movie actually gives you too much, by the end, it becomes just exhausting. When the train is about to derail, I'm just like "can the movie just end." Other than that, Speed is one of the best action films ever made as far as I'm conscerened.

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

An Entertaining Ride
I would say that Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull got a mixed fan response, I mean it has a 6.3 on IMDb. But with the way the internet works you will find it pretty hard to find a positive review of this movie. And this wouldn't bother me so much it's just that pretty much 90 percent of the people who complain about are literally only nitpicking. The gopher, the monkeys, the fridge, these are three very small scenes, that don't really effect the plot of the film that much, well maybe the fridge, but there have been weirder things in an Indiana Jones movie.

For me, my biggest issue with the movie is that it plays it too safe. Indiana Jones is way too invincible and thus there isn't that much suspense on weather he will get out of a situation or not. I think he gets hit like three or four times in the entire film. I also hate that whole Mac being a double agent/triple agent, I mean of all the aspects you could carry over from "Last Crusade" you pick that? And the whole, Mutt is Indy's son felt a little forced and seemed like it was just so Indy could have more stakes.

Pretty much everything else in the movie is solid, I mean there isn't much that's mind blowingly good. But the direction is great, the action scenes are a lot of fun, the acting is fine, Harrison Ford is still Indiana Jones and no one could replace him. There aren't really any annoying characters like in Temple of Doom. I actually don't mind that aliens are in the movie. Most of the special effects look good. Oveall it's just a good movie, not great, but good.

So while the rest of the internet is calling this one of the worst sequels of all time, I'll just be here saying it's, just, good.

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

My Favorite of the Series
Last Crusade is without a doubt my favorite of the Indiana Jones series, and I think a lot of people would agree. Sure there are some people who prefer Raiders of the Lost Ark, but this film is often regarded as one of the best sequels of all time. As it should be, it fixes most of the problems with it's predecessors, and enhances on the stuff that made that film work.

There really isn't that much wrong with the movie, at it's worst moments it can be a little boring. But I also get confused as to what the movie is trying to do with with Dr. Shnieder. Spoiler Alert, but it turns out she's a Nazi, but then she's crying at the book burning, then she's clearly evil again, then she's good, then evil, by the end I wasn't sure if I was supposed to like her or not.

The best part about this movie are the scenes between Indy and his dad. Harrison Ford and Sean Connery are downright hilarious at times, and have great chemistry, I actually believed that they were father and son. The action scenes are fantastic, and unlike Raiders the pacing is perfect, a perfect blend of action, comedy, drama, and adventure. Most of the special effects have held up pretty well, sure some stuff is obvious green screen but most of it's not noticeable. The villains are good, not quite as good as the ones from Raiders, but very threatening. The adventure element is great, it's sort of a mystery as well as a treasure hunt. And River Phoenix looks exactly like a young Harrison Ford.

Despite not being a hardcore Indiana Jones fan, I say Last Crusade is one of the best adventure movies ever made. It's funny, exiting, has some great characters, and is very well written and directed.

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

A flawed but Fun Movie
Temple of Doom is often considered the worst of the original trilogy, and some people even consider it the worst of the franchise. It all depends on the person. Me personally, I would say it's probably the weakest of all four, but there is some part of me that really enjoys it.

What's the biggest problem with the movie, well I think you can guess. Willie and short round can be unbearably annoying. There are quite a bit of plot holes. It's offensive to the Hindu religion, and there are quite a few boring parts. And some of the special effects haven't stood the test of time.

All those are basically problems I mentioned in the first half of the movie. The first half is basically mostly comedy and a poor romance. Yet the second half is a lot of fun with tons of action. And this may make me sound sadistic, but I actually kind of like how dark it gets. Sometimes it would get a little too depressing, but for the most part it just made the villain more evil. And for all it's problems, it's memorable.

Raiders of the Lost Ark

A very good Adventure Film
I would consider myself a casual fan of the Indiana Jones movies. I enjoy them and watch them on occasion but don't go around quoting them or thinking about them all the time. That being said I do have to agree with the majority of people that the odd numbered Indiana Jones movies are definitely better than the even numbers. And while Last Crusade is my favorite, I will say that Raiders of the Lost Ark is a pretty damn good movie.

My biggest issue is that the film has a bit of a pacing problem in the first half. You start out with a very cool and suspenseful action scene, and then we just sort of watch people talking for about twenty minutes, then a small action scene, more talking. And then the second half kicks in and the pacing gets better. I don't mind talking in films, but the stuff Indy talks about here isn't that interesting to me. Also I think that the climax is kind of lackluster after such build up. We get all this build up and then they have a stand off until Indy just sort of gives in. And how did Indy know to close his eyes? Other than that, the movie is pretty much perfect. I can't really find any problems in the writing, no annoying characters, every character is well developed and likable, except of course for the villains who are fantastic, I actually found myself hating them and wanting to reach in and punch them. The action scenes are choreographed perfectly, and there a feeling of suspense. The acting is perfect, I saw this after having Harrison Ford set in my brain as Han Solo, yet when I watch this I don't see Han Solo I see Indiana Jones. Most of the special effects hold up well, and it has a nice sense of humor to itself.

While I may get blasted for not giving this film a perfect score I will say Raiders is a great adventure movie that just falls a little short in the pacing department. And seriously, how did Indy know to close his eyes?

Die Hard 2

Incredibly Flawed, but Incredibly Fun
I had never noticed that Die Hard 2 got quite a bit of hate. I mean most people seem to like it, but ask most people and they will say that it's the weakest of the four. And I'd be lying if I said I didn't see why. In comparing the four this one probably is the most flawed, but in my opinion, it's also one of the most fun.

This has one of the most contrived plots you will ever see in a movie. The terrorists threaten to keep the planes in the air until they run out of fuel, OK, good plan, but why don't the planes just go to another airport. I mean we heard a couple had closed down due to weather, but there are more than two other airports in DC. So why don't they tell them as soon as they are able to halfway through the movie. There are other plot holes in this movie, but it's an action movie. The villain's a little weird, he's literally introduced doing yoga completely naked, and throughout the first half he seems to be trying way to hard to be evil. And in the end he isn't as memorable as other villains in the series.

But this movie is just a lot of fun to watch, I mean the first films better overall, but I'd say the last 45 minutes of this film are more fun than most of the action in the first. Bruce Willis is of course just as awesome as he was in the first film. I loved the supporting characters, it seems that most of them were able to get at least one laugh. There's plenty of cool explosions, and fantastic effects. Plus the plot, if you can get past all the holes, is pretty interesting, with a few fun twists.

Die Hard 2: Die Harder (a title so bad it has to be good) is probably the most flawed of all four movies so far, but it's just too much fun to care.

Home Alone 2: Lost in New York

I Like it more than the first
This my be weird too read, but I actually think this movie is better than the original. I'm not talking like Back to the Future 1 and 2 where I like the second one more but acknowledge that the first is better. No, I actually think that this movie is objectively better than the first film. Now don't get me wrong, I like the first film, but I just think this is stronger. But what do I know.

Basically whenever someone criticizes this movie they will say it sucks because it's just a rehash of the first movie. And they are technically right, but that's one of the things I like about it. And the film sort of knows this and pokes fun at it sometimes. For me, the bad stuff boils down to breaking the laws of physics sometimes, and not enough of Kevin's family.

But everything that works in the first movie works here. And it fixes some of the stuff that didn't work for me. In the first movie I thought it was kind of contrived how Kevin just automatically assumed he made his family disappear and how he never called the cops and just tell them that the buglers were coming to his house. In this movie those problems are fixed. I love the scenes in the hotel, Tim Curry is just so much fun to watch. I actually think it's funnier than the first, and it still gives that Christmas feeling.

I know no one will agree with me, but in my opinion, this sequel actually is better than the original.

Wreck-It Ralph

The Best Animated Movie of the Year
Ever since John Lasseter took over as the head of Dinsey's animation department, their CGI films have gotten a lot better. I'd actually consider Bolt and Tangled up there with some of Disney's Best works. And the same goes for Wreck It-Ralph, this is a funny, very exiting and likable movie that it should please everyone, not just gamers, and not just animation fans.

Probably my biggest complaint isn't so much a problem in the movie, it's just a little disappointment as to what it was marketed as. I though Ralph would be going into a lot more games and meet many more classic game characters, but he really only goes into four, one only for a short gag, and the cameos only really appear in the first act. Most of the rest is nitpicking, some of the jokes aren't that funny, the romance between felix and the commander feels a bit forced, and the rest are just so small.

I laughed quite a bit in this movie, going from small chuckles to LOLing. I loved the characters in this movie, the heros were likable and interesting, with some great backstory's and a few good twists along the way for some of them. The villain is funny and has quite the motivation, he is also very good at lying. The animation is fantastic, it seems to change with each game which is appropriate. The action scenes are fun, and the plot is deep without getting confusing. The cameos never take away from the story, and even though I'm not a gamer, I can tell you I enjoyed a lot of these cameos, so if you are a hardcore gamer, you will probably love this movie.

Wreck it Ralph ranks up with some of Disney's best works, and it the best animated movie of the year. It's funny, exiting, has some good dramatic moments, has a great pacing, fun characters, and fantastic animation. There are some nitpicks I have, but that doesn't stop this from being a great movie.

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2

It's at least the most entertaining in the series.
Well, it's finally over, or at least it's supposed to be over since I hear they're thinking about spin offs. The last Twilight, and just as a refresher, here's what I thought of the other four. Twilight: Didn't like it. New Moon: Not really good, but had enough moments to be watchable. Eclipse: I would say was OK. Breaking Dawn Part 1: Didn't like it. And now we have hit the final film, and it's certainly the most entertaining in the series, at least for half of it maybe.

Because when this movie slows down, it REALLY slows down. It can get so boring at points that I wanted to just stop watching. Bella's exposition narration was, well, as pointless as it was in "The Last Airbender." But that film at least was cut down and tried to fit a season of a TV show into one movie. This is fitting one half a book into a movie that's the end of a franchise, I don't think anyone will find it weird if it's longer. The actress who played Renesmee wasn't very good, I'm sure she tried her hardest, but would it kill her to have any other expression other than just blank staring. And I thought the main villain was supposed to be Dakota Fanning, but she doesn't do anything, literally, I don't even remember her talking.

Now for the positives: Bella actually does stuff other than mope and complain. She did start to get better in the last movie, but now she's actually fighting and doing stuff. And it's a good thing too, if Bella turned into a Vampire than didn't do anything, I would have been so angry. The movie seems to have a sense of humor in the beginning that pokes fun at the series, allowing for some actual entertainment. The villains are actually a threat, the leader being so over the top at times that I found myself laughing. And the final battle was actually really fun. It's just vampires and werewolves beating the crap out of each other, and it was actually quite entertaining. Thank God, since the movie was being very slow up to this point.

Now let's talk the twist, I won't spoil it, but it's the only twist ending I've ever seen that both infuriated me, and was also awesome at the same time. So...good job Twilight, you ended your series with you best, or at least most entertaining movie, even if it was still only just OK, so don't mess it up.


One of Pixar's weaker films, but still very good
After the critical disappointment that was Cars 2, people started to trash Pixar. They seem to have put the company on such a high pedestal, that one movie that wasn't a masterpiece was a sign that the company is never going to make a great movie again. Well I do love Pixar, and have absolutely loved several of their films, there are some movies that I just consider pretty good films that aren't masterpieces. The two Cars movies, Ratatouille, most of Up, and A Bug's Life, most of these were very good movies, but didn't reach amazing standards. And Brave lands in that category as well.

The major issue with this movie is the fact that the story is pretty cliché and very predictable. I knew exactly how the story would end half way through the movie. At times it feels like it's ripping off other movies like "How to Train Your Dragon" and "Brother Bear." The three little boys range from funny to kind of annoying. There's some juvenile humor, but all Pixar movies have that, they have some juvenile humor for the kids, and some jokes for the adults that will go over the kid's heads. And there was a little too much comedy, it often outweighs the dramatic stuff.

Which is kind of ashame, because the parts where the movie slows down and has some drama are some of the best parts. I liked the relationship between Merida and her mother, it was how a teenage daughter and her mother would act, despite being a bit cliché. The way the plot gets moving is something that you will either go along with, or it will kill the movie for you. I didn't mind this, I actually kind of enjoyed the way it moved the plot along. It led to some funny moments, and even a few heartwarming moments. I was never bored in the movie, most of the jokes worked, and the climax was enjoyable. But the best part was the animation, the first few seconds when it's just landscape actually made me ask "is that real?" And the animation on Merida's hair is outstanding, just as good as Repunzel's in "Tangled." So while "Brave" is one of Pixar's weaker movies, it's still a good one. The plot is predictable, but it has some really good characters and great animation, plus some good humor and a fun fantasy element. It's a great family movie, I would put it one step above "A Bug's Life" and one step below "Ratatouille," not really one I will watch over and over, but a good film that you and your children should enjoy.

The Amazing Spider-Man

Not Amazing, but pretty damn Good.
Here's a little confession, I have not seen the Sam Raimi Spiderman movies. Nor have I read any of the comics, or really watched any form of media about him, I think I saw a few episodes of the old cartoon once, but that's about it. So unlike everyone else, I didn't go into this movie with ridicuously high expectations. And for me, this movie actually exceeded my expectations. I just wanted a fun movie, but this movie was actually a very well done, pretty emotional movie that still managed to be fun.

There's quite a bit going on here, and because of this the film seems to forget about some of it's plot points. Maybe they were setting up for a sequel, but can we really just forget about some of these things that I won't spoil. And also because there is so much going on, sometimes it will either be going painfully slow, or feels rushed. I mean seriously it takes like 20 seconds after the bite and Peter already knows he has powers, but it takes almost a half hour after that for him to actually become Spider Man. Also some of the special effects weren't that great.

But what I really liked was the characters in this movie. I actually really liked Peter, he came off as a real person. He was nice but was sarcastic, he was picked on, but he wasn't a nerd, he gets dramatic about the stuff going on in his life, but he has a sense of humor. There's a bit of an emotional pull to the movie involving his relationship with the other characters. Gwen was likable, she was what a good female lead should be: tough, smart, likable, funny, but even she can get into trouble. Half the time I forgot Emma Stone was playing her. And the villain was threatening, but kind of sympathetic. Despite some of the effects looking fake, most of them look pretty damn amazing. And it's just fun, that's one thing Marvel has over DC most of the time, they have a sense of fun to them. The movie is serious, but it's also a little campy, I mean there's only so serious that you can take a man dressed in that suit. It has a real fun sense of humor (including one of, if not the best Stan Lee Cameos), along with some fun action scenes. And as for the story, it's pretty basic, but it works.

The Amazing Spider Man is definitely one of the better superhero orgin stories I've seen. Certainly more fun than Batman Begins and Iron Man. Despite some slow scenes, and some rushed scenes, the film manages to balance the seriousness of trying to make a superhero orgin story, and the fun that a comicbook movie like this should have. And while some people were disappointed, my expectaitons were actually surpassed.

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter

Not as infuriating as Wanted, but still pretty bad.
I had low, and I mean LOW expectations for this movie. Not because of any reviews, but because this movie is directed by Timur Bekmambetov, who's last movie "Wanted," infuriated me to my core and is currently my least favorite movie of all time. Now the idea for this movie, seemed like it could be a fun, action, guilty pleasure type of flick along with something like Transformers, but man this movie was annoying. Like I said, I went in with, well, absolutely no positive expectations, and it's a good thing too. Well this movie was bad, it didn't tick me off like "Wanted" did. Oh this is currently the worst movie I've seen so far this year, but it was mostly because the film was annoying and boring.

Here's the thing, I can't stand Timur Bekmambetov's style of direction, it annoys the crap out of me. Basically, he films all his action scenes the same way. He starts off in some slow motion, and then speeds it up for a quick second and then goes normal after the cool part has happened. This can be used very well if it is done right, but Bekmambetov just does it so frequently that it becomes annoying. He also adds so much CGI, and it all looks incredibly fake. Just like the bullets in Wanted, everything in here, including the Vampires were very cheap looking. And most of the time, I couldn't even tell what was going on in the fight scenes. The characters are forgettable, there is one character I liked, and I'll get to him later. Benjamin Walker and Mary Elizabeth Winstead have no chemistry and just come off as bland. It's very inconsistent, the (Spoilers) Vampires have the power to turn invisible. How? Never explained. But if they can turn invisible, and they know that Lincoln is president, so why don't they just turn invisible, sneak into the white house and bite him. Also, I thought Vampires couldn't have they're pictures taken, yet they have dozens of pictures of one taking off his glasses. I'm no history nut, so I don't know how well this fits into history. But I did do a little research and found out that Lincoln had four sons, and only one was in the film. Granted one died like 10 years before the civil war, but wouldn't it be nice to acknowledge the rest of them besides William. And finally it's just a bore. It's not the most boring film I've seen all year, but basically, why am I watching this? To see Abraham Lincoln kill Vampires, and do I get that? Well through half the movie we follow young Lincoln, who I couldn't care less about. Then we get to the Lincoln we all recognize with the beard and hat, but for most of the second half he doesn't do anything interesting, he just sort of stands around and tries to figure out how to win the war. This might be good in a documentary of Lincoln, or a biography, but in a movie called Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, I want to see Lincoln killing Vampires. And the movie takes itself way too seriously. Yes, Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter is played straight. What part of that title makes it sound like it was meant to be played straight? The only time Lincoln, the one we recognize, fights is in the last half hour, and even then, his friend does most of the work.

Speaking of which, William Johnson is the one character in this movie I cared about. He's played by Anthonly Mackie, who ironically played the only character I cared about in the Hurt Locker as well. He actually has some pretty cool moments, and I actually felt sorry for him a few times. In terms of production value it is a pretty good looking film. The costumes, make up and sets all do look pretty nice. And I will give Bekmambetov this, he can really shoot one hell of a train crash. The train crash in this, and in Wanted were both the best parts of the movie. And to this movie's credit they saved that part for the end and not in the middle.

Overall this movie wasn't as quite as infuriating as I thought it would be. But that doesn't mean it's good. Like with Wanted, I would forgive this movie if it were entertaining, but it really isn't, it's a bore. As bad as Wanted was, it at least gave you what it promised, it was bad, but it did give you plenty of action. I don't hate Timur Bekmambetov as a person, I don't know him personally. But his style annoys the hell out of me. But to be fair he isn't the only one at fault here, the moronic writers who played this movie straight deserve an equal part of the blame.


Rock of Ages

Mostly a Bore
I'm not someone who has a major interest in music. Don't get me wrong, I like listening to music, but it certainly isn't my passion. So of course musicals aren't my favorite genre of film. Not to say there aren't ones I like and even love, but I can't say that I had very high expectations for this movie. Especially with all the negative reviews I had heard about it. But I was willing to give it a shot, I mean, classic 80s hits, an 80s movie feel, it could be fun.

This was dull, it was just a dull experience. Way too long, not very funny, boring characters, and a cliché plot. I actually think there are way too many songs in this movie. I know it's a musical, but literally a song will end and then 30 seconds later a new one will start. This wouldn't be so bad, except the songs are so forgettable. The songs themselves aren't bad, of course most are classics, and the singers aren't bad. But most of them just aren't fun, it's hard to explain. I'd say there are three, maybe four songs that I said "Yeah, this is kind of fun," and even shook my head to them. But the rest I'd say, just listen to the original song. The characters are mostly forgettable, and Tom Cruise phones in his performance. I could tell how the movie would end half way through, exactly how it would end. It's not very funny, it has it's moments, but mostly it takes itself way too seriously. And because of that, it becomes a boring film, and at almost two hours long (over that including the credits) it becomes almost unbearable at a few points.

What was good in the movie? Well, Catherine Zeta Jones was pretty enjoyable. She was one, out of like five villains, and she was pretty over the top, and has the best song in the movie (Hit me with your Best shot). And her part in the "we built this City/We're not gonna take it" was pretty fun. It's looks nice, it has kind of an 80's feel, I wansn't there so I couldn't tell you, but it seemed pretty 80'sish. And like I said, they're are some fun songs, and some funny moments.

But for the most part it is just a bore. Part of me thinks I would actually hate this movie if I had a passion for music because the songs are so forgettable. I didn't hate this movie, but I just wanted it to end. Really, with the exception of those few songs, there wasn't too much to enjoy. Maybe I'm wrong about the music passion thing, maybe if you really love 80's rock music you will love this, but I found it to be a bore for the most part.


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